Part 55 - Nightmares Do Come True

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On a stromy night at merasmus' mansion merasmus was sorting out his potions trying to find a certain one
"where is it?" merasmus says looking for the potion
"what you looking for?" the bombinomicion says
"i'm looking for that one potion that soldier help me to get" merasmus says
"what the one of the evil ghost lady" the bombinonicon says
"yes that one" merasmus says "ah ha found it" and he pulls out the bottle
"what are you going to do with it?" the book asked
"i'm going to make something that i've never made before" merasmus says and he pours the potion in the coldren
all of a sudden the coldren shakes and it explodes with a black smoke coming out causing merasmus to fall down
"ahahahaha" the black smoke laughed revealing your ex-mother's face "with this new body i can take over the world but first, i need to give my daughter a little...visit" and the black smoke flies off
merasmus and the bombinomicom watch as the black smoke flies away and then merasmus stood up, he went over to the book he was reading and flipped the pages to see if he can find an antidote
"hey, what's up with that smoke?" the book says
"i don't know but i need to find...ah ha the antidote" merasmus says "for the antidote, only the chosen one can defeat it...who's the chosen one?"
"i don't know but you better tell those mercs about it" the book says
"your right" merasmus says and he grabs his staff "i'll be back in a while" and he disappears
Meanwhile you were fast asleep in your bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) on different places of the bed when they wake up all of a sudden with a bad sense in the air, (y/d/n) starts to growl while (y/c/n) poofs up and the growl causes you to wake up
"what's wrong (y/d/n)?" you say to (y/d/n)
as (y/d/n) was about to answer the window smashes and black smoke enters the room, you couldn't see a thing as the smoke covered the room and when it calm down you saw the vision you had in your dream, your ex-mother was standing there with smoke around her and an evil grin on her face
"well hello (y/n), and you too you mutt" your ex-mother says
"wha...what are you doing here?" you say "i though you died"
"i've come to...teach you a lesson" your ex-mother says
she then picks you up with you struggling to let go and (y/d/n) does try to attack but your ex-mother whacks (him/her) away,
(y/d/n) hits the wall and falls to the floor
"(y/d/n)" you and (y/c/n) says
your ex-mother then laughs evily then flies away with you in her arms
"are you alright (y/d/n)?" (y/c/n) says going over to (y/d/n)
"yeah...just get...sniper and...medic" (y/d/n) says weakly
(y/c/n) nods and (he/she) leaves the room, (he/she) goes over to sniper and medic's room and (he/she) scratches on the door, when (he/she) gets no reply (he/she) jumps on the door knob and (he/she) manages to get it open, (he/she) walks in the room and sees sniper and medic asleep, (he/she) then jumps on the bed and (he/she) walks over to sniper and medic
"help" (y/c/n) meows loudly "(y/n), gone, (y/d/n), injured"
"what do you want (y/c/n)" medic says then realising "(y/n)!" he then got up and shakes sniper "liebling! wake up"
"what is it darlin'," sniper moans
"(y/n) is gone" medic says making sniper sit up
"how do you know?" sniper says rubbing his eye
"(y/c/n) is here and i can hear whimpering from (y/n)'s room" medic says
"that must be (y/d/n)" sniper says getting out of bed "i'll see what's up" and sniper leaves the room to your room
when he gets there he sees (y/d/n) on the floor whimpering and he picks (him/her) up, medic then joins with (y/c/n) in his arms
"she's defiantly gone" sniper says "and there's a strange smoke like smell in here too"
"yeah i can smell it too" medic says smelling the room
then there was a knock on the front door, sniper and medic go to the door and they see merasmus standing there
"what is it wizard?" medic says
"i'm here to tell you about the mistake i made, wake everyone up and i'll tell you what happened?" merasmus says
sniper and medic look at each other then let merasmus in, a while later all the mercs were awake and merasmus was telling his story
"and that is what happened" merasmus says "and the last thing she said before she left was 'i need to give my daughter a little...visit' and then gone"
"that must of been on who took (y/n)" scout says
"(y/n?...who's she" merasmus says
"long story short...she's a little girl we're taking care of" engie says
"ok..." merasmus says
"where'll she have taken her" sniper says
everyone thought then scout gets an idea
"probably the old werehouse she got taken to before" scout says
"you might be right" medic says
"alright men" soldier says "mission old bat has begun, we all go up there and we'll stop that evil bitch"
everyone cheers and they get out of their seats
"scout, me, engie and pyro take the truck, heavy, demo and spy take spy's car and sniper and medic take the camper" soldier says
everyone agrees and set out
"you coming to merasmus" soldier says
"yes i need to see what this antidote means anyway" merasmus says
"ok you can get into the car with heavy, demo and spy" soldier says "move out"
everyone gets to work and suit up, meanwhile you wake up tied up to the chair you were tied up to before
"your awake...finally" your ex-mother says
"what am i doing back here?" you say angrily
"oh...i see you met your father here before then" your ex-mother says walking over
" father" you say
"yes he is your father, people like to call him...the boss" your ex-mother says "and his right hand man was your uncle also knows as his brother"
your ex-mother sees the helmet your father put on you a few months back on the floor next to your chair and she picks it up
"i see he's unlocked your true power with this helmet" your ex-mother says
"yeah he did" you say "what's it got to do with you?"
"nothing" your ex-mother says and throws the helmet "you want to know my reason to bring you here?"
you kinda nod in worry
"i'm here to kill you and nobody will find your dead body in here since this place has been abandoned for years" your ex-mother says evily "but first a back story"
meanwhile all the mercs and merasmus were driving fast to the werehouse
"how long now?" scout asked
"not long, we're almost there" engie says
in the camper medic was in the back of the camper healing (y/d/n) back to health and it was working
"how is (he/she)?" sniper says from the driver seat
"(he/she)'s fine now" medic says
"good, we're almost at the werehouse" sniper says
"ok" medic says to sniper "you ready to get your owner back?" he says to (y/d/n) and (y/c/n)
"woof" (y/d/n) says happily "meow" (y/c/n) meows
"good let's go" medic says when the camper stops
everyone gets out of theirs cars and they stare at the werehouse, back with you and your evil ex-mother tells her story
"when you were a baby, me and your father knew about your ability and i decided to wait till it was unlocked, but your father wanted to unlock it now and i managed to stop him, me and him decided to go our separate way but he came to visit now and again" your ex-mother explains "the only person who didn't want that to happen was your brother and he tried to take you away from us in multiple occations, we then decide to get rid of him for disturbing our plans...oh don't worry he's still alive, we just erased his memory and gave him to my sister"
"you monster" you say "what's his name?"
"well if you really want to know, his name was ben but i think my sister renamed him" your ex-mother says "he was a year older then you and i will put pictures in your mind of him"
your ex-mother then touch the sides of your head and she sent pictures in your mind of your lost brother, the boy looked like you but male and he always looked worried, your ex-mother then takes her hands away and you look at her, warming lights we're going off and she walks over to a monitor
"oh look, it looks like family...are here" your ex-mother says
on the monitor was live footage of sniper, medic, (y/d/n), (y/c/n) and merasmus walking down the hallway with (y/d/n) in front looking for your smell, your ex-mother then uses her smoke to make henchmen
"after them" your ex-mother says to the henchmen
the henchmen go off to the mercs with anger on their faces, meanwhile all the mercs and merasmus were walking down the hallway getting near to where you are
"are you sure this is the right way?" scout says
"yeah" sniper says "we came down here before"
"if you say so" scout says
then all of a sudden the henchmen appear and all the mercs pull out their gun
"scout!" medic says "take (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and find (y/n)"
"umm...ok" scout says and he bolts off with (y/c/n) in his arms and (y/d/n) following him
"now that they are distracted, i will have enough time to kill you" your ex-mother says
she then grabs a knife from the table and she holds it near your heart, she then was about to stab you when scout, (y/d/n) and
(y/c/n) enter the room
"let her go" scout says holding his scattergun
"oh look who it is" your ex-mother says "it's the wimpy boy of the group"
"no i'm not" scout says "now give her back or i will shoot"
"oh and how are you going to shoot smoke" your ex-mother says
scout then shots your ex-mother while (y/d/n) growled at her but the bullets went right though her, she then goes near scout and grabs him by the neck
"scout!" you shout
"(y/n), if i don't make it, me and the other love you" scout says
you then started to cry then an aura comes around you, you then fly up and as you do so the other mercs join
"what is going on with (y/n)?" sniper says worried
"she's the chosen one" merasmus says
you then look at your mother with glowing eyes and she's drops scout in worry
"you have messed with me and my family for to long" you says "now leave us ALONE!" then the aura around you exploded and hits your ex-mother
"no, it hurt, stop" your ex-mother says "i'm sorry for all i did"
"that's better" you says "now go and meet dad and tell him...hi" and you send out another aura
this time the aura kill the smoke monster and it screams on last time before disappearing, you then float down and when you touch the floor medic and sniper run over to you
"are you alright liebste?" medic says
"yeah...i'm alright mom" you says and give medic a hug
after medic's hug sniper gives you a hug and then he carries you to the camper
"so who's the tall guy?" you ask pointing to merasmus
"i'm merasmus the magician" merasmus says
"ooo does that mean magic exist?" you say
"yeah it does" merasmus say
"cool" you says
"so what did your ex-mother capture you?" scout says
you then explain the story about the boss being your dad, your lost brother and your ex-mother trying to kill you before scout appeared with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), when you, the mercs and merasmus get outside it was dawn and you were lucky that it was the weekend so you could sleep in
"strange" you say when you get to the camper "i've never knew i had that power"
"me neither" sniper says
"i can examine it" merasmus says
"ok" you say
you then get in the camper and everyone else gets in they cars, you then head home and as you were you fell asleep on medic's shoulders, medic cuddles you and (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) were in the back of the camper sleeping on sniper's bed.

(wow this was long but worth it anyway i just want to know if you want me to introduce merasmus' daughter, in my tf2 ships, bonding and reader stories i made a fanfic called 'babies and witches' where i introduced willow merasmus' daughter with her backstory in the fic and i want to know if you want me to use her here too, let me know in the comment and i'll see you next part 😋)

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