22. Seeing the dead

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"Marinette," I heard people whispering into my ears in singsongs; echoing singsongs. "Wake up, Marinette," I opened my eyes sharply, an unfamiliar face above mine. I scanned his body down. I was quite terrified by the fact that he was light blue with no legs, no neck, just a head and a shirtless torso. I opened my mouth like a fish out of water.

"Don't scream," he whispered. "Just sit up quietly," I closed my eyes and reopened them but he was still there. "I'm not disappearing, I'm a ghost, like a dead bodiless ghost."

Is there any other name for it?!

"We all are!!!" I flinched, jolting up at the echo of shouts. Ghosts were everywhere, some with normal skin colour and a few with blue or green skin. "Please, don't scream!" They echoed.

"After staying here for long, I don't think getting scared is an option," I sighed, rubbing my throbbing forehead. The teenage boy who was floating above me descended. "What happened to you?"

"I died, duh."

"She meant how you died, stupid," A girl scoffed.

"We are all ghosts, ghosts of people who died a tragic or untimely death. Mostly because we were murdered. We have been wandering through Twilight Myth for years now, so glad you are finally here,"

"Me? Why?"

"You are a shadow witch, we saw what you did at school. Only a shadow witch can do that." An old woman with three bullet holes in her head replied, one of her eyes was also missing.

"How did you know what a shadow witch is?" I asked suspiciously.

"I have lived long enough as a ghost to know,"

"Okay…? So what does it have to do with me? How can I help you?"

"We want to be free to rest or take our revenge. You are the only one who can do that for us." An older man with a twisted neck replied. They all died gruesomely, the sight was horrible. Everything was too much to take in.

"Okay, I'm listening," they were thirty in total, each with their own story of regrets, tragic murder and love life that didn't concern me. The bullet-headed woman was killed by the man she loved, he wanted her wealth, successfully married her and then killed her after three years. It was pitiful.

"The only thing I want is for you to help my son. He's a subject of ridicule and sexual harassment. My husband's wife forces him to sleep with her every time she gets the chance. She is ruining his life, he is just seventeen years old. Please, save my son so I can find peace." Another woman who was poisoned narrated in tears. I had to carry a book and jot down all their requests.

"I still don't know what I'm going to achieve by helping you. Can't a psychic help you out? Psychics also communicate with the dead, you know,"

"What they can do is nothing compared to what you can do. You're the bridge between the world of the dead and the living," The boy whose name was Felix replied.

"I don't know exactly what to do because I'm a rookie. Plus, if I help you, does that mean I have to help every single dead person? I might not know a thing about the world of the dead but I know enough to say not all things are to be tampered with, some are meant to be like that."

"We know but you can still help,"

"I don't know how my power works,"

"You can make people relive their worst moments, fears, nightmares, sadness, regret, all over again and again. If they can't overcome it, they will be trapped in their world of anguish and sorrow, until their soul gets sucked out of them. That was what you did to the nymphs, you made her live her greatest fear. Most times, you create a fear for them, one they can never escape and your emotions determine how strong your power will be…" I listened meticulously. "Like what I want is for you to grant me access back to life, to give me time to avenge my entire family and myself. You can grant that but only with a limited time. Once my time is up, I will either rest or get trapped in the underworld."

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