Part 52 - Gender of Twins

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you wake up one saturday morning and you head downstairs to sort out for breakfast, when you get down to the kitchen you see scout having his breakfast
"hi scout, is auntie pauling coming over?" you say and scout nods
"yeah she's coming to see medic, she's not feeling well" scout says
"ok" you say "...oh maybe she'll need to see doctor (y/n)" you say and do a proud pose
"thanks for the offer" scout says "but we need medic for this"
"ok" you say sadly then start making (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) breakfast
"don't be sad tuts" scout says "you can do it next time"
"really?!" you say
"yeah" scout says "i promise"
"ok" you say happy
you then carry on with the breakfast routine, after you did the breakfast routine you sit down at the table and have your breakfast, after breakfast you head to your room to spend time with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and as scout was finishing cleaning the dishes the door bell goes off, scout goes to the door and it was miss pauling who was 4 months pregnant
"hi beautiful" scout says "how are you?"
"fine" miss pauling says and smiles
"and how are the babies coming along?" scout says
"they're fine too" miss pauling says and she puts her hands on her baby bump
scout smiles then kisses miss pauling which she then kisses back, after the kiss scout takes miss pauling to medic for her ultra scan which medic has no idea how to use, when they get to the infirmary scout knocks on the door
"yo doc" scout says "i've got miss pauling with me to check on the gender of the twins"
medic then opens the door
"oh yes come in scout and fräulein pauling" medic says and scout and miss pauling let themselves in
miss pauling sits at the operating table while scout sits at medic's desk, medic grabs a few things then he returns to miss pauling to start the ultra scan, meanwhile you were playing with (y/d/n) while (y/c/n) was sitting on your bed when engineer comes in your room
"hey darling" engie says "do you want to help me make cookies?"
"sure grandma" you reply happily and you go with engie to the kitchen
when you and engie get to the kitchen you got the ingredients out while engie got the equipment and when that was done you helped engie make the cookie dough, meanwhile back in the infirmary medic manages to get the ultrasound on the screen of the twins
"so how can you tell what gender they are?" scout says
"well..." medic says "for the know what to find and for a girl the same"
"oh ok" scout says and he looks on the screen
after a few seconds they find one baby was found and after looking at it they found out it was a boy, they then looked for the other one and they soon found it, after looking at the baby they found out it was a girl
"looks like your have a boy and a girl fräulein pauling" medic says and smiles at miss pauling
"oh good" miss pauling says and smiles
scout then helps her up and after cleaning off the ultrasound gel they head to the front door, as they got to the front door you come over with a plate of cookie
"wanna try a cookie scout?" you say and show the cookie to scout
"thanks tuts" scout says and he takes a cookie off the plate
"hi auntie pauling, why is your tummy big? did you eat a watermelon or something?" you say
"oh yeah" miss pauling says "i had a big dinner eariler's filled my tummy up"
"ok, want a cookie?" you say
"sure i'll have it later" miss pauling says and she takes a cookie off the plate
she puts the cookie in her pocket and kisses scout on the cheek before she leaves, scout blushes up when miss pauling kisses him and you do too
"aww you got kissed by miss pauling again!" you say
"yeah i think she likes me" scout says rubbing his hand on the back of his head
"no i think she loves you" you say "scout and auntie pauling sitting in a tree" you sang
"oh stop it tuts" scout says "come on, let's go and watch some tv" and he picks you up and takes you to the sitting room
after a while watching tv it was time for dinner so you helped make dinner with pyro and made chicken, chips (fries) and fish fingers, after dinner you went to bed and fell asleep in your lovely warm bed

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