64. Freedom

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"Don't worry about that, it is done.' robert informed him. 'the last of the targaryens will be dead.' He spat and Ned swallowed the lump in his throat.

"What?" Hayley questioned. "You are murdering who now?"

"The last of the monsters that took my Lyanna." Robert declared. 

"I thought they were long dead." Hayley countered confused.

"So you dont know everything." ned mused. 

"Its annoying." Hayley agreed. 

"Bitch and her brother fled when she was a babe." Robert remarked. "Renly agrees, we kill her and end this now." 

"Renly agrees?" Hayley countered. 

"Yes..." Robert answered hesitantly. 

"Of murdering a child?" Hayley questioned. "How old is she?" Hayley murmured to Ned. 

"A few moons elder than Jon." Ned answered softly and his breath caught in his throat. 

"Robert!" Hayley scolded. "She is a child, she is probably scared out of her mind. She was stolen from her home, alone in the world... she was alone." 

"Mother this is about saving lives!" Robert corrected. "What's done is done there is no debating it." Hayley huffed a breath as her gaze shifted to Jon. She imagined someone, an assassin sent to kill Jon and it broke her heart to think that Robert would do that to an innocent girl, scared and alone in the world, probably just trying to live her life. 

'of course... as you wish your grace. With your permission I will take my leave and return to winterfell. With my children." Ned remarked gently. Hayley was speechless. Of course she knew this would happen but she didnt want him to leave. Because her place was not at winterfell, she knew enough about this world to know she didnt belong as a mistress.

'piss on that.' Robert told him. 'send a raven, I want you to stay. I am the king I get what I want. I never loved my brothers,' he admitted 'sad thing for a man to admit but it's true." Hayley tipped her head. "They are alright but you met them." Robert added. 

"I met you and stannis wife as well and I hate them but they are not blood, you love your family." Hayley instructed. 

"You like Ned better then them too." RObert offered and Hayley looked to Ned again he held a fraction of a smile. "You were the brother I chose.' Robert reminded him. But Ned was liking his eldest friend less and less these days, he was being foolish and stupid and risky.

''why Robert? Why do you want me as Hand if you do not listen to my advice?' ned questioned

'Somebody has to run the kingdom.' Robert said honestly. 'you're the hand again, you take this off again and I pin it to Jaime fucking Lannister.' Robert told him throwing the hand pin down onto the bed.

"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives." Ned said softly as Robert left.


"The lone wolf, the long dragon in Daenarys case, dies, but the pack survives." 

"I like that." Hayley whispered. "it's very true." 


'I demand trial by combat.' Tyrion said once he got his audience with the lady of the veil, Lysa Arryn.

'combat?' she laughed. 'alright then.' She nodded to a guard who immediately stepped forward.

'I request my brother Jaime to fight in my place.' Tyrion told her looking around the room. 'he is in kings landing send a raven and he will ride day and night to come and fight for me.' Tyrion assured. 

'No.' Lysa said with a wicked laugh.

'Make the little man fly!' Her son Robin yelled with a grin.

'call upon my brother Jamie' Tyrion begged.

'The king slayer is hundreds of miles from here.' Lysa reminded him.

'Send a raven for him. I would be happy to wait.' Tyrion assured.

'The trial will be today.' Lysa told him

'Do I have a volunteer?' He asked a roar of laughter filled the room. 'anyone? Anyone?'

'I think we can assume that no one is-'

'I will stand for the Dwarf.' Bronn said stepping forward the moon door was opened. And both men were ready shields and hand sword gripped tightly Robin screamed out fight and it began as Tyrion watched, this man had his life- both of their lives- in his hands if he died they both died.

''I said to fight coward!' Robin said as Bronn jumped from the stairs Bronn kicked over a chandelier but it only further angered the man as they fought he got closer and closer to the moon door almost pushing him over the edge Bronn looked down below. That was a long as fall. 

Robin got excited seeing that they were about to fall but Bronn got the better of him fencing around the room slashing into columns and walls people jumped out of the way as the two competitors made the way around the room Bronn dodged back as the knights sword came at him before Bronn stabbed him.

'Yes!' Tyrion said happily

'Ser vivor finish him!' Lysa shouted but he was weak and bronn with strong. Bronn sliced the back of the leg and lysa's champion fell to the ground.

'get up!' the people called 'get up!' he took shaky steps forward but Bronn kicked him down easily enough. Bronn kicked away the knights shield they stood at the moon door now as the man got up again trying to fight for the lady of the Vale. Bronn raised his sword the man's chest, before slicing down past the armor the knight bled out before him. Bronn tossed his body down the moon door he fell to the depths below Tyrion smiled appreciatively. He got to live another day. 

''Is it over?' Robin questioned confused. 

''You don't fight with honor.' Lysa sneered.

''No.'' Bronn agreed 'he did.' he pointed down the moon door. But Catelyn snapped. She charged ahead at Tyrion needing her justice but Tyrion moved out of the way. Catelyn couldnt stop herself though, she had too much momentum going. She fell right through the moon door. Bronn stared down at her falling, flailing. Tyrion looked up to Lysa lifting his arms.

'Can I make a little man fly now?' Robin questioned, he had never met his aunt Catelyn before today, he didn't care, Lysa thought she would feel different but Catelyn had always been the center of Petyr's world. With her gone, Petyr could truly be hers. All Tully women were delusional, must have been a family trait.

''No this little man... this little man is going home. I believe you have something of mine.' he said up to Rodrick, he tossed down a pouch of gold, still dazed as he stared at the moon door. Tyrion bowed before them before heading out. 'a Lannister always pays his debts.' he said to the man who had gotten him counsel with the lady of the vale and Bronn and him headed out.

"Freedom!" Tyrion declared stepping into the sunlight.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now