51. Biggest Ego

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Arya, RIckon and Hayley were balancing on 1 foot at the top of the stairs when Ned happened upon them.

'Syrio says that a water dancer can stand on one toe for hours.' Arya told him. Ned smiled up at them. He loved how well his children got along with Hayley. How she so easily fit in their lives.

'It's a hard fall down the steps.' Ned remarked.

'Syrio says that every hurt is a lesson and every lesson makes you better.' Arya informed them. 'Syrio says that tomorrow I'm going to be chasing cats.'

'Cats?' Ned questioned looking between the two.

'Syrio is pretty damn cool." Hayley agreed. 

"Can I train with Syrio too?" Rickon questioned. 

"He's my dancing master." Arya corrected. "You dont want to learn to dance do you?"

"But this is fun." Rickon countered.   

'Syrio says every swords... dancer should study cats they are quiet as shadows and as light as feathers you have to be quick to catch them.' Arya remarked coming down the stairs slowly

'Yes, He's right about that.' Ned agreed, Hayley did a flip down the stairs and Arya gaped at her. "You are not allowed to try that." Ned informed her and Arya slumped down to sit on the steps. Rickon jumped and good thing Hayley was paying attention, she reached out grabbing him before he fell. 

'Can I be Lord of a hold fast?' arya questioned

'You will marry a high Lord and rule his castle your sons will be knights and princesses and-' ned began.

'No that's not me.' Arya told him she went back to balancing 'I want to be like Hayley."

"Do you?" Ned glanced over at Hayley as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Yep, I'm great." Hayley agreed, as she kissed his cheek and aryas foot dropped staring over at them as her jaw dropped.

"Is this happening!" Arya practically shouted running down the stairs she tripped on the last step but Hayley caught her putting her on her feet.

"What?" Hayley asked innocently as she walked away.

"Oh. My. GODS!" Arya declared. "YES!"

"No idea what are you talking about." Hayley called over her shoulder. "Keep practicing or I tell Syrio on you." Hayley mused and Arya ran back up the steps.

"This conversation is not over!" Arya called after her. Hayley winked back at Ned.


"I dont know what he looks like, they all look the same." Hayley offered. 

"There he is!" Bran declared. He pulled on Hayley's hand leading her to ser baristan. "Introduce me." Bran begged. 


"Ser, he's a knight Hayley!" Bran corrected. Ned pulled away from Pycelle moving to Bran, Rickon, Hayley and Jon. 

"Hello my lady, my little lords." Baristan declared. "What can I do for you?"

"This is Bran Stark and he is a huge fan of yours." Hayley remarked. 

"A fan you say? I havent competed in tourneys in ages." Baristan mused. 

"You are the commander, you fought in the wars when the mad king reigned. You are the best of the best!" Bran declared. "I want to be just like you."

"Wow, thank you my lord, that is high praise." Baristan remarked kneeling before Bran. Bran was giddy. "An honor to meet you Lord Bran." Baristan stuck out a hand and Bran shook it. "Nice firm grip, a warrior in the making." 

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now