Part 50 - Preparing for Halloween

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You wake up the next morning and do the morning routine, when that was done you were about to head back to your room when scout walks up to you
"hey tuts" scout says "you wanna carve pumpkins with me"
"ok but why?" you say confused
"cause next week is holloween and we need to get ready" scout says "follow me"
you and scout head outside and scout takes you to a part of the garden where their was 2 pumpkins, knifes and a black bag to put the pumpkin rubbish in
"ok" scout says sitting down in front of one pumpkin "you calve this one and i'll calve this one" he says pointing to the pumpkins
"ok" you say and you sit by scout
you and scout then start scooping out the seeds and stringy stuff that's inside the pumpkin till it was hallow, you then draw on the front of the pumpkin of something you want and with scout's help you calved the pumpkin, when that was done scout takes the pumpkins to the kitchen and puts them on the counter, you go to your room to tell (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) about what you did
"what's halloween?" (y/d/n) asked
"it's a night where you dress up in any dress up clothes you want and you go from house to house getting sweets (candy)" you explain
"that's sound cool" (y/c/n) says
"yeah can i dress up too?" (y/d/n) says
"umm...i don't know if they sell dress up clothes for dogs" you says (remember dog clothes didn't get popular till around the late 90s)
"oh ok" (y/d/n) says and he/she went to your bed to lie down
you then leave (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) to do their thing and head downstairs to check on the others, you find the others in the living room watching tv and there was scout, soldier, engineer, demo, pyro, heavy and spy, you walk in to the room and wave
"hey" you say waving
everyone waved back and you joined them as they were watching tv, after a while of watching tv you notice sniper and medic were missing from the group
"hey, where's mom and dad?" you ask the others
"umm...i don't know" scout says and everyone agrees
"i go look for them" you say and you head out the room
you first check the infirmary to see if they were at medic's deck having a chat, you go into the room and see that nobody was there so you leave, you then check sniper's camper to see if they were ontop of the van watching the clouds so you head to the van and see nobody ontop of sniper's van so you head back in, the last place you could check was sniper and medic's bedroom so you go near the room and open the door and you see sniper and medic asleep in their beds, you were confused why they went back to bed at 2 in the afternoon so you go near the bed and you poke medic which seems to stir him
"oh...hello liebste" medic says seeing you
"what are you doing in bed at this time?" you ask "it's 2 in the afternoon"
"well uhh...we forgot to sleep all night so we decided to sleep now" medic says (they really had sexy time all night and forgot about time)
"oh...ok" you say "your lucky it's the weekend and...can i come into bed too" you say
"sure liebste" medic says and you climb into bed
you snuggle up to medic and he hugs and kisses you before he falls back to sleep again and then you drift off to sleep, a while later sniper wakes up for the others laughing and he see medic hugging you in his sleep, he smiles then he hugs medic spooning him before drifting off to sleep again, it wasn't until 2 hours later when both sniper and medic wake up, they snuggle and kiss each other then they give you some love and attention causing you to wake up
"hello liebste, how did you sleep?" medic asks
"nice cause you were cuddling me" you say and smile
"that's good sweetheart" sniper says and he snuggles with you "come on, let's get dinner" and you, sniper and medic got out of bed and headed to the dinner room
all the mercs with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) were there waiting for their dinner when you get to the dinner room and everyone had dinner, after dinner you head to your bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and you fall into a deep sleep having a dream where you were a queen of love and you had a good time in your dream.
(A/N - for now on sniper and medic's room has changed so they have a double bed now, they used to have a single bed on each side of room since they were sharing the room but now their a couple they got themselves a double bed, they room has also changed so sniper and medic's thing are blended together in the room but whatever, also scout room has changed to se it has a double bed and 2 cost for the baby twins, speaking of them their gender will be revealed after the halloween part 😋 see you then)

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