Chapter XXIX

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"What is happening here?"

Victor asked Dom in almost scolding manner who turned his head away, scratching his ears guiltily.

Victor sighed before turning to me.

"Scarlett. Your doctor said you are free to go home. Go wait in the car, my men will escort you out."

He looked at someone behind me and nodded.

Pouting a little that I won't be able to see the rest of the drama, I turned around and made my way towards the elevator with two of victor's men following behind.








"Ugh! what is taking them so long?" I cried out in frustration.

Taking my head out of the window, I shouted out to get their attention.

"Excuse me!"

They turned to look at me while one of them removed his glasses and came over.

What is up with bodyguards and sunglasses. Is it a job requirement?

"Yes miss?"

"Can you call Victor and ask when's he going to come up?"

The men with glasses nodded his head curtly but in a polite way.

"Boss is not picking up the call." He said, pocketing his phone.

Is that so?

I huffed out a breath before literally jumping out of the car. I noticed how their stoic faces cringed a little when I banged the door a little too harshly.


With a deadliest look that I could muster, I marched my way towards the shortcut to basement since we came back using that way.

"Wait miss you can't go there!"

They said with panic clear in their voices.

"He won't fire you for this. I won't let him." They calmed down when I assured them.

Do they seriously think he will listen to me? Some guards they are.

Without wasting any more time, I practically ran down the stairs with a mindset to scold him for making me wait for so long.

But I halted in my steps when I heard my Dad shouting.

He has been doing that a lot from past two days..

"....Do you think she'll forgive you for this!"

I hid behind the wall while standing on the last step of staircase.

I am not eavesdropping okay! Its just to soothe my curiosity alright.

"She won't but its dangerous for know the truth." Cesco replied in a tone that I have never heard from him.

Dad gave a dry chuckle. I frowned at this.

He looks stressed. Its not good for his health..

"You should've thought of that before bringing her into this mess!" Dad yelled on the top of his lungs making me almost gasp but I am a lot more skilled at hiding myself you see.

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