Chapter XXX

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Whole classroom was filled with all types of noises that a teenager could make. For instance, a boy was hooting at something his friend said and nobody thought its odd enough to notice.

And some of the girls were chatting while covering first few benches, not to forget, in a very shrilly voice that could actually cause anyone to cringe.

But again.. this is a highschool filled with noise overdramatic teens.

I can bet that I am nothing like these wannabe hooligans. I am worse heh.

Since nobody's got Mafia brothers like me. Yay!

But right now this noise is helping me a lot from thinking about all those things that nearly caused me a meltdown at a whole new level.

I was prepared for them to be in a gang or something small like that.

But mafia?

They are in a fucking mafia!

God how the hell did I get so unlucky to be landed with a family like that.

But I am mostly hurt that dad didn't tell me anything beforehand. It was his duty to tell me every little thing that could change my decision. This is not even a little thing to ignore.

I would have objected had I know about this mafia thing.

This is a legit fraud I tell you!

and he calls himself a lawyer.

Sighing for nth time today, I leaned my head on the top of my hands which were clasped together on the table.

Today's my first day in this class and I am sitting alone since not even a single friend of mine opted for Italian language. Honestly, even I don't want to be here but now that I know their secret, I want to learn their language so that I could grasp what they are saying without them knowing.

And they don't even know I take this class! I got Dad to sign on my class forms so its my little secret.

"Can I sit here?"

Opening one of my eyes, I loosely tilted my head to the side to see who the hell disturbed my sleep but both of my eyes opened wide when I notice who was it.


"Evie? you there?" Carl waved his hand in front of my eyes.

I stood up way too quickly for my own good and ended up with a bruised knee.

Smooth Scarlett, smooth.

"Carl! What are you doing here?" Shock was evident in my voice.

"I had to attend this school since you know.."

Carl looked a little uncomfortable first. He then proceeded to bent down to my height to whisper something in my ear.

"Since I am your bodyguard."

A loud gasp left my mouth because of two reasons.

First, I completely forgot about this. I thought they wouldn't let him be my guard after that incident but man I was wrong.

Second thing that shocked me was.. Carl, he never came this close to me. Even though, he had to whisper, it felt too... intimate.

Actually, Carl has been behaving oddly ever since I came to Newyork. He used to speak to me alone but now... its like I am seeing a different version of him.

"B-but didn't anyone objected? Dom and Alessio looked like they would marry a cow rather then have you as my bodyguard."

"No offence" I added in case if it came too harshly.

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