1. Hope

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a-nightmare75 Requested some Hayley Marshell and Ned!! Hope you enjoy! Get it? HOPE you enjoy.


''Roman, you don't have to do this. She's not a werewolf or a hybrid, she's your friend, and you care about her." Hayley begged, he looked to her daughter, Hope lying unconscious on the floor.  "I know you do." Hayley couldn't lose her daughter, not after everything she had done to get here, to this very moment. All the pain and loss and transformation. Vampires, werewolves, witches, she couldnt lose her.

"Please, Mom, please, don't make me do this." Roman whimpered clutching at the wooden stake. "- Please, don't..." he whimpered glancing back to Hope.

"Give that to me!" Greta shouted grappling with the stake, pulling it free from his grasp.

"Mother, no!" Roman shouted out but Hayley was quick, pinned her against the wall. They fought struggling for the upper hand. Greta had a vicious grip on Hayley's neck, when the door flew open.

"Elijah..." Hayley whimpered as he drove a stake through Klaus's back.

Her vision spotted as she tried to breathe. Greta's hand pierced through Hayley's stomach, trying to rip out her heart. Hayley's mouth moved wordlessly as she choked for breath.

Hayley  looked to Hope, Roman cradling her in his arms. Klaus panted for breath unable to pull the stake free. Hayley knew what she had to do. With every last bit of strength she had left she tore off Greta's finger, the daylight ring on it clattered to the ground before she launched them both outside into the light. She hoped that her sacrifice would give her daughter her best chance. As the sun hit their skin.

Hayley burst into flames.


According to prophecy, our champion will be reborn to wake dragons from stone and reforge the great sword Lightbringer that defeated the darkness those thousands of years ago.

Hayley Marshell was not that person.

''Oww,'' Hayley grumbled opening her eyes. She was on the forest floor. ''If this is peace I want a fucking refund!'' Hayley declared.

''You alright lady?'' Sandor asked stopping his horse Stranger when he saw Hayley moaning and groaning on the ground.

''I'm at peace. Let me have my fucking peace.'' Hayley griped closing her eyes and curling up into a ball.

''Peace on the ground?'' Sandor chuckled. ''Alright chick.''

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now