63. Kingdom is Crumbling

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"Go." Ned mouthed but Jon didnt want to leave him, he could help, he would help, Jaime looked nothing less than vicious. But Ned's gaze was stern, he didnt want Jon getting hurt.

"Lets find Hayley."

'He had some trouble on the road you wouldn't happen to know what happened to him?' Jaime questioned.

Ned remained silent, he wasn't about to take credit for Catelyn's mistake but his silence was mistaken for guilt. Jaime and his men unsheathe their swords.

'My Lord,' Petyr said stepping forward 'I will bring the city watch.' but ned held him back.

'Come on stark I'd rather you die sword in hand.' Jaime said

'If you threaten my lord again-' Jory warned.

'As in I'm going to open your lord from balls to brain and see what's starks are really made of.' Jaime clarified.

'You kill me. Your brother is a dead man' ned informed him.

'You're right...' Jaime acknowledged 'take him alive, kill his men.' Jaime instructed and Lannister soldiers stepped forward attacking but Ned was not about to go down without a fight. He had too much to live for, his children were here, what happened to them if he died. What happened? What about all the plans he was mentally making for him and Hayley? He couldnt die, he hated having to fight for something stupid Catelyn did. He would never be rid of her.

A sword, Jamie's sword was drove through Jory's eye, all the way out the other end of his skull. Jaime pointed his sword Ned ready for a proper duel as the rest of the Lannister soldiers waited circling them ready for an attack if necessary. They were at a face off when one of Jaime's men came from behind Ned stabbing him through the leg. Jaime stepped forward punching his knight in the face.

"Hayley!" Jon declared as they sprinted to her.

"Thank God!" Hayley declared. "i'm so bored. Save me-"

"Father is in trouble." Jon cut her off.

"Where?" Hayley demanded. "Stay with your siblings." Hayley demanded as she took off.

"I want to help-" Jon countered but she was already gone in a flash.

'that was dishonorable.' Jaime informed him. Ned watched in complete agony spear still through his leg as Jaime mounted his white horse.

'He is my brother Lord Stark and I want him back.' Jaime spat riding away as Ned collapse to the ground. Hayley appeared behind him a moment later.

"Hell Lannister." hayley muttered. She looked at the spear through his leg, she couldnt heal him until it was out.

"Hayley..." ned rasped.

"I got you, I got you." Hayley assured and her face was the last thing he saw before it all went black.

It was two days of in and out of consciousness. High on the poppy for the pain. Which Hayley questioned poppy? Where the hell is the morphine? They looked at her like she grew a second head. All the children piled into the room, and then piled into Hayley's room when she said they needed sleep too, two nights she had Jon, Rickon, Bran, Arya and sansa in her room in her bed on her couch as they piled into her chambers each night filled with worry. Hayley put a few drops of her blood in his water and he drank it down unknowingly.

Hayley watched his leg slowly healing.


Hayleys heart plummeted as she kneaded her hands together why wasnt he healing? He should have been healed but it was taking too long.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now