Chapter XXVI

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Back to Scarlett's POV:)

Sudden noise of shouting woke me up from my deep slumber.

My body jerked a little with a gasp as if its running low on oxygen. Taking a few deep breaths, I looked around when my body regained its calm.

My eyebrows shot up when I realised it to be a hospital room. White walls, huge glass windows and some beeping machines surrounded me. However, what made me more curious was those loud noises that were coming from outside.

I slid out of my bed with a little difficulty. As soon as I stood up on my feet, my body felt a little heavy so I had to support myself with those whitewashed walls.


With slow and steady steps, I finally reached the door.

Now I know why they say curiosity kills the cat.

I covered my mouth in shock when I saw my ever loving dad shouting at top of his lungs while Maria was trying to calm him down. He looked so angry that I could clearly see veins popping on his neck. He was shouting something when suddenly dad grabbed Dom's collar.

I have never seen him act like this...

A gasp left my mouth out of instinct and all of their heads snapped in my direction.


Dad ran towards me and cradled me in his arms. His shoulders were trembling slightly, making me frown.


"Shh.. its okay pumpkin, you're okay now." he said it like he is reassuring himself.

After one final squeeze, he let me go from his warm yet heartbreaking embrace.

"How are you feeling now?" Cesco asked me gently. I didn't even realise when he came and stood beside me.

"A little dizzy but its bearable." I tried to smile but it came out shaky.

"Come on, lets get you to bed."

Cesco tried to hold my arm but Dad was faster then him.

After I was settled, I passed a look to Dad who was clearly avoiding my gaze.

"Dad, what was that earlier?"

"What?" He made such an innocent face while I raised my eyebrows so as to say really?

"You're not fooling anyone here old man."

Dad huffed before looking at me again. This time I could clearly see that I worried him a little too much this time.

"Your brothers and I had a fight." He clenched his fist as if even remembering that is making him angry, I glanced at my brothers who were still outside, probably wanting to give us privacy or something.

"I already guessed that but I want to know why."

He raised one of his eyebrows like that should be obvious.

yeah well it isn't so speak up!

"They had one job, and they failed to do it miserably." Dad gritted his teeth in anger.

"Woah calm down Dad. I never saw you this angry" I covered his hand with mine, rubbing soothing circles on it.

"That's because you were under my protection. You never had to come to a hospital because of a gunfight. A fucking gunfight Scarlett!"

I gasped dramatically making him look at me in surprise.

"Dad! You cursed!"

He rolled his eyes at me.

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