Chapter IX

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After returning from shopping, I was setting up all the stuff my brothers brought for me when I found an old photo frame lying beneath all the clothes.

I picked the frame up and a faint smile graced my features. It was a picture of me and my mom in our backyard. We both were laughing so hard because dad kept on burning the steak he was trying to barbecue.

It was a good day. I sighed

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw my dad leaning on the door frame, watching me.

"Oh hey dad. When did you arrive?"

I placed the frame on the side of my bed.

"I knocked twice but you were too lost in thoughts to hear." He sat down on a bean bag which dipped as soon as he did.

"Woahh, this is so cool!" Dad grinned at me like a child.

He surely acts like one.

I rolled my eyes at his antics but smiled nonetheless.

"You still have this picture?" He took the frame in his hands, running his thumb over it.

"Yeah.." I said softly while looking outside through balcony glass doors.

"You okay pumpkin?"

Dad was looking at me with his concerned eyes. I can't lie to him anymore.

I shook my head in a no.

Dad held my hand in his and gestured for me to go on.

"I miss her dad. It's been four damm years but I.." taking a deep breath I continued.

"I still miss her so much. It feel so odd now when my every single day used to revolve around her." I sniffed.

"Hey hey hey..its okay letty, I miss her too you know. She was like my anchor, always holding me in place when I was falling apart. But we can't always live in past now can we? It's time to move on sweety." Dad gently said while patting my head softly.

"But what if she feels like we are betraying her?" I whispered.

He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly not expecting me to think about it like that.

"Scarlett... sweety don't you know your mother was the most selfless person ever! She would not want us to get stuck in past. Infact.." his grip on my hands tightened and looked directly into my eyes.

"She would want you to be happy, to accept this new change if it makes you feel normal again. You are just overthinking kiddo. Don't let it hold you back."

"You're right." I wiped my cheeks from the back of my hand.

"I won't."

He ruffled my hair in response before i could swat his hand away.

Why does my hair have to suffer always?



We both looked towards the door where Alessio was standing awkwardly.

"I am sorry to intrude but victor wants to see you in his office." He pointed at me with his head.

"Again? What did you do now?" Dad asked me with accusation in his eyes.

"I didn't do anything this time..or did I?" I furrowed my eyebrows in a thinking manner.

"This girl is going to give me grey hair sooner then expected." Dad sighed while shaking his head.

"You can always dye them." I rushed out of my room after seeing the reaction on his face.


I entered his office, already knowing what he is going to say.

"Hey Vicky!" I gave him a charming smile, clearly dislpaying my dimples.

Maybe it can soften him a bit?

"Have a seat." Victor said without looking at me.

He placed his hands on the table and looked dead in my eyes.

"Alviaz said you talked to him today?"

I gulped, having an idea where this is going.

"Yeah I uh did. He is a nice guy to talk to. You know since he always let me speak all I want. I mean others always cut me off in between saying I am rambling...oh god I am rambling again aren't I?"

His expression didn't change a bit, not even a twitch in lips.

Is he a stone or something?

"I know everything Scarlett." He stared at me as if to say are-you-going-to-tell-me-the-truth-now.

"Oh you mean the cupcakes. I can bake some for you too if you want. Cupcakes are my speciality after all." I gave him a cheeky smile.

Nuh-uh I am not going to rat him out. Maybe they don't know that Vi have a-

"I was talking about the gun part actually."


I looked up at him and sighed.

"Yeah I saw the gun...that was the major reason why I attacked him like that. I thought your lives can be in danger if I let him go." I admitted while looking down at my hands.

Victor sighed

"You should know by now sorella that it is common for us to have a gun. This is for their own safety."

I looked at him dumbfounded

Is he serious?

"Victor I know rivalry can be intense but I am not that naive to believe everything you say. Business men do not have enough time to attack their rivals and spoil their hard earned repo."

He ran a hand through his hair and muttered something under his breath before looking at me.

"You don't have to worry about that scarlett. I will tell you everything once the time comes but till then ignore what you saw. Is that clear?"
He said to me in a monotone voice.


"You may leave now."

I didn't waist a second to get up and open the doar to get out of this damm office.

"And scarlett"

I turned back to look at him.


"I will be waiting for my cupcakes. Vanilla is my flavour if you're wondering."

I smiled a bit at this and went out of his office.

Who would have thought victor flavio espesito is a sucker for cupcakes.


Hey everyone! This is a small chapter I know but you already know i am going to gave you an extra long chapter after this 😉

I actually wants to appreciate everyone who is reading and voting on these chapter. I was writing this book for fun since I thought nobody's gonna read it. Man I couldn't have been more wrong about this. You guys are the reason I am continuing this book. Thank you so much for your support.

Love you all❤❤

Love you all❤❤

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