Part 60 - Christmas Day

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You wake up the next morning to banging on the door so you go over and you open it to see scout there
"hey tuts, it's christmas" scout says "come on let's go"
"really!? YAY!" you say excited and you bolt off with scout with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) behind you to the living room
when you get there you see the others sitting around the room waiting to open their presents
"i think this is everyone now" scout says "let's open this presents"
you sit by the tree and start opening your present that are in a christmas sack with your name on it, you open your presents and you get some cute, sweet and lovely things in each present making you feel happy and the last present you have to open was the present from henry, you open the present to find that it was a ring box and when you open it you see a gold ring with writing inside that says (the first letter in your name) and H, you smile then you stick it on your finger which it fits perfectly
"what you got there sweetheart" sniper asked
"it's my present from henry, what do you think?" you say and show everyone the ring
"that so pretty liebste" medic says "your one lucky girl"
"thanks mom" you say and smile at medic
you then decide to help (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) with their presents and they loved all of them, after that was done you played with your present while everyone else was around the base doing their own thing and as you were playing with your presents there was a knock at the door, scout runs over to get it and he returns with miss pauling who is 5 months pregnant
"hi auntie pauling" you say happily
"hello (y/n)" miss pauling replies and she sits down with a bit of struggle
"auntie pauling? umm...why are you so big?" you ask confused about the swollen belly
"well i have a surprise to tell you" miss pauling says "come here"
and you walk over to miss pauling to sit with her on the sofa and she bend over to whisper in your ear
"i'm having babies" miss pauling whispers
"oooo! what does that mean?" you say excitably
"that means you're going to be a cousin tuts" scout says "to a boy and a girl"
"ooo!" you say happily
"and you will be able to see them in late march-early april next year" miss pauling says
"ooooo!" you says "what are their names?"
"the boy is going to be called james and the girl will be called jessie" miss pauling says and scout nods in agreement
"oooo!" you say excited "can't wait to meet them"
"me neither" miss pauling says and puts her hand on her baby belly
"want to play?" (y/d/n) asks
"sure" you say and jump off the couch "going to play with (y/d/n) now, see you later" and you bolt out of the room with (y/d/n) behind you
when you open the door to outside you see that it had snowed in the night
"SNOW!" you say happily then shut the door again "i need to put my snow gear on"
"do i have some?" (y/d/n) asked
"yeah remember, you got it as your christmas present" you say
"oh cool let's get them on" (y/d/n) says and you go to put your hat, scarf, gloves, coat and wellies on and (y/d/n) coat, hat and scarf
after you put your and (y/d/n) snow gear on you finally went outside and enjoyed the snow while (y/c/n) was in your room fast asleep on your bed, you and (y/d/n) played in the snow for quite a while till you were getting cold so you came back in again
"had fun in the snow, lapin" spy says as you walk in the kitchen with (y/d/n) behind you
"sure did uncle spy" you say happily
"do you want me to make you a hot chocolate?" spy asked as you sit down at the kitten table
"oh yes please" you say happily
spy smile and he goes to make your hot chocolate, after a while your hot chocolate was done and spy puts the mug in front of you
"thanks uncle spy" you say happily and take a sip
after a while you had your hot chocolate and you go back to your room to have a nap since you were sleepy, after your nap it was christmas dinner time and you with the other mercs and miss pauling had a hugh dinner that filled up your tummy, after dinner you stayed up for a bit to play with your toys that you got but then you fell asleep on the couch so sniper took you to bed
"goodnight sweetheart" sniper whispers then kisses you on the head
he walks out of the room and you slept soundly with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) by your side and happy that you had a great first christmas with the mercs
(after the holidays will be the starts of the searching for the brother and i want to know if the brother should live with the mercs, it will be a little crowded in the base but you will be able to have a relative living with you and the mercs so yes or no, tell me in the comments and i'll see you in later)

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