10. What's Dead. Stays Dead

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'Is everything prepared for the royal family?' catelyn snapped as she snapped orders at servants and guards preparing. Meals being tested and adjusted, rooms tripled cleaned.

'why are you asking me? That's not my job.' ned reminded her his eyes drifting. Any semblance of the sane and composed woman he knew was gone. She was a manic trying to make everything perfect.

Jon and Ghost were in the courtyard and Jon was training him. Ghost was the most obedient of the pups and Ned knew why. Summer and shaggy dog were next because Bran and Rickon had asked Jon for help. They all loved their pups so desperately wanted to keep them and prove they could but the younger two were struggling at first and Jon was more than happy to help. Ned loved that about Jon. He truly had his mothers heart.

'must we argue? They will be here any day now, we must at least pretend we are an undivided front.' catelyn reminded him. Ned stared a harsh gaze upon her. 'you really are useless, incompetent, imbecile.' she muttered leaving. Ned scoffed as she left.

He clenched his fists in front of him, he would never hit a women but catelyns actions tempted him. He could already see it was going to be a long day of arguing with himself until he heard the children. They always brightened his day.


Hayley wrapped a cloak around her as she came out of the stream. Sure it was fucking freezing but she felt disgusting. She showered daily back home and now she was bathing and bathing in streams whenever... her skin care and haircare routine was nonexistent now and she was waiting for her face to retaliate and have acne popping up like when she was a teenager. Her hair was oily and greasy and that was something she couldnt stop. Her body was not used to Westeros. She didnt know that it ever would be.

She didnt notice the eyes on her until she turned around.

"Enjoy the show?" Hayley mused.

"It's freezing in there mum, what are you doing?" Renly demanded pulling his cloak around her too.

Being a hybrid she was either cold from her vampire nature or burning up from her werewolf nature. It was a good benefit of being a hybrid. Also the fact that she got to eat real food. Vampires didnt need to eat. Hayley liked food, and blood was as needed.

"I'm alright." Hayley assured. "Just a quick dip."

"It's freezing out here." Sandor agreed. "Freeze your tits off."

"My tits are fine." Hayley assured. "What to check?" Renly scoffed leading her to the fire.

"Get by the fire and warm up before Robert wakes up. He will be furious if you catch a flu out here." Renly

"I love how much you care." Hayley remarked as Renly ran a hand over her cloaked arm trying to warm her up. It was sweet how much her boys loved her.


'Get cleaned up!' Catelyn spat down to the boys. 'NOW!" she shouted. 'I won't ask again.' Catelyn gaze turned to Jon, her eye twitched as she glared at him.

'Did she ask?' Theon murmured. 'she shouted at us, a big difference. Right?''

"Go on, before we get in trouble." Jon begged.

"Stop your moving or I'm going to chop your ear off Theon." Their barber, Andy declared.

"Dont shave my face! I will look like a baby-" Theon grumbled.

"Dont move, I might chop your nose off too." Andy remarked and Jon chuckled. "Shirts off boys, Lord Robb you are next." Robb pulled off his shirt.

"Did you hear that the kings mother is alive?" Jon questioned.

"Lies." Andy corrected.

"I heard that too." THeon agreed. "Said she is alive and well and a total babe."

"Lies." Andy corrected. "Shes long been dead and whats dead. Stays dead."

"Why is your mother dead set on us looking pretty for the King?' Jon asked as their faces were shaved clean their hair cut nicely.

'It's for the queen I bet.' Theon offered. "Or dead mother of the king."

'I hear the prince is a right royal prick.' Robb added with a smirk but Andy grabbed his chin jerking his face towards the candle light.

"Its just strange dont you think? The kings mother. No one spoke of her for years-" jon remarked

"Because shes dead and whats dead. Stays dead."

"Just a weird thought." Jon offered.

"You want to fuck the kings dead mum Jon?" Theon mused.

"Please hes never met a girl he likes better than hisnown hair!" Robb laughed out as Andy plopped Jon down.


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"Start making a fuss." Hayley demanded. "Train me. You dont have guns here and if im going to survive here. I need to know your way of fighting."

"Women dont fight." Sandor corrected as he watched the blade in her hand move elegantly.

"Thats fucking rediculous and incorrect." Hayley assured him.

"What did you do for protection before?" Sandor pondered.

"I had another more deadly methods that I wish to keep vacant as long as I can." Hayley offered innocently.

"Alright." Sandor grumbled. "I keep fucking telling you. You cant use my sword though. Its not for a little thing like you."

If only he knew the strength she possessed.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now