Part 32 - Playing Doctor

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you wake up the next day to the daily routine and after you did that you decide to look around the base, even though you've been here a while you haven't seen all the base so you with (y/d/n) look around, you managed to fine medic's infirmary and you push the door open, medic was nowhere to be found so you with (y/d/n) head in more, you then hear noises behind you and you turn around only to find medic smiling at you
"what are you doing in here liebste?" medic says walking over to you
"i was looking around and i found your lab" you say
medic picks you up and kisses you on the head
"well as your here you can help me feed the doves" medic says
"ok mom" you reply and medic smiles
he then takes you to the room where all the doves hang out, medic puts you down and goes over to where the bird sees is being held, he then returns with 2 tubs of bird seed
"pour the seed in the bowls liebste" medic says
"ok" you reply
you and medic spent an hour pouring seeds in the dove bowls while (y/d/n) was getting to know the doves, all the doves had something to say and they were loving your company when you were only pouring the seeds, after you pour all the seeds out for all the bird you, (y/d/n) and medic head back into the lab and you sit on the desk chair
"i'll be right back liebste, i got to go and feed archimedes" medic says and leaves
you then notice medic lab coat on the back of your chair so you put it on, it was big but you didn't mind
"what do you think (y/d/n)?" you ask
"very doctor like" (y/d/n) replies
you smile and then you sit on the chair again, then the doors swing open and it was scout
"hey tuts" scout says "are you doc now?" and chuckles a little
"...yes i'm doctor (y/n)" you say proudly
"well i have a boo boo" scout says "can you make it better?"
"yes, sit on the table thingy over there" you says and point to the oparating table
scout did what he was told and you grab a clipboard and pen that was on the desk
"so what seems to be the problem?" you ask
"well i have a cut on my arm see" scout says and shows you the cut on his arm
"i see well i will make it better, nurse (y/d/n) get me the boo boo plasters (band aids)" you says
(y/d/n) runs to where the plasters (band aids) tin is and takes the tin to you
"thank you nurse (y/d/n)" you say to (y/d/n)
(y/d/n) wags (his/her) tail and you take out a plaster (band aid), you then stick the plaster (band aid) to scout's arm
"there, all better" you say with a smile
"thanks tuts" scout says and give you a kiss on the head "see you later" and he leaves though the door
you smile and sit back down on the desk chair, scout was running down the hallway when he bumps into medic
"hey doc, just went to the infirmary to look for you and i found (y/n) instade and she's being a great doctor, she made my arm all better" scout says showing his arm with the plaster (band aid) on it and then scout runs off
medic looked confused and he heads back to the infirmary, when he gets there, he pecks though the door and he sees you with his lab coat on and (y/d/n) looking at him, he smiles heads inside
"i heard you are the new medic" medic says smiling walking up to you
"yes, i'm doctor (y/n)" you say proudly
medic laughs and picks you up, he then sits at his desk chair and puts you on his lap
"since your a doctor now, i will teach you how to use this" medic says and pulls out the stethoscope
"oh the heart hearing thing" you say
"it's called a stethoscope" medic says
"stuffascope" you say trying to say stethoscope
"close enough" medic says smiling
he then puts the stethoscope in your ears and holds on the the metal thing
"you use this bit to listen to your heart" medic says then he puts the metal bit to his chest "do you hear my heart?"
"yes i do" you says as you can hear medic's heart beat
"good now we know that they are working" medic says and as he was going to take the stethoscope off you, the doors open and it was sniper
"hey doc" sniper says "hi sweetheart"
"hi dad" you says smiling
"what you doing in medic's coat" sniper asks noticing you in medic's coat
"i'm doctor (y/n)" you say proudly "and i will make you better if you are poorly or got a boo boo"
"i was teaching her how to use the stethoscope" medic says
sniper smiles and medic carried on showing you doctor thing while sniper grabs a chair and watches with (y/d/n) on his lap, medic then pulls out a thermometer
"this is a thermometer, you use this to see how warm your patient is" medic says "like so" and he sticks the thermometer in sniper's mouth
"doc!..." sniper says with the thermometer in his mouth shocked
you laugh and it made sniper calm down a bit and he lean agents the desk with a smerk on his face, after a minture medic takes the thermometer out of sniper's mouth and the thermometer show that sniper's body heat was normal
"see, the red bit moved up a little bit" medic says
"oh yeah" you say
medic smiles and sniper smirks, medic then brings out the ear thing
"this will check your ears for any infection or wax" medic says and he sticks the ear thingy in sniper's ear
"am i your guinea pig now?" sniper says with a poker face
medic smiles and laughs "yes!" and looks back at you, sniper just shrugs it off
"you look though this bit and see what going on in their ear, you might as well see a light which is coming though the other ear" medic says
"you mean if i look though that, i might see the door though the ears" you say
"yes" medic says and sniper chuckles
medic then puts the ear thingy down and then picks up the eye thingy
"this will check your eyes out" medic says and points the eye thingy at (y/d/n) eyes "and this will check if their is nothing wrong with your eyes" he then takes the eye thingy away from (y/d/n)'s eyes and puts it in the desk
"and then when you are done with all them" medic says and goes into a draw where the lollipop were "you give them a lollipop" and he gives you the lollipop
"ok" you say and smile
you then grab the stethoscope and you then put the metal bit to medics forehead
"what you doing" medic says smiling
"trying to see if i can hear your thoughts" you says and try to see if you can hear medic thoughts
after a few seconds you couldn't hear anything so you dropped the metal thing
"no couldn't hear a thing" you say
you then jump down medic and go over to sniper, you put the metal thing to his forehead, sniper just smiles on how cute your thinking face was, after a few seconds you drop the metal thing again
"still nothing" you say
"will you like to know what i said?" sniper asks
"what?" you say
"that your adorable" sniper says and kisses your forehead
you blush and medic smiles, then the door swings open and it was spy
"gentleman, lapin" spy says
"hi uncle spy" you say
"what do you want spy?" medic says
"well i have a cut and..." spy says before you cut him off
"don't worry, doctor (y/n) is here" you say proudly "now sit on the table thingy"
sniper and medic smiles and watch while spy does what he told and sits on the operating table, you then grab the clipboard you used for scout and stand in front of spy
"what seems to be the problem?" you say
"i have a cut on my leg and it hurts" spy says child like making sniper and medic snicker
"nurse (y/d/n), grab the boo boo plasters (band aids)" you say and (y/d/n) jumps off sniper's lap and grabs the plasters (band aids), you then tell spy to show the cut and he does, you then stick the plaster (band aid) on spy leg and pat the plaster (band aid) down
"there all better" you say proudly "now i have to check if your heart isn't broken"
after standing on a stool to reach spy's chest you put the metal bit of the stethoscope on spy's chest and listen to his heartbeat, after a few seconds you take the metal bit away
"good news uncle spy, your heart isn't broken" you say smiling
"oh good" spy replies "i was worried it might be"
you then put the metal bit of the stethoscope on spy's forehead
"what you doing now?" spy asks
"i'm checking if i can hear your thoughts" you say
after a few seconds you drop the metal bit
"no still nothing" you says "but now it's time for one last thing" and you tell (y/d/n) to get the thermometer
medic hands (y/d/n) the thermometer and (he/she) comes back, you take the thermometer out of (y/d/n)'s mouth and clean it, you then stick the thermometer in spy's mouth
"this will check if your not poorly" you say "and if you are, we will have to give you some mixture"
spy nodded and after waiting a minture, you take out the thermometer and it was normal
"good news uncle spy, your not poorly" you say smiling
"hooray" spy says and he looks and medic and sniper who were laughing
spy gave an annoyed look then you go to the draw where the lollipops were
"here you go uncle spy" you say giving the lollipop to spy "that's for being a good uncle spy"
"thank you" spy says and jumps down "you are a good doctor lapin, i will tell the others about what you did"
he gives you a kiss on the cheek and leaves, you smile and then go back to medic again
"you did a good job liebste" medic says robbing your hair
"thanks mom" you reply while smiling
meanwhile spy bumps into heavy while he was heading to his smoking shelter sucking on his lollipop
"what was spy doing in infirmary?" heavy asks "and why spy got lollipop?"
"i went to see medic to help me sort out a cut i got but i got something mignonne instead" spy says "where you going"
"going to see doktor cause i have a headache" heavy says
"well when you come out you'll wish you still had that headache" spy says "well au revoir" and he walks away
heavy was confused on what spy was talking about but he shrugs it off and heads to the infirmary, when he gets there he opens the door and sees you, medic, sniper and (y/d/n) by the desk
"hi uncle heavy" you say
"what's up heavy" sniper says
"well...i have a headache and..." heavy says before you cut him off
"doctor (y/n) is in the house" you say proudly "now sit on the table thingy"
"she's playing doctor" medic says "and she's doing a good job of it"
heavy smile a little and heads to the operating table, you grab the clipboard and stand on a stool
"so what's the problem?" you ask
"well little doktor, heavy has headache" heavy says
"let me see" you say and you put the metal thing of the stethoscope to his head
heavy was confused but went along with it, medic was watching in amusement since he never seen someone else do his job before and sniper was watching too smiling, after a minture you take away the metal bit
"yes you head is a little hot" you say "nurse (y/d/n), get the thermometer" and (y/d/n) gives you the thermometer, you clean it before sticking it in heavys mouth, after a minture you take it out and you see that the red bit was a little higher then spy's, you grab a plaster (band aid) and stick it on heavys head
"there all better" you say "just need a sleepy time and you'll be even more better"
"thank you little doktor" heavy says "heavy is a little better now"
you smile then you give heavy a lollipop, heavy kisses you on the head before taking his leave, you head to (y/d/n) and gave (him/her) praise for doing a good nurse then you go to sniper and sniper puts you on his lap
"i don't think a plaster (band aid) heals headache but whatever" medic says chuckling with sniper chuckling too
you smile and (y/d/n) wags (his/her) tail, for the rest of the day the other 4 mercs came to you for pretend injuries and you made then better, you then gave them a lollipop and they gave you a kiss in return, you like being medic for a day but you decide to give the coat back to medic
"did you like being me for a day liebste? medic asks
"yeah i had tons of fun, didn't we (y/d/n)" you say
(y/d/n) barks in reply and medic smiles
"well if i need you to be medic again will you do it?" medic says
"yeah" you say happily
"good" medic says and he picks you up and he gives you a cuddle and a kiss on the cheek
"now lets go have dinner" sniper says and all 4 of you headed to the dinner room
after dinner you told (y/c/n) about your day before heading to bed and going to sleep
(Translation - Mignonne -  Cute)
(A/N - Hi again 😋 i just want to know which mercs i should write next, i enjoyed doing this one with medic and i want to know who shall be next, i will do all the other mercs spending a day with you like this and i also need to think of a part just involving (y/c/n) and (y/d/n), we'll see you next part 😋 this also tells me who your faveroite mercs is 😄)

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