Chapter 19 - Standard of Hatred

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We left my home in a rush. I did not want Slavian exposed to my friend plotting his father's death. Slavian's relationship to his father was complicated and Fereren would only make it more complicated.

 There was nothing I could do to stop my brother and Fereren from plotting, but I could remove the necessity for it from the inside. The Aeterna was thought through and capable of reason, despite our opposing stances. He was stubborn, but he accepted my challenges so long as I had the will to stand to him. It is an honor and respect Adam gave me as his successor. I was the only one who could get through to him. 

My people, my friends, they would not understand. I was walking a line, but so long as I was careful I could protect all of them. My people. Fereren. Aelius. Slavian. Koj'Ineh.  I could even protect the people I would have at one time called enemy, including my brother.

There was hope to prevent war.

"What was that about?" Koj'Ineh asked, forgoing the pretense and speaking normally.

If anyone could understand the delicacy of the situation and keep a secret or two, it would be him. He had trusted me with secrets that could kill him. Thankfully it did not when Caius caught us, but the willingness was not lost on me.

I needed allies.

"Slavian," I started, motioning to them. "May I introduce Koj'Ineh'Mirrad, chieftain of the Ineh."

"Uh- Hi?" Slavian stopped and regarded the towering armored man. The Mirrad-Blood towered even over the Soran-Blood on Slavian's back.

"Slavian, he is very good at keeping secrets, and assisted in rescuing Aelius."

"Okay?" Slavian asked. Koj also looked at me, his helmet tilted.

"I think it would do you good to have a few contacts who you can trust. Especially someone who understands leadership."

"You mean-" Slavian stopped, his eyes widened.

"Yes, but I leave it to you."

Slavian gulped and looked between us. He looked down and tapped his feet on the ground. "I'm Slavian," Slavian let out a shaky breath. "Son of the Aeterna Emperor."

Immediately, Koj went forward. Slavian fled back, his eyes widening and hands up defensively. Nel'Andra snapped his claws out.

"Your eternal majesty," Koj'Ineh greeted. He put his fists on the ground and bowed his head to the ground.

A moment passed and Slavian slowly put his hands down. Nel'Andra retracted his claws. Still, Koj'Ineh stayed prone to the ground, unmoving and paying homage, until Slavian looked away, blushing and fidgeting. 

"I'm not a eternal or majesty or whatever."

"But you are the heir." I replied. I looked around. People were starting to stare. "Koj, this needs to be secret and you are making a scene."

Koj did not move.

"Please, stop. Rise!" Slavian whispered. Koj'Ineh rose to his feet. "Please do not do that again."

"This is how kings greet each other when one is superior to another." I explained. "You will get used to it."

Slavian gave me a sideways glare. "So why don't you do that?"

I smirked. Snarky brat. "Your father expects me to keep you protected and behaved, and you can't very well respect me if I spend all of it eating dirt."

"How about you eat shit then?" He bit playfully.

Koj looked at me. "This complicates everything."

"I'm glad you picked up on that. I'm trying to keep it stable."

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