41. Wolf Pack

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There was something so familiar and comforting about Hayley. She stroked the fire, as Bran and Jon flanked her, the wolves curled up behind them. Bran leaned into Hayley and she knew that he wanted to tell her what was on his mind but she knew as long as she protected the starks Bran would open up and tell her himself. Ned smiled sitting beside them. 

"Good talk with my eldest son?" Hayley pondered. "Oh, did we tell him? I forget." Hayley mused. 

"Tell me what?" Ned countered. 

"I have honorarily adopted Jon and Arya." Hayley declared. 

"me too!" Bran reminded her. 

"Yes, and my little pups Bran and Rickon as well. But I feel like a failure of a mother because I left my honorary child in winterfell." Hayley agreed. Ned chuckled. 

"Well, good. Then I can count on you to keep an eye on these trouble makers." Ned teased. 

"I am lead trouble maker, so-" she shrugged. "-maybe not the most responsible role model." 

Arya was sparing with one of the children, Mych by the river. Practicing with wooden swords.

'I probably shouldn't have any more,' Sansa said as Joffrey offered her a jug of ale. 'Father only lets us have one cup at feasts.'

'My princess can have as much as she wants, who cares what they say.' Joffrey said kindly and Sansa took it, taking another hesitant sip. They heard the sounds of grunts and wood clashing and sansa's face was one of panic. 'Don't' worry, you are safe with me.' Joffrey assured heading off to see the commotion.

"Arya!' Sansa declared pulling her attention away from Mych and he got her in the arm. Arya whipped her head around at Mych clutching at her arm.

'What are you doing here? Go away!' Arya demanded. 

"Your sister...' Joffrey remarked. "And who are you?'

"Mych my lord.' He answered politely.

'He's the butchers boy.' Sansa said with distaste.

'He's my friend!' Arya corrected.

'Butcher's boy who wants to be a knight.' Joffrey remarked. 'Pick up your sword butchers boy lets see how good you are!' Joffrey challenged drawing a real blade from his belt.

'She asked me to me lord. She asked me to.' Mych said nervously.

'I am not your lord I'm a prince,' Joffrey sneered. 'and I said pick up your sword.'

'It's not a sword my prince it's only a stick.' Mych remarked.

"You a man eater now mum? Start them young?" Renly teased. 

"I'm keeping your squire, Loras and I are buddies." Hayley declared. "I might keep him forever." Hayley agreed as Loras tipped his head into her. 

"I'm going to adopt your mum." Loras agreed. 

"Is that so?" Renly mused. 

"I'm starting my Hayleys island for lost misfit children company." Hayley agreed. "Taking in all the children that need me, I have quite the list going." 

"I thought we were your wolf pack." Jon corrected and Hayley chuckled kissing his temple. 

"Wolf pack?" Renly questioned. 

"You are in my pack too." Hayley assured him. "You are my son." 

'and you are not a knight.' Joffrey remarked, 'only a butchers boy. That was my lady's sister you were hitting, did you know that?' He raised his blade to Mych's cheek drawing blood.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now