Chapter IV

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The day went on pretty fast. After saying goodbyes to everyone I know including chuck my neighbour's dog and I love dogs so I can't leave him behind, we all decided to have a sleep over at my house and don't ask me how we convinced my dad to let boys stay.

That is a story for another time.

Right now we all are rushing back and forth stuffing everything we find in my suitcases because my brothers are going to arrive here in exactly 10 minutes and we are still not ready.

"Scarlett have you packed everything honey?" Dad asked from downstairs.

"Give us a minute Mr. Johnson!" Sofia shouted while stuffing my last clothing inside the bag.

"Oh god no!" She shouted suddenly.

"What happened?" Adrian asked frantically.

"This too full..ughh!" She huffs, her hair sticking to her face.

These guys are literally behaving like they are the ones running late.

"Sofia baby.." Adrian started while rudely shoving her away in the side


"I have been building this muscular body for this day only." Watch he mouthed while arrogantly shutting my suitcase down.

Boy did he close that down.

"Oww fuck my finger!" He screamed while holding his finger and blowing on it.

"Oh my *gasp* what happened Goliath, your muscles aren't working anymore?" Fia taunted him back when he clearly failed to close it down.

"Scarlett!" Dad shouted again.

Oh no no no

My eyes frantically searched for karl and that idiot was eating a banana while watching the whole scene unfold.

I stomped my feet towards him and snatched his banana.

"Karl we don't have much time and those idiots are clearly of no help, can't you do something instead of eating this..this banana!!" I shouted flailing my arms everywhere and dropping that banana on floor in the process.

He sighed before making his way over to my bed. He rolled his eyes at our still bickering friends who haven't noticed him yet and in one move shut down the bag, closed the chain and went back to his place and started eating another banana.

Where are these damm bananas commonly from?

"Guys!" I shouted to gain those idiots attention "look it's done, no need to fight anymore." That immediately shut their mouth.

"Hey you guy done-woahhh!" Lio suddenly entered my room but slipped on the banana that someone *cough cough* threw earlier.

But Adrian saved him the fall by wrapping his hands around his.

Man, that scene would have been amazing in slow motion. Aurelio slipping on the floor, my gay best friend saving him by holding hi-

"Hey man you okay?"

Okay Scarlett focus!

"Yea..yeah..what was i saying earlier?"
He asked standing on his feet and scratching his neck.

"Umm you were asking if we are done packing."

"Oh Yes! Are you guys done? We are already running late."

"Yup all done." I said proceeding to take my bag but my soon to be brother beat me to it.


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