Part 68 - Rescuing My Brother!

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It had been 12 hours since you had the bad gut feeling and you did feel a little better after eating lunch and dinner but that gut feeling was still lingering and you didn't like it, you also still can't believe that after 2 years of him being away, you've found (y/b/n) again and you feel your heart is empty with him being gone again after seeing him for a minute, you were now heading to bed early after medic said you might had a stomach bug after you told him your stomach felt funny so he told you to go to bed and he'll check on you later, you get into bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) in their bed sleeping and you snuggle you in your bed to sleep when suddenly you heard a noise
"(y/n!) a voice says outside your window and it sounded familiar "(y/n)!" the voice says again and it made you sit up annoyed
you go over to the window and look outside to see what going on and you eyes widen as you see your brother but this time, he wasn't wearing that black clock, instead he was wearing very old and dirty clothes with holes in places and a very hard to make out picture on the shirt due to it fading
"(y/b/n)!" you says both shocked and slightly happy
you then feel your gut feeling funny again and you start to feel unsure of you want to see your brother as something bad might happen like get kidnapped so you needed a plan, you look over at (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and you look worried at them as you know you couldn't take them with you, they might get hurt so you need a animal that is small and not easy to see
'hey!' a little voice says and you look around confused 'down here!' the voice says and you look down on your bedside table
there you see a brown mouse standing up on its hind legs
'do you need some help?' the mouse asks and you nod at the mouse
"yes, you are just who i need for my plan!" you whisper happily at the mouse and you hold your hand out in front of the mouse
the mouse goes onto your hand and you bring r mouse close to your face so you can whisper the plan to it, after you tell the mouse your plan, the mouse was happy to help you and you also decide to tell (y/d/n) the plan too after ypu woke (him/her) up, (y/d/n) also agrees with the plan after protesting and you go put on your dressing gown (robe), you then go to the window, put the mouse in your dressing gown (robe) pocket, open the window, go down the drain pipe and land on the ground
"(y/b/n)!" you say happily and go over to him
before you get to him, you see (y/b/n)'s face get really worried and then it looks like he couldn't act anymore as he gasps loudly
"(y/n)! look out!" (y/b/n) says and you stop in front of him
suddenly both you and (y/b/n) are covered in brown sacks and you scream in surprise, you feel the mouse get out of your pocket and you hear it scamper away as the hole of the sack is tied around your feet, it was now dark and you were really scared as both ypu and (y/b/n) were put into what sounds like a truck as the does slam like a truck, the truck them drives away and you were really scared on where you were going, meanwhile the mouse watches you go in the truck and when the the truck was gone driving to the right, the mouse heads back to the base and back to your room to see (y/d/n), when the mouse get back into the base using holes around the base to get to your room, the mouse heads over to (y/d/n) who went back to sleep and the mouse pokes (him/her) on the nose waking (y/d/n) up
'hey! wake up, (y/n) is gone!' the mouse says to (y/d/n) and (y/d/n) wakes up fully when hearing that you were gone
'where did she go?!' (y/d/n) asks in panic as (he/she) looks around
'she went into a white truck and headed to the right but that all i know' the mouse replies and (y/d/n) still looked worried
(y/d/n) then jumps off the bed and goes to find the mercs who were all downstairs in the living room, meanwhile with you and you had somehow fell asleep as you were being waken up by (y/b/n) calling your name to wake you up which worked
"mmm...huh?" you say as you wake up and then you look around
you see that you were in a semi dark room and you see (y/b/n) haired up to a chair, you try to go to him but see that you are also chained up to a chair
"hey, what happening?!" you says as you wiggle about trying to become free but fail
"HAHAHA! FINALLY! i have you both!" a man's voice says and both you and (y/b/n) look to the left at the dark
then a man walks out of the darkness and he looks really familiar to you but then it hit you like a pan to the head
"*gasp* it's you, your that boss guy that took me to use me for my animal powers! i thought dad got rid of you!" you say to the man that looks like the boss
"sorry to say miss (y/n) but om not the boss you're talking about but i am his brother" the man says going over to you with a evil face and holds your face to make you look at him as you looked away at your brother "but i do have a little fact for you, my brother or the boss you called him, he is, in fact...your father!" he says and he reveals and you gasp in horror
"no! ...he can't be my father, he was as mean as my mom!" you says in shock then in slight anger
"yeah and you are as bad as our dad for being our uncle" (y/b/n) says as he joins in on your argument
"yeah, sadly, it's in our blood as we are, well were all part of a criminal gang, your parents, me, my sister your grandparents, your mom's sister and brother, your cousins and your step cousins were all part of a gang called 'the punks'!" the man now known as your 'uncle' explains as he paces between you and (y/b/n) with a evil aura to him "our boss was the one who brought this family group together and we are all glad he did" he adds and (y/b/n) looked confused
"who is this boss?" (y/b/n) asks and your 'uncle' looks over at him with a evil grin on his face
"why, he is the best boss anyone can ask for, his name is eddy bull and he was the toughest, strongest, smartest and meanest man in the entire world" your 'uncle' explains casually and you were really confused by all this "and he would be so happy to see you two and how your abilities have developed" he adds and you gasp quietly
"(y/b/n) has abilities too?!" you says to yourself quietly and look over at (y/b/n) who was staring down your 'uncle'
"he worked so hard to get these abilities into you, loads of testing, chemicals, timing, pacients and hard work went into getting you to be perfect mercenaries for our group...but then, the boss died of heart failure so now the group has split up but we plan to get back together and we plan to use you two as our powerhouses...BRING IN THE HEADBANDS!" he explains the he yells as loud as he could
2 men can into the room and in their hands were 2 head straps with different things around it, you gulp in worry and hope your family will be here soon as possible, meanwhile the mercs were all in big van with sniper driving, medic was next to him with (y/d/n) on his lap and in the back of the van was all the mercs including scout who can when he heard his little sister was in danger
"bark! bark! woof! woof!" 'it's here! it's here! (y/n) is here!' (y/d/n) barks frantically and both sniper and medic look at (y/d/n)
they then look up and see in front of them was a big abandoned warehouse, sniper stops the car and he knocks on the metal back of where he was sitting, everyone gets out and hid in a bush by the warehouse looking at the guards at the door
"everyone know the plan" sniper asks the other and they all nod seriously
spy then goes invisible and the plan is in action, meanwhile back inside and both you and (y/b/n) were struggling to have the head straps not go on your heads as the 2 men slowly put them on you
"HAHAHA!" your 'uncle laughs evily as the head straps were placed on your and (y/b/n)'s heads "now it's time to continue where my brother failed!" he adds and his hand hovered over a red button
"EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! INTRUDERS DETECTED! INTRUDERS DETECTED!" a alarm with sirens go off and your 'uncle' growls annoyed
"WHAT IS IT NOW!" your 'uncle' demanded aggressively
"sir, it's those mercenaries! they've figured out where we are!" one of your 'uncle's' guards says in a panicked tone
"ugh! damn it! sort them out! NOW!" your 'uncle' says angry then demands the 2 guards with a point to the door
the guards go off to where the message guard came in and then your 'uncle' goes off to the left where a double door was leaving you and (y/b/n) alone and chained up, you and (y/b/n) try to get out but these chains were really tight and heavy, then suddenly, you hear a banging noise which was loud and made you jump in surprise, you then feel the chains fall off you and you sit up looking confused on why you were out of the chains
"hey, lapin!" a familiar voice says next to you and you look to your left to see spy coming out of his invisibility
"*gasp* uncle spy!" you say happily and give spy a big hug
spy hugs back and then he puts you down on the floor looking around to see if any guards were around but luckily they weren't
"ok, come on, lapin, we need to get out of here" spy says to you and he grabs your arm
"wait! what about my brother!" you reply before spy was about to pull you and he stops
you look over at (y/b/n) so does spy and he sighs with his nose
"ok, ok, i'll help him" spy says and he goes over to (y/b/n)
you look away for a second as you heard a noise and as you do, spy uses his revolver to shoot of the lock holding the chains down around (y/b/n)like it was with you, (y/b/n) jumps off the table and he goes over to you, spy follows and he runs holding onto you and (y/b/n) following behind him, spy takes you and (y/b/n) down a corridor but then he stops as in front of him, you and (y/b/n) see some guards shooting at something, spy sees that there is a door to the right of him and he quietly opens it to see a storage room with a air vent on the floor
"quick, go though the air vent and we all see you on the other side" spy whispers as he puts you inside the storage room with (y/b/n) next to you
"ok, uncle spy, see you in a moment, be careful!" you whisper to spy and he nods his head
"i will, you 2 be careful too" spy replies and ne shuts the door
you then see (y/b/n) go over to the vent and you follow him, he pulls off the vent bars and he crawls inside
"follow me, (y/n)" (y/b/n) says with his hand doing a 'follow me' motion
you start crawling in the vent following (y/b/n) and as you crawl in the vent in front of (y/b/n), you wonder how much does (y/b/n) know about your family's past, you then hear banging noises outside the vent and it sounded similar to the banging that spy made when he got you and (y/b/n) out of those chains, you keep crawling for a bit and then (y/b/n) stops at some more vent bars, he pushes the vent bars down and he crawls out first, you follow him and you both see that you were in another room that looked to be a unused room as there was little to nothing in it
"come on!" (y/b/n) says and he goes over to the door
you follow him and he slowly opens the door, he look around and see that the door leaded to a corridor, he also sees that to his left was a exit door leading outside so he grabs your arm and pulls your to follow him, he pushes the door and both you and him keep running
"we got to find uncle spy and the others!" you shout at your brother and he was hesitant to listen but he stops running
"hey! tuts!" you hear another familiar voice which made you gasp and you turn around to see scout speeding towards you
"scout!" you say happily and he picks you up for a spinning hug
"are you okay? i heard you were in trouble so i came with the others to save you" scout says then explains and hearing that made you happy
"i'm fine, scout" you reply then giggle and then you remember your brother was standing behind you "oh! scout, this is my brother, (y/b/n), (y/b/n), this is scout, my big'ger' brother!" you says introducing scout to your brother
"oh! so you're (y/n)'s brother, i heard from the others that you attacked (y/n) yesterday" scout says as he bends down to (y/b/n) level "...but i know you didn't mean it, you were doing it for someone bad, weren't you?" he adds and (y/b/n) nods looking guilty "...come on! let's get you two back to the others, sniper and medic are worried sick about you, (y/n)"he adds and picks up (y/b/n) who was surprisingly light
scout then runs when he had both you and (y/b/n) comfortably in his arm and you were surprised in how fast he ran, he ran towards the others and when you see sniper and medic, you couldn't help but grin
"hey guys! i have found (y/n)!" scout shouts and sniper, medic and (y/d/n) look towards you, scout and (y/b/n)
"(y/n)!" medic says happily and takes you out of scout's arms while he still holds (y/b/n) "i've missed you so much!" he adds and starts kissing you on the face
"i missed you too, mom and dad" you says happily and both sniper and medic hug with you in the middle making you smile warmly
'(y/n)!' (y/d/n) barks and medic puts you down to see (him/her)
"i so happy to see you again, (y/d/n), i miss you too!" you say happily and you have a hug with (y/d/n) with you giving (him/her) some kisses on the head
(y/b/n) watches from scout's arm and he huffs with a little smile on how happy you were with your new family, he was also glad that you didn't end up like what he did with your 'uncle'
"ok, scout, pyro and spy! go with (y/n) and her brother in the back of the van and we deal with the rest" engineer says and the trio nod
spy, pyro and scout take you and (y/b/n) in the back of the truck and they sit on the bench seat in the back of the truck while you and (y/b/n) sit on the floor, (y/b/n) was quiet for a few moments as you stare at him confined while hearing banging and screams in the background but then he looks up at you
"...(y/n)...i have something to tell you" (y/b/n) says and you look at him with a head tilt
"what?" you reply wondering what he going to say and he sighs
"i...i knew everything about our family and...i joined our uncle so he would leave you alone but...he figured out about you when he heard that our dad died because of you and your new family" (y/b/n) explain and you look at him quietly "i also knew that you had unlocked your power from our dad interfering with your head as i saw the videos of you talking to the animals though the CCTV cameras, i'm so proud that you did and you got the better abillity then me" he adds and you tilt your head again
"what is your abillity?" you ask curiously and he look at you with his (insert eye colour here) eyes
"my abillity is...well, i have 2 as well as you do, first one is body regeneration which is your body instantly healing itself, the other one which is completely different to yours as mine is mind control and to read minds" (y/b/n) explains and you look at him in shock
"...that...that sounds AWESOME!" you says in excitment and (y/b/n) looks at you confused "does that mean you got that uncle guy to tell us everything" you ask in wonder and (y/b/n) looked at you slightly shocked
"i-i guess i did and i didn't realise, he would of probably not told us if my mind didn't control his mind to be fully honest...huh" (y/b/n) says not realising how amazing his mind powers are
you and (y/b/n) talk for what felt like forever about your and his abilities while (y/d/n) slept on your lap and you were just happy that you had someone with a abillity like you have and it was also your biological brother, meanwhile back with your 'uncle, and he came out of the room he went in which turn out to be a bathroom as the sound of a toilet flushing was heard as he opened and closed the door
"right, where were we-! oh COME ON!" your 'uncle' says and shouts angrily as he sees that both you and (y/b/n) were gone from the table "how did they-? where did they-" he adds but then he was suddenly shot in the head by a sniper rifle making his head explode
his body falls to the floor and outside the building ontop of a hill was sniper lying on the floor with his sniper rifle having smoke coming out of it
"there! that's delt with" sniper says with a smirk and he  blows the smoke off his rifle
"that's good, schatz, now get home so i can check over (y/n) before putting her into bed" medic says next to sniper and sniper nods at him with a smile
sniper, medic and the other then head back to the truck after all the guards and grunts were killed and they all headed back to the base, back at the base and both you and (y/b/n) were in medic's infirmary getting check over by medic while sniper sat on medic's chair by his desk
"hmm...both of you seem fine, just a few bruises from the chains but they will heal" medic says after checking (y/b/n) out after checking you out
"that's good, now can we go? i want to show (y/b/n) around" you say happily and medic pretends to think about it
"umm...hmm...sure!" medic says happily and you smile too
medic helps you and (y/b/n) get off the metal table and you grab (y/b/n) by the arm
"come (y/b/n), let me show you around!" you say happily and drag your brother away from the infirmary
when you and (y/b/n) we're gone, sniper gets off the chair and goes over to medic by the metal table, he then sits down on the metal table and medic joins him as he sits next to him
"so...what do you think of (y/n)'s brother, (y/b/n)?" sniper asks medic and medic looks at sniper with a little smile
"he seems a nice boy and it was cute that he protected his sister from his and (y/n)'s evil family" medic replies with a smile and sniper smiles back thinking medic's smile was adorable "i also think it's funny that (y/b/n) is bascally a male version of (y/n)" he adds and this make him and sniper chuckle a little
"so does this mean we have another kid to look after" sniper asks after the pair calm down from their chuckling
"i guess so but we have to wait for him to accept us as his family first" medic replies and sniper nods and smiles at him "i sure (y/n) will make him accept us" he adds and sniper says 'yeah' with a little nod and he looks down at the floor "...*yawn* shall we head to bed, i'm exhausted" he says after a yawn with stretch and sniper nods after yawning too
sniper and medic then leave the infirmary and head to bed, meanwhile you and (y/b/n) finish looking around the base and now you are in the corridor near your room
"so what do you think?" you ask (y/b/n) hoping he likes the place
"yeah, it's really nice, is this where i'm staying now?" (y/b/n) replies then asks with an unsure face
"if you want to, i will have to find a room for you to have and then tomorrow, you can meet everyone as i think they have all gone to sleep" you says and (y/b/n) smile as he like the idea that he gets to stay with you again after so long
then you see that both medic and sniper have come up the stairs and you smile at them
"oh! mom! dad! do we have somewhere that (y/b/n) can stay in?" you ask the pair and the pair go to think on any spare rooms
"umm...oh! i know where he can go! there is a spare room over there, it is a big storage room but we can make it into (y/b/n)'s room" medic says and points to the room on the other end of the hall
"yeah! that's a good idea!" you say happily and take (y/b/n) down the hall
the room was on the oppisire end of your room and when you open the door, you see that it was in fact a big storage room, medic and sniper follow you and the pair sort out the room, when it was done, it was now a empty room with a light on and a big double bed with a big duvet and 2 pillows in the middle of the room
"here is your bed for the night and tomorrow after after we have met everyone, we can decorate your room to your liking!" you says happily and (y/b/n) smiles at you
"yes, i would like that, thank you (y/n), i love you" (y/b/n) says happily with a tired smile and you squeal happily
"i love you too!" you says and give your brother a big side hug
when you remove yourself from your brother, you yawn and then rub your eye now realising how tired you are
"i am going to bed now, night mom, dad and (y/b/n)" you says tiredly and you walf over to your room
medic and sniper watch as (y/b/n) goes into his room and then shut the door to give him peace, they then go to their room and get ready to snuggle together in bed, (y/b/n) lies on the bed which was very comfy and he takes off most of his clothes except for his vest and underwear, he then gets into bed and instantly falls asleep not realising how exhausted he was, back with you and after you brushed your teeth and put your jammies on, you get into bed and before you drop off to sleep, you feel (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) snuggle up to your sides
"goodnight" you say happily and you fall asleep
(y/d/n) and (y/c/n) also go to sleep and everyone in the base was now fast asleep after a hectic rescue and now, you have your brother in the base which made you smile as you get more comfy.

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