Chapter 7 - The Pleasure of Blood

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Night had come. 

I hastened to the agreed location. Horns were blown, signifying the imminent raising of the gates against the rising Night-Blood. The streets were quickly illuminated by hanging lanterns while people hastened home beneath them, caught off guard by the Aeterna's mood. The agreed location was a street corner where the lantern was not lit, bathing the surroundings in darkness under the shadow of a mansion. Even so, the mansion was well lit and the crowd was gathering to enter.

A soldier stepped out of the darkness and approached me. As he neared, the inner veils peaked out of the creases, revealing him to be the Mirrad-Blood. He passed to me a scroll bearing the signature and wax seal for entry to the party signifying payment had been completed in full. He then stepped back into the shadows.

When he was done with his little 'errand' the signal for my departure was that another of Caius' men would bring a message in the name of my brother. 

I entered the line of party go-ers. The line was fairly long, but there was several servants inspecting our credentials allowing a steady flow. Most of us were Ne-Blood, but a surprising number included Ire-Blood. Kes-Blood and Ire-Blood slaves were not in short supply.

I approached the gate servant and handed to her my credentials. She inscrolled it, inspected the signature and the wax seal, and nodded in approval. "It looks in order, but you did not sign which services you would want."

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Well," She explained professionally. "You paid the entry fee, but along with that is a number of services and activities you may enjoy at no cost, so long as you show this paper to them to verify you paid. Right now you will only be permitted to the entrance and the banquet."

I shouldn't limit my access nor ability to work. So I asked, "I understand. So, tell me of these services."

"We have an auction, mostly of choice slaves and priceless antiques from across the Empire, but includes a special, secret auction in the end." My sun-child may be among them. I nodded. She quickly wrote on the paper. "We will be holding an open gladiator tournament. Is it wrong to assume you have no entry? Good. Would you like to spectate?" I nodded. "We will be holding a board game tournament for the nobles." I immediately nodded. "As well as physical tournaments in archery and fencing." I nodded. "Between each banquet course, and during, will be entertainment: jesters, minstrels, jugglers, mummers, pageantiers, erotic dancers, chorales, poets, an acting rendition of the Ne's conquest over Ire and Kes, and a mystery play the guests may participate in. This you will find play out in the banquet premises and requires no special pass, but be aware of it."

"I understand."

She jotted down my requests, then asked, "Would you like to taste some of the local youth?"

This question, and its sexual implications, caught me off guard, and if it were not for years of social graces pounded into me, I would have fallen on my face. Thankfully, I did not react, didn't even need to clear my throat. "You are referring to adolescent girls?"

"And young boys, yes." She answered without flinching. "Ne, Ire, and mostly Kes, as to your chosen pleasure."

I clenched my shaking fists behind my back and clamped my mouth shut, even as bile threatened to rise. My first reaction was a resounding 'no', but the urgency of my purpose locked my answer in place. Aelius was the child, and I was the adult. It was on me as his sun-father and king to look into the horrors with open eyes, so his eyes could be shut.

"Yes," I answered, managing to keep my tone proper.

"Very good." She wrote my reply. She rolled the scroll back and handed it to me. "Take this to the bellman just over there, please enjoy yourself." I couldn't get away fast enough to find a corner to vomit in.

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