43. Mother Knows Best

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'Where is the beast?' Robert questioned

'Chained up outside your grace' Ned told him. Robert nodded. Cersei smiled.

'Do me the honor ser Payne.' Cersei said happily.

"Robert." Hayley demanded stepping forward. 

"Mother." Robert coed. 

"Robert honey it would severely displease me if you harmed those wolves." Hayley corrected.

"Robert!" Cersei sneered. Ned looked between them as Hayley put a hand on roberts arm.

"You wouldn't want to make me sad." Hayley coed. "Would you my sweet boy?"

"No. Of course not." Robert agreed. "Joffrey be a man about it. The wolves stay."

"Oh thank you honey." Hayley declared, no compulsion needed. Robert truly did just want to please his mother.  "After all, mother knows best."

"Robert!" Cersei shrieked. 

"Father!" Joffrey whined. 

"Go to bed." Robert grumbled. "I have had just about enough of this."

"Girls what do you say to lady Baratheon?" Ned questioned as the room cleared out.

"Thank you so much lady baratheon. We will take better care and keep them away from the prince." Sansa declared

"That was awesome you're the best!" Arya declared

"Happy to help." Hayley assured. "But its late, get some rest."

"Nymeria?" Arya questioned. 

"I will get her." Hayley assured as Arya clung to her tight. Bran smirked at the door. "And make sure your brother goes to bed." Hayley added and Ned peered back at Bran and Jon. 

"Thank you Hayley. You didn't have to do that." Ned added as the girls headed off.

"Yes I did." Hayley corrected. "They are family too."


That night ned found hayley by the dogs. Summer wagged her tail happily as Hayley pet her.

"Such a good pup you are." Hayley coed and summer licked up her cheek. "Sweet thing you are... hello Ned." he chuckled, she hadnt even turned around but somehow she knew. She always knew. 

"I don't know how you do that." Ned remarked.

I know your scent Hayley thought your heartbeat your stride, all the things a normal person couldnt dream of knowing about a person.

"I just know." Hayley offered. Ned chuckled crouching beside her. 

"Thank you again." Ned said as he pet Lady gently. 

"You dont have to keep thanking me." Hayley assured. "But you could thank me with a beer." she corrected. 

"I can do that." Ned agreed and he couldnt hide his giddy smile.


'What I'm about to tell you, you cannot repeat anyone else.' Catelyn said to Robb, and Theon. 'I do not think Brandon fell from that Tower I think he was thrown and I believe a Lannister's are involved.' Catelyn told them 'We already have reason to believe they're not loyal to the crown.' Catelyn went on as Robb's mind raced.

'So they come into our home and try and murder my brother.' Robb said through clenched teeth. "But he wasnt even there."

"Whoever knew of Bran's fall must have been here, wrote it before they left." Catelyn remarked. "Wanted him dead before he squealed on them..."

 'if it's war they want-' Robb began.

'If it comes to that you know I will stand behind you.' Theon added.

'war? Is there going to be a battle in the gods wood?' the maester said 'to easily words of war become acts of war we don't know the truth yet.'

'I will ride to Kings Landing.' Robb said

'no I know there must always be a stark in Winterfell.' Catelyn reminded him.


"It must be me!" Catelyn shouted. Robb didn't know if his mother was being delusional or thinking clearly but if she was right then his father, sisters and brothers had walked straight into the lions den.


The rest of the journey was tiring but they were almost there. Hayley opted out of riding for the afternoon and piled in with Bran and 2/3s of her lannister grandchildren. Summer lay at their feet contently as Hayley ran a hand through Tommen's hair, he was quickly falling asleep in her arms. 

Renly had ridden ahead, him and Loras would hopefully be at the palace already. Sansa rode with her septa and a handmaiden in a separate carriage. Joffrey and Cersei were practically shouting from their carriage still about the wolves. Hayley could hear them from here. 

Cersei was examining Joffrey's arm perplexed. Where did the blood come from? What happened to the wound? Questions raced through her mind. Hayley had offered that it was late and probably just dirt or berries smashed down from the fall and staining his arm. 

Vampirism, Rebekah Mikaelson had always told Hayley that it was a form of protection and that never mattered more then right now. Hayley was able to protect her new pack by healing the prick of a prince.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now