Part 14 - Puppy Time and New Family

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you wake up the next morning to the puppy scratching at the door
"you wanna go out (y/d/n)" you say
the puppy squeaks and you open the door and follow the puppy till you get to the kitchen, when you get to the kitchen you see sniper at the table
"hello sweetheart, how you coping with (y/d/n)" sniper said as you walk to the back door
"(he/she) is ok now and i think (he/she) wants to go in the back" you say as you open the door, the puppy bolts out, runs around and has a toilet break before coming back in again
"your a good puppy aren't you" you say as you give the puppy fusses, the puppy then went over to sniper and jumped up
"hi there" sniper said rubbing the puppy's head, the puppy wagged its tail and was enjoying the pets, as (y/d/n) was getting pets from sniper you sorted out (his/her) breakfast, you have given her (him/her) some beef chunks you found in the fridge and there was water down for (him/her) already so you didn't have to sort that out
"come on now (y/d/n), its time for breakfast" you say putting the plate down, (y/d/n) comes running over and starts eating the beef chunks, you then make yourself a chocolate sandwich and join sniper at the table
"i see (he/she) is so much better today then (he/she) was yesterday" sniper said looking at (y/d/n)
"yeah i've made sure (he/she) ate all the food and drink a lot of water" you said proudly
"well you did a good job, sweetheart" sniper said
"thanks dad" you said smiling
(y/d/n) then finished all his beef chunks, come running over to you and sit next to you, after you eaten your chocolate sandwich, you had chocolate spread on your mouth and sniper was going to tell you but then medic came in, he looks at you and smiles
"hello liebste, you have chocolate on your mouth" medic said chuckling
you rub off the chocolate off your mouth and as you were doing that (y/d/n) runs up to medic and jumps up
"oh i see the welpe is much better then (he/she) was yesterday" medic said rubbing the puppy's head
"yeah i took good care of (him/her) in my room and i fed (him/her) when you told me to" you said
"you did a great job, liebste i'm proud of you" medic said and he walks over and kisses you on the forehead
"well i'm going out to play with (y/d/n) now, see you later" you say and leave though the back door with (y/d/n)
you were playing with (y/d/n) outside for hours and you loved it
you never really had a dog growing up since your mother didn't really like dogs but you loved dog, everytime you were in the park and you saw a dog you always had to go over and say hi, your mother was surprised that even the most aggressive of dogs always said hi to you and they were untameable, all the kids in the area called you the dog tamer after one day an aggressive pitbull came to the park and broke of his lead, the dog charged towards you but he didn't attack, instade he licked your face and wanted his belly rubbed, you rubbed it belly and the pitbull love every minute of it but when the owner tried to put it lead back on, the pitbull started growling at the owner so you asked the owner for the lead and the pitbull accepted the lead when you put it on him, the owner then took the pitbull home and the dog was so happy, the owner of the dogs have always told your mother to get you a dog but she always said no for random reasons and you always wanted a dog so it made you sad when she said no
when you were playing with (y/d/n), nearly all the mercs (except sniper and medic) came out to say hello to (y/d/n) and (he/she) love each and everyone of them, you were happy that (y/d/n) love all the mercs and you were happy that you finally had a dog after waiting so long for one, later you were in your room with (y/d/n) teaching (him/her) tricks when there was a knock on your door and soldier came in
"hey cupcake, there is someone on the phone for you" soldier said and he takes your hand, he take you to the phone with (y/d/n) following, he picks up the phone and gives it to you
"umm...hello" you say
"hello sweetie, it your mother" your mother said at the end of the line
"oh hi mother, why you phoning" you say
"i'm phoning to checking on how my baby girl is doing, you've been gone for almost 2 weeks and i miss you dearly" your mother says "also i've been talking to the summer camp manger and he seems quite a mad person, he hasn't hurt you has he"
you look at soldier who is leaning agents the wall with his arms crossed and laugh
"no, he's a really nice person, he's just got a loud mouth" you say laughing, soldier looks at you and smiles
"oh that's good, how are you doing in summer camp anyway" you mother says
"it's really awesome, i made so many friends and i even found a new buddy" you say "say hello (y/d/n)"
you put the phone in front of (y/d/n) and tell (him/her) and tell her to speak
"bark" (y/d/n) says
"is that a dog" your mother says
"yeah i found (him/her) in an old barn quite poorly but i made (him/her) better again" you say
"that's nice dear but you know we can't keep (him/her), you know how much i hate dogs" your mother says
"but mother (he/she)s a (your favourite dog breed) and (he/she) is super intelligent, i taught (him/her) to sit, speak and stay and (he/she) is my best friend" you explain
"no dear, you will have to leave (him/her) behind when its time to go home" your mother says
", i'm not coming home then" you said being stubborn "if you won't accept (y/d/n), i'm not coming home"
"then i don't want you" your mother says starting to sound spiteful "you were a mistake anyway" (sorry if i'm making your mother sound mean and she really does likes dogs but it's my story so your mother is a a**hole and drunk)
you were shocked to hear this and you look at (y/d/n) then at soldier and soldier looks at you confused
"i never really loved you, you were a pain in the neck as a baby and you still are" your mother says
you started to tear up and then you hear (y/d/n) growling, you look over and see (him/her) snarling and trying to get the phone
"you can stay at your summer camp all i care, i hope we never see each other ever again you (lots of swear words)" your mother says and hangs up
you were deverstated, you run over to soldier and start crying
"what wrong cupcake?" soldier said sounding really worried and picking you up
" mot...mother...has...abandoned...MEE.E..E!" you say crying
soldier comfort you and trying to calm you down, then he looks over at (y/d/n) and see (him/her) shaking the phone around, he takes the phone out of (his/her) mouth, puts it back on the hook and takes you with (y/d/n) following to the living room
when he gets to the living room, everyone was in there watching tv and when they hear you crying they turn around
"oh liebste, what's the matter" medic said taking you out of soldier hands
you tried to say something but you were to upset to say anything, then (y/d/n) barks, sniper goes over to (y/d/n) and picks (him/her) up and put (him/her) on his lap, after you calm down, you explain what happened on the phone to everyone, after you explained everyone went speechless even scout
"abandoning your child over a dog isn't right, why would she do this, that mother isn't right in the head" they all though and after a big silence, sniper decided to break it
"sweetheart, remember what i told you yesterday" sniper said "i said to you that you are very special to us and this is true, i also said not to let anyone else tell you otherwise and in this case with your mother she did tell you otherwise but forget about her, you got us now, we are your family and we love you"
"yeah even thought we are 9 goof balls living in one building, you have lighten up the place for us and we thank you dearly for that" scout said "and you are also like a little sister to me and i never grew up with a sister"
"you have bonded with me and sniper so well, you even call us mom and dad and you didn't need to but you still do it anyway" medic says "and we love you for that"
"you even saved (y/d/n), if you never found (him/her) like you did...well...(he/she) wouldn't be here anymore" engie said
"you even made feel a soft side to children cupcake, you are a special to me and i will defend you if that bully comes back" soldier said
"(y/n) reminds me of my sisters when they were younger but they weren't as nice as you" heavy said
"you are and always be my little lapin to me and i've never would of gotten the shopping done without you" spy says
"thank you everyone, i love all of you and..." you say and then you look at sniper "thank you so" and you hug him with a kiss on the cheek
"your welcome sweetheart" sniper replies
when you parted, scout starts to talk
"so if medic mom and snipers dad, who am i to you" scout says
"as you said, you are my big brother" you say
"oh cool i have a little sister now" scout says
"and what am i darling" engie says
"your grandma" you say smiling
"...yeah i can settle with that" engie says
"me next, me next" soldier says
"fine your grandpa" you say giggling
"i can settle with this too" soldier says
"what am i, lapin" spy says
"you, heavy and demo are uncles" you say
"hmm uncle spy...i like it" spy says
"what's pyro" scout asks
"he's my silbling too" you say
pyro claps happily
"miss paulin" scout says
"my auntie" you say
"and lastly you" you walk over to (y/d/n) and pick (him/her) up from snipers lap "you are the bestest friend i ever had and don't you forget it" (y/d/n) then licks your face and everybody laughs, later it was lunch time, you decided to cook and you made beef and chips (with the help of engie), everyone loved it, even (y/d/n) loved it, then you went to bed with a happy feeling that you have a better family then you had before, you tuck yourself in and with (y/d/n) is sleep by your feet you fall into a deep sleep.

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