54. Stunning

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"Night Ned.'' Hayley whispered leaning against her door frame.

"Goodbye Hayley." Ned echoed staring back at her.

"You know maybe you are a horrible kisser and I need to find out." Hayley decided. "Just a kiss goodnight." ned smiled back at her as she leaned in kissing him, his lips chased after her as she pulled back. Hayley hummed her approval as she griped the door.

"That bad?" ned mused.

"That good that I'm going to thinking about all the places I would like those lips while I'm tossing and turning tonight." Hayley corrected.

He reached out for her kissing her fiercely. Rough hands grabbed her hips pulling her to him as she walked them back into the room. His hands roamed her figure as his lips refused to part from hers. He hoisted her up and her legs wrapped around his hips his hands squeezed her ass as he kicked the door closed.

A moan of excitement left her before a knock sounded on the door. Hayley held her breath. No no not now please Hayley thought desperately.

"Gramma?" Tommens little voice seeped through the door. "Gramma you up? I had a bad dream."

"No i'm fast asleep." Hayley mused as Ned got off of her. "I suppose Im back to using my imagination but now I have a better picture in my mind of what is going to happen." Hayley remarked with the utmost confidence. "Goodnight ned." Hayley whispered walking him to the door.

"Goodnight Hayley thank you for-"

"Don't bother making up some excuse. Hes like 5 he doesnt care." Hayley assured. 

"Im not five im not a baby." Tommen corrected.

"My big baby." Hayley offered as he jump up on the bed. "Night ned. Dream of me." Hayley requested, closing the door.


Tommen's feet were in Hayleys face in the morning. She blow on his toes and he squealed curling up into a ball. 

"Hey baby." Hayley remarked as she got up. "How did you end up over there?" TOmmen shrugged, smiling back at her. 

"Your bed is nice and comfy." Tommen informed her. 

"I think so." Hayley agreed. "You ready for the tourney today? Its going to be fun." Tommen nodded jumping up and running to the door. 

"I'm going to wear my lion shirt-"

"Wear your yellow one... one with the stag for your father." Hayley countered. Tommen nodded as he headed out. "Tell Mycella the same please!" Hayley called after him. 

Olenna smiled back at Hayley when she got to the banquet hall. Hayley plopped down beside her. 

"You know I never understood getting dressed for breakfast." Hayley offered as she piled her plate. "I mean... I also didnt have time to eat breakfast most days and I was grabbing a handful of cereal and heading out but still, there wasnt like sitting and eating breakfast after you got all dolled up." Olenna chuckled looking over her outfit. "I like to be comfortable, dresses are not comfortable." Hayley cut in when she saw Olenna's face. 

"I like you. And I agree." Olenna remarked, her gaze turned slightly to Cersei and she stuck her nose up with distaste. 

"What the hell is this?" Cersei sneered. 

"Gramma said we should wear fathers colors." Tommen remarked. Cersei's gaze shifted to Hayley she smiled back at her but Cersei's pinched face held a scowl. 

"You angered the queen." Olenna tsked through a laugh. 

"I'm good at it." Hayley agreed. Hayley brought her middle finger to her lips and blew Cersei a kiss. Olenna cackled out. 

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now