Chapter 6 - The Successor of Adam

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The plan was a simple one. The location was a river mansion with an expansive garden on one side and a large facility to the other side, all local to a port. The facility was where the slaves were held and trained until bought. The garden and mansion would be hosting the party. Caius bought an entry legitimately, to my surprise, in our family name. I would reveal my identity as the hostage-king that I am and socialize, gain the attention of the host, and keep him occupied until the end. Meanwhile, the Mirrad-Blood would search his quarters on the third floor. Caius had it on good information that the host was cheap and had not employed increased security for the event, and so would likely have his guards focused on the guests to prevent them from entering the stairs leading up to the upper floors instead of investigating the floors themselves.

There was, however, a problem with the plan.

"You're assuming his quarters are on the top floor then." I speculated.

"Well, yes. Why wouldn't they be?"

"Base floors are where the rich live and their sons and daughters take the upper floors, followed by the servants and staff on the third floor and attic. The more floors there are, the poorer the occupants. Taking the time to use stairs regularly is an inconvenience left to the poor. Unless there is a good view."

"There is [a good] view." The Mirrad-Blood replied, in his broken speech.

"Then probably the second floor facing the view." I said. Caius looked at me skeptically, but nodded.

"Party [does] not start [until] Evil Eye shuts." The Mirrad-Blood said. "[I will] scout it again. Meet me at [the] party."

I agreed to the plan. Caius provided some funding for whatever expenses might be necessary as well as the location. I was in upper class clothing as it was, but one of the unspoken rules of high society is that the new and fresh is a constant point of criticism that changes by the hour, so an updated warddrobe was in order. I had no qualms expending my brothers capital on the mind-numbing absurdity of spending hours being fitted by haute couture's and my senses overloaded by parfumiers. A hypocrtical view, perhaps, but I'd be able to look myself in the mirror with a mask knowing the cause to which I had worn the mask, than if I had proudly stood on principle.

When the time came, the sun had yet to sleep. By the regular hours it must have been the 15th hour of the day. It should have been night two hours ago. Whispers were said in the street that the sun was angry or restless, and though it was said as a myth of the ignorant, having met the Sun Emperor, there might be some truth to it.

"Today is going to be one of those long days," I sighed.

I returned to the second floor of the tower and arranged my living quarters. I would not subject my nephew to sleeping on the floor, and most certainly not to be left in my brother's care. I would need to buy bedding better than a few pillows and a quilt, but in the meantime it would have to do. I left my immediate bedroom, entering the mainroom, and about leaped out of my skin. In the corner of the room sat the Aeterna Emperor, silently watching me. His golden gauntlet was on my table.

"Gads! How long have you been there!" I gasped, leaning against the wall to stand.

He did not answer. He watched me through his brows, his fingers laced together in front of his lips thoughtfully and his elbows on the table.

I took a moment to calm my frantic heart and breath. I had not seen the god-king in a year since my defeat, and today I would meet him three times. He was my enemy. Because of him, my people were reduced to slaves in a foreign land. Thankfully, my fear won out over my hate.

"Would you like some water?" I asked, playing the part of the humble hostage-king. "Or some fruit? I do not have any potatoes, but I do have some apples, bananas, grapes."

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