Chapter VI

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Hey! this is a small chapter but I'll make sure to make it up to you guys in upcoming chapters.

Till then keep reading and keep voting😉


The sky was still dark when i woke up and groaned. I forgot that i had this weird habit of eating at midnight. Don't ask me how but i just gets hungry in the middle of the night and can't sleep until i eat something.

"Okay scarlett relax, time to change your habit and let today be the first day."

I took a deep breath before starting counting. I'll be down in 10 i just know.




"Dammit i can't sleep." I let out a scream facing my pillow and decided to go downstairs to get something to eat.

I switched on the flashlight in my phone and slowly padded my way downstairs.

"okay i know where the dining room kitchen must be nearby." I made my way towards dining room and started searching for the kitchen.

I was already making my way towards the end of the hall from where all the maids were coming this morning when suddenly i heard some voice.

Sounds like Footsteps


Someone is coming here

"Shit" I immediately got under the chair which was right next to me and waited for the person to go back so that i can carry on with my hunt.

Must be one of my brothers. I thought

"Where is it..fuck!" That person said.

And it took 3 seconds for me to realise that he doesn't sound like any of my brothers.

Who the hell is he?

I peeked outside from my hiding place. His back was facing me and he was finding something.

My eyes went down his back and there was something coming out of his back pocket.

Wow looks like a gun.

Wait a minute


I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming bloody murder and alerting him. This is the last thing i want to do right now.

I have to do something, what if he is a burglar or what if he is an assassin sent to murder my brothers.

Dad does said that they have a lot of enemies.

That's when i decided that i am going to take the matter in my own hands since i can't call my brothers. He will know that i am here.

I got out of my hiding spot sneakily and searched for something to hit him with. But there was nothing I can use, not even a dish.

You know since i am in a dining hall..dishes are pretty common..

You get hall..

No? Whatever.

My eyes found something and it was a small vase which was pretty close to me. I tiptoed my way over and gently took the vase in my hands.

Ugh its quite heavy for a small thing.

I made my way over to that man.

Silently taking a deep breath, i let out a war cry before hitting him on the back of his head but because of my small height i could reach only upto his shoulder.

He screamed before falling down on the floor.

"Hah take that you burglar, assassin!" I shouted while dusting my hands against each other.

"What's happening here?"

Someone switched on the lights and now you could clearly see the man who is laying on his stomach and small particles of vase scattered everywhere.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw victor coming over.

"Tsk..your security system is very weak brother but don't worry i handled the situation pretty well." I gave him a cheeky smile and a thumbs up.

"Oh my god is that..?" Dominic rushed towards the man and turned him around and now he is laying on his back.

"Letty!" Dad came forward and hugged me tightly.

Now that i see, all my step brothers are here including maria and dad.

"Shit Alviaz" Cesco kneeled in front of him and checked his pulse before blowing a relieved breath.


oh no no no

Don't tell me I just hit my own brother.

"He is just knocked out. Maybe a concussion in morning but over all he is fine." Everyone let out a breath before turning their heads in my direction.

Shit this is bad.

I am so screwed

God bless my soul

"Scarlett" victor said in a very calm voice, totally different from other frantic voices.

"Ye..yeah" I let out in a shaky voice.

"Care to explain what just happened?" He raised one of his eyebrows at me.

"Well you see victor, I uh got hungry and couldn't sleep so i went to kitchen to find something to eat. But then i saw this man and I..."

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I thought he is a burglar or an assassin that's why i did what i did."

"Assassin?" Luca looked like he is trying to control himself from laughing at a situation like this whereas everyone else were looking at me amused.

"Yeah.." I laughed sheepishly "dad said that you guys have a lot of enemies so..." I trailed off.

"Damm scarlett i didn't thought you had it in you." Aurelio patted me on my back.

"Everyone stop encouraging her. It was wrong of her to take action like this." Victor said while moving from his spot and coming towards me.

He sat down in front of me and took my chin in his fingers that made me look at him.

"You shouldn't have done something like this scarlett, its dangerous. What if that man was really a burglar..or an assassin as you said, he could have hurt you and nobody would be here to save you from him."

"I am Sorry vicky" I mumbled in a small voice while looking at my hands, involuntarily calling him by a nickname.

But that worked because his lips twitched a little.

Comeon man, can't you smile for once.

"Its okay now go back to sleep. We will talk about this in the morning."

"Okay goodnight vicky." I kissed him on his right cheek feeling bold tonight and rushed to my room embarrassed for showing such affection.

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