Chapter 21 - Siblings

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As soon as the mid day meal was over, Slavian excused himself and, finding there was a backdoor, stepped out. Behind the house was a grassy yard going into the creek. On the left was a wooden fence and on the right was part of the house. Slavian breathed out tensly. Nel'Andra walked out after him and looked up at him with his glowing eyes.

"I just need a moment. Fresh air." Slavian said.

Nel'Andra raised a hand in the motion 'why? Air inside.'

"I don't know- just do." Slavian shook his head. His muscles tensed and relaxed like it was cold, but it was warm. His next breath hitched in his throat and he rubbed dew from his eyes. Suddenly self-concious, he stepped to the side into the corner and leaned against the wall. His friend followed and stayed near.

"Nel'Andra," The prince started. "Why do people praise father, while others speak against him? Mother said such good things, but people chose to die than live under him. People are offering prayers and thanks, and people are scheming his demise. Who is correct? Is he good? Is he bad?"

The prince took a steadying breath and shoved his emotions back. This place was messing with his head. There was too much noise, too many people, too much laughter, affection, and camaraderie. It was too much of grandmothers and mothers and fathers giving children attention around him.

It was suffocating.

At last Nel'Andra motioned, 'He is.'

"He is what?"

'He is.' The Soran-Blood motioned again.

"That doesn't tell me anything. He is good? He is bad?"

'He is. More- he is your father. Other questions- no matter.'

Slavian sighed and pinched his nose near the base. Why were the other questions irrelevant? He was trying to sort out just who his father was.

The Soran-Blood added, 'Always conflict. Every line drawn someone is on other side. Law cannot please all.'

"I guess you're right." Slavian leaned back against the wall and looked up at the sun. If he looked close enough, he thought he could see the tip of the tower where father was. Yet, at the same time, the tower was never ending. He chuckled. "Can you believe we climbed that? I thought I was going to fall so many times, but hand holds happened to be exactly where we needed them, the windows were convenient. And them gusts were so strong they managed to catch us and throw us in or shove us into the stone!" He looked down at his friend, a mischievous grin plastered across his face. "Want to do it again?"

Nel'Andra shook his head frantically.

"You're no fun." He said with no bite.

The backdoor opened and out poured a throng. Like shepherds, the patriarch of the Revue family lead them, children and animal alike, out into the yard where immediately they scattered. Nel'Andra leaped up to the roof above the door and hung there above their heads to avoid being trampled.

Krakow immediately set the children into groups to contest in a game. One would normally think there not be enough players for a large sport within a single family, but as the players were tallied out, there were more than enough and to Slavian's surprise he selected a third team among them. He told them the rules, threw a ball into their midst, and took many steps back as the rules were immediately forgotten and the entire yard turned to chaos. Slavian had no idea what the goal or aim was for victory, and it likely was they had no idea either. He watched, bewildered, as the mass of arms and legs drifted from one side to another.

"That should wear them out." Krakow explained. He approached and sat on the wooden porch beside Slavian. He smiled and looked up at the older boy. "You wish to join in?"

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