Part 3 - Bonding with Scout and Soldier

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When you and scout got to the back garden, you look around and they was some grass but not much, a lot of sand and you could see sniper's camper van and a lookout tower in the distant, scout and you stand in a certain place and started passing the ball to each other with kick, throws and head butts, you and him did it for some time till both of you got exhausted and thirsty so both of you went into the kitchen to grab a drink, scout grabbed himself a bonk drink and made you a glass of lemonade (the clear bubbly version), you two were talking for a while about thing like siblings, favourite things and pets when soldier came in,
"i was looking for you little maggot" soldier said as he approached you
"what you doing soldier" scout questioned
"i'm going to teach little maggot how to defend herself" soldier said proudly and he picked you up and he took you to his training spot
when both of you got there, he put you down and pointed to a bunch of dummies
"right little maggot, i want you to attack those dummies over there with this" he said handing you a wooden sword
"why what did they do?" you questioned
"they...stole all the chocolate from the cupboard and ate all of it without asking" he said making the story up
"*gasp, those monsters, i wanted that chocolate" you said in horror
"now go and get them" he ordered and you charge at them with your wooden sword and gave them a good whacking
scout managed to find you two and walked up to soldier
"here you both are, i was looking everywhere for you" scout said as he notice you whacking the dummy with the sword
"what is she doing" scout asked soldier
"i'm told her to attack those dummies cause they stole her chocolate" he said smugly
"well at least you are bonding with her it's fine" scout said trying to accept what he said
"did i teach them a lesson soldier" you said after whacking them feeling tired out
"yeah they have learn there lesson, little maggot" soldier said, he walked over to you, picked you up and both of you and scout went to the living room to have a sit down, before long you and scout had fallen asleep on the couch with you sitting on soldiers lap, scout sleeping on the arm of the couch and soldier was watching the tv when engineer came in,
"what happening, partner" engie said as he walked over, he saw you and scout asleep and toned his voice down a little "i see you managed to tucker her out"
"yeah, i was teaching her how to defend herself and scout was playing soccer with her earlier so now she's asleep" soldier said quietly (which is unlike him)
"do you want me to take her to bed or..." engie said
"no it's fine, i'll wake her up when it's dinner time" soldier said, he looks at scout "and him too"
"alright partner, i'm cooking tonight and we having beef" engie said and he walks off going to the kitchen to prepare for dinner, after a long sleep soldier wakes you up
"wake up little maggot, it's dinner time" soldier said waking you up, you rub your eyes and hugged soldier making him blush
"helwo, what's for dinner" you ask and you look around as you notice scout was gone
", yeah beef" soldier said still blushed up from the hug, he never really been hugged before and he liked it
"ok meet there" you say and you jump down from soldier's lap and head off to the kitchen
when you got there, everyone was at the table waiting for the food to be ready and you see 3 spots available, one between pyro and scout and two between demo and heavy, you decided to sit between scout and pyro, you get up on the chair and as you did, soldier walked in and sat next to demo and after a while, engie came out with 2 plates of beef
"dinner is served" he shouted
"do you want me to help you" you offered
"...ok partner" engie said quite surprised you wanted to help, you got off your chair and headed to the kitchen
"right take this tray and you take this one to scout and this one to soldier" engie instructed as he handed you the tray and then 2 plates of beef telling you who belongs to who
you went back into the dining room and walk over to scout and tried to hand him his plate but you struggled, he grabbed his plate
"thanks tuts" he said and you smiled, you then went over to soldier and tried to hand him his plate which he grabbed as well
"thanks cupcake" soldier said with a smile, you do notice he called you a different nickname but you were to busy helping engie so you headed back to the kitchen
"ok next 2" engie said as you returned to the kitchen "this one is for medic and this one is for sniper, i'll take in demo' and pyro's" engie put the plates on your tray and you headed back into the dining room with engie
you got to the dining room and you were lucky that sniper and medic were sitting together so you didnt have to run around the table, you went over to sniper and medic and again tried to hand the plates to them, medic grabbed his plate
"danke liebste" medic said grabbing his plate and putting it in front of him
"thanks sweetheart" sniper said as he did the same, you then run back into the kitchen to grab 3 more plate with engie behind
"ok last 3, u take heavy's and yours and i'll take mine and spy's" engie said and back to the dining room again, you went over to heavy and tried to hand him his plate which he took from your hand as you were about to drop it on the tray again
"thank you (y/n), you are being such a good helper today" heavy said putting the plate on the table, you run over to your chair and tried to put your plate on the table but couldn't but scout notice and put the plate on the table
"there you go tuts" scout said as he put your plate on the table, you thank him, put the tray to the side and climb up on the chair
"now that everyone got there food, we can eat" engie said "tuck in" and everyone did, you started eating you food and all of you were happy on how it tasted
after dinner, you were tired and about to head off to bed until pyro stopped and mumbles something
"he wants to know if you will spend time with him tomorrow" scout translated
"yeah, ok" you say and went to bed

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