23. Just Kidding, Marriage is Hard

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Soon You'll Get Better/ Sandor Clegane out now!

"Your brother Benjen came to me about Jon. It seems the boy aspires to take the black." Luwin remarked. Ned looked shocked.

 "He asked to join the Night's Watch?" Ned questioned. Catelyn said nothing. Let Ned work it out in his own mind, her voice would not be welcome now. Yet gladly would she have kissed the maester just then. His was the perfect solution. Get rid of Jon. Benjen was a Sworn Brother. Jon would be a son to him, the child he would never have. And in time Jon would take the oath as well. Gone forever hopefully. Catelyn tried to hide her giddy smile. Jon would father no sons who might someday contest with Catelyn's own grandchildren for Winterfell. 

 "There is great honor in service on the Wall, my lord." Lewin remarked. "And even a bastard may rise high in the Night's Watch."


"I think its past your bedtimes." Hayley remarked when she saw Bran and Rickon. 

"We heard you laughing in Arya's room." Bran remarked. 

"We were having fun." Hayley agreed. 

"Why didnt you invite us?" Rickon protested and Hayley chuckled. 

"I dont know." She admitted. "You certainly would have added to the fun." 

"We would have." Rickon agreed. "Come on." Rickon grabbed her hand. 

"Where are we going?" Hayley pondered. 

"You are going to have fun with us now." Rickon told her as though it were obvious. 

"It's only fair." Bran agreed. 

"It is only fair." hayley agreed. She half expected Tommen and Mycella to come out saying it was their turn to fun too but the halls remained empty expect for Jon heading to his own chambers. 

They got situated in Rickon's bed and Hayley admired his room. She would have loved to have a room like this when she was a kid. SHe looked at the bed, the giant bed that was probably bigger than hers was back home. Home, home that is. 

"So Bran likes the scary stories but Rickon..." Hayley began and he smiled softly back at her. "Wanted a fun story." Rickon nodded. "I love that your pups sleep in bed with you." Hayley remarked as Summer pranced in from Bran's room settling beside Shaggy Dog. 

"Mother doesnt like it." Bran admitted. "But she is against fun." 

"She seems like it." Hayley agreed. 

"What story were you tell Arya?" Rickon questioned. 

"Well, I was telling her about werewolves." hayley admitted. 

"That sounds scary." Bran declared happily. 

"Oh, not all werewolves are scary." Hayley corrected. "But they can be.... they can have the harryest toes." Hayley remarked leaning in. "And that is scary." 

"Hayley!" Bran laughed out. 

"Too late for scary stories." Hayley offered with a chuckle. Rickon jumped up getting one of his story books. "Wonderful," she flipped it open. "Once upon a time..."


"I will talk to Jon" Ned hissed. 

"It's a great idea." Catelyn corrected. 

"No. I will hear no more of this." Ned demanded. "Goodnight Maester lewin." Lewin nodded to them as he headed out. "Goodnight Cat." Ned hissed as he headed out to. 

"Where are you going? It's late- stay. We can-"

"I'm tired." Ned corrected. 

"Then stay. We never sleep together anymore." Catelyn reminded him. 

"Thats because all we do is argue." Ned remarked. 

"Thats not true." It was true but Catelyn could pretend otherwise. 

"It is true and your face when he said Jon wanted to take the black, Gods Catelyn." ned seethed. "You loved the idea of him leaving. Leaving and never coming back." 

"You see your brother." Catelyn corrected snootily. 

"Barely. I dont want to never see Jon again." 

"Why is he so important!" Catelyn demanded. "WHO WAS SHE!"

"I told you before." Ned's voice was low and dangerous but Catelyn was just as angry. 


"Enough." Ned demanded, a growl on his lips. 

"Tell me!" Catelyn begged. 

"The royal family is here and you act like this." Ned tsked. "Jon is my blood. My family. I would sooner send you away then Jon." Ned finished as he headed out the door slamming closed behind him. He was so angry, he wanted to punch something but then he heard laughter and his anger faded. He moved towards the sound and found his scowl turning into a smile as he peered into Rickon's room. 

"I hate this ending." Hayley offered as she looked up from the book. Rickon laughed out. "Fine, you asked for it." 

"And they lived happily ever after

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"And they lived happily ever after." Hayley declared. "just kidding. Marriage is hard. But they had fun." Rickon couldn't stop laughing. "And the end."

Ned smiled in at them as Rickon and Bran laughed out.

"There is nothing after happily ever after." Rickon told her.

"Of course there is, we just dont get to know what happened because getting happily ever after and keeping it are very different." Hayley remarked.

"Father, Hayley was telling us a story!" Rickon declared and Hayleys head whipped around.

"Teaching my children there is no such thing as happily ever after?" Ned mused sitting down beside her. 

"There is happily..." Hayley remarked. "but you see its called ever after... happily ever after... you see the after is just like this ultimate cliff hanger never know what happens next. After the I love yous and kisses and wedding bells... there is just nothing... The ultimate cliffhanger." 

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now