55. Not Today

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Gendry took a seat behind Hayley, Sansa smiled softly back at him but otherwise didnt spare him a second glance. Shireen introduced herself like a good proper little lady and Bran and Rickon jumped back to sit by Gendry asking about their swords. Hayley found Jon and handed off the helmet he stared back at it. 

"Go on, try it on." Hayley encouraged. Jon put it on and it felt right, like he was knight. "Handsome, watch out ladies." Hayley declared as he flipped open the visor. 

"This is amazing." Jon declared as he pulled it off. 

"Tell Gendry how much you like it, I already invited him and by the looks of it-" Hayley peered back. "- Bran and Rickon are already interrogating him about their blades. Come on. Oh and Renly, good luck and kick ass."

"Thanks mum." Renly agreed. 

"Who are you going up against?" 

"Hightower, Smith and then if I make it that far... Sandor Clegane." Renly answered and Hayley cringed. "Wow, thats confidence." Renly mused. 

"Dont die, he's a big man, you are my little boy." Hayley instructed. 

"Confidence." Renly repeated. Hayley moved to Sandor. 

"Hey, do me a huge favor-" Hayley began. 

"I'm not letting your son win." Sandor cut her off. 

"You honestly think I would ask you that? You dont know me at all." Hayley decided. "I was going to say dont kill him."

"That I can do." Sandor agreed. 

Renly performed well in the Hand's tourney, but in his third match he lost to the Hound, Sandor Clegane.

"Aw, it's okay honey, you did great." Hayley declared as Renly cleaned up and took a seat beside her. 

"You bet on Sandor didnt you?" Renly realized. 

"I know how to spot a winner." Hayley offered kissing his cheek. 

"Wow! Thanks." Renly declared. Gendry was telling Shireen about how he made the helmet, Hayley loved that she always wanted to learn, Rickon and bran were jumping up and down screaming with delight and disgust after every match. Mycella didnt like the tourney, neither did Tommen, they didnt like violence. Mycella liked all the horses though. Margaery was telling Tommen a story about high Garden and he was captivated. Jon stared at his reflection in the helmet as Hayley leaned into him.

"A true warrior." Hayley remarked softly. Jon didnt know who his mother was but it didnt matter to him anymore because he had Hayley and she took him in as though he was her own right away. 

'Good Lord who is that?' Sansa questioned Petyr as the competitors in the tournament rode forward.

'That is ser Gregor Clegane they call him the mountain.' Petyr told her 'the hounds older brother''

"Sandor has an older brother..." Hayley recalled she glanced back at Sandor as he took his position again behind Joffrey. 

'And his opponent?'' Sansa questioned. 

"Gods that man is a beast!" Bran declared looking at Gregor. 

'Sir hugh of the veil,' Petyr told her as both opponents came forward bowing before the king 'he was Jon Arryns squire.'' he added. 

'Yes yes enough of the bloody pomp,' Robert said 'have at it,' he said leaning lazily back in his chair.  Both riders Took their places at the opposite end of the jousting arena the horn blew and both men took off their jousting spears pointed at each other's faces. They missed, they turned around to begin again this time however Gregor did not miss. His lance speared Ser Hugh in the throat and he came colliding to the ground. Blood spewed from his neck as part of the lance was lodged in his throat he spewed for breath before he breathed his last.  Mycella and Tommen screamed, Bran froze with horror. Rickon hide in Hayley's side. Ser gregor stood victorious as ser hugh was carried away. Sansa was shaking. 

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now