Part 64 - Easter Time

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You wake up one morning and you head downstairs with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) following you but when you almost get to the kitchen door you start to hear chattering but you couldn't make out what is being said, you then open the door to see everyone looking at you as you came though the door, sniper then smiles at you and he goes over to you
"hello sweetheart, guess what day it is?" sniper says as he picks you up into his arms
"umm...i don't know, what day is it?" you reply and ask as you forgotten
"why, it's easter liebste" medic says as he walks next to sniper
"yeah tuts and we all decided to give you a activity to do" scout says sounding excited
"ooh! what is it! what is it!" you says as now you are getting excited
"'s a easter egg hunt" sniper says and now you are really excited "we have all hidden plastic eggs around the house and you have to find them all" he explains
"ja and when you do you will get a big prize at the end" medic adds
"really, awesome!" you says excited "can't wait to start" you add really wanting to find the eggs
"hold on, darlin', we need to tell you the rules first before we start" engineer says after chuckling
"tell me! tell me!" you say getting a little inpatient
"ok, calm down" sniper says smiling at you and chuckling "so rule 1 is...the eggs are in the house so you don't need to go outside to find any" he says and you nod in response
"rule 2, this is your easter egg hunt so that means (y/d/n) can't help you with it" scout says and he picks up (y/d/n)
"aww, i wanted (him/her) to help me out" you says in disappointment
"but that doesn't mean (he/she) isn't left out, we also hidden a easter egg for (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) but you need to find it for them" scout continues and you grin smile
"rule 3, there are about 6-8 eggs hiding in each room and there is a total of 36 eggs in all" spy says as he looks at a piece of paper "so just remember that. he adds
"ok, uncle spy" you says with a nod and he does a little smile to you
"and the last rule cheating" medic says and then you got confused
'how can you cheat at a easter egg hunt you didn't plan?' you wonder in confusion
"and to make sure you don't cheat, we have got soldier here to keep an eye on you while you do the hunt" engineer says and he thumb points to his partner who was standing next to him
"yes cupcake, i will be your watcher while you go easter egg hunting and to make sure you don't cheat" soldier says in his demanding voice but it was calm
"that's all the rules, now let's have breakfast then you can start" sniper says and he puts you down
you then do your routine of feed the pets after they went out to the toilet and then you have your breakfast which was pancakes made by engie and medic, after mostly everyone has had their breakfast soldier takes you next door into the living room, he then give you a basket (it's your favourite colour) and you look at with a grin on your face
"you ready cupcake?" soldier asks you as you stand in front of him
"sure am, grandpa" you says with excitement
"ok!" soldier says with a grin on his face "and...go!" he says and then you were off
you start to look and you end up finding all the eggs which there were 6 in the living room, there was one behind the tv, one on top of the vcr, one under one of the sofa pillow, one under a pillow on the other sofa, one on the bookcase and the last one was on the window bottom
"i think i found the all in here, grandpa" you says as you jog over to soldier
"let me see" soldier says and he looks in your basket counting the eggs
he then looks at a peice of paper then he smiles
"yes, you found them all, now onto the next room" soldier says and then he takes your hand
he then leads you into the next room and you smile as you were excited to carry on with this easter egg hunt, meanwhile in the kicker and the rest of the mercs were setting up for when you return with a banner that says 'happy easter' on it, streamers, some empty plastic eggs on the table with a easter looking table cloth on top of the table, a basket with some easter eggs in it and snacks on the kitchen counter, (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) we're watching the mercs from their beds by the back door
"i wonder what they are doing?" (y/d/n) asks (y/c/n)
"they are probably setting up a party for when (y/n) returns" (y/c/n) replies
"but she hasn't gone far and they said they weren't leaving the house" (y/d/n) says a little confused
"i think it's meant to be a surprise party" (y/c/n) says as (he/she) looks around the room
"oh! a party!" (y/d/n) says excited "that means we will be given food to eat like mini sausages, or sausage roll! yum!" (he/she) adds as (he/she) licks (his/her) lips after saying it
"true but i think (y/n) is going to give us something when she returns" (y/c/n) as (he/she) remembers the covasation you had with the mercs
"oh! oh! i hope it's a giant chicken dinner!" (y/d/n) says excited as (he/she) wag (his/her) tail happily
(y/c/n) leaves (y/d/n) to imaginate (his/her) 'dinner' and (y/c/n) watches as the mercs are just finishing up the surprise, back with you and soldier and you were at the 3rd room on your easter egg hunt, the last room you were at was engie's workshop and you found 8 eggs in there, one hiding behind a pot on engie's desk, one on engie's chair, one hiding under a pillow on engie's sofa, 2 hiding behind some metal, one hiding under the middle room carpet, one hiding in a draw and one hiding behind the door.
the next room you were in was in was soldier and engineer's room and you start looking, you end up finding 6 eggs and one was under soldier's pillow, one under engie's pillow, one on soldier's planning desk, one in engie's bedside draw, one on soldier's bedside table and one on engie's desk
"i think i found the all" you says as you go over to soldier
soldier checks his list and he smiles
"good job cupcake, now to the next room" soldier says and he takes you to the next room on your hunt
the next room was sniper and medic's room and there were 8 eggs to find, you end up find one egg under sniper's pillow, one under medic's pillow, one underneath archimedes, one underneath sir hootsalot, one in the clothes draw, one in sniper's clothes trunk, one in medic's clothes trunk and one on a book shelf
"did i find them all, grandpa?" you ask as you go over to soldier after you find the last egg
"hmm...yes!" soldier says as he checks his list "to the next room" he says and takes you to the next room
the next room which was the last room was heavy's room and there were 8 eggs to find, you find one egg on heavy's pillow, one on a small bed next to heavy's bed, one on a bookshelf, one inside heavy's clothes trunk, one inside a desk draw, one hiding behind a teddy bear, one poking out heavy's bedside table draw and one hiding behind a pot of pens
"i think i found them all, grandpa" you say as you go over to soldier
"let me check...yes you did" soldier says checking his list for the last time "now let's take you to one more room then we go to the kitchen" he says as he takes your hand
you were confused what soldier meant but you followed him anyway, he then takes you to strangle your room
"in here you'll find (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) easter eggs" soldier says "now go" he says and let's go of your hand
you then get to work in finding (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) easter eggs and you ending up finding (y/d/n)'s egg in your toy box and (y/c/n)'s egg under your bed
"i found them!" you says as you go over to soldier
"good, now to the kitchen" soldier says and he takes your hand
he takes you to the kichen and when soldier opens the door to the kitchen you get surprised
"happy easter!" all the mercs says and they all blow party blowers
"wow! this feels like my birthday" you says as soldier takes you to the table
"happy easter, sweetheart" sniper says as you sit down at the table
sniper then kisses you on the forehead and then hand over about 9 boxes of easter eggs
"from all of us to you" sniper says and you were amazed
"wow! that's a lot of chocolate eggs" you say with amazement
"yes and i want you to eat them slowly, liebste" medic says and he goes oppisite sniper
"i will mom" you says and medic gives you a kiss on the cheek
"let's get this party started!" scout says and everyone cheers
the easter party went down well and you gave (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) half of their easter eggs which they loved, it was then bedtime and you were so tuckered out that you fell asleep on the sofa, engie had to take you to bed and before he leaves you to sleep, he kisses you on the forehead
"goodnight darlin'," engie says and he leaves the room
meanwhile scout was in his room smiling when he gets a call on his block phone miss pauling gave him
"hello?" scout says in the phone
"scout! it's me" the voice of miss pauling says and she sounded in pain
"miss pauling! what's wrong?" scout says and asks
"i'm...getting contractions, i...i thinks the twins are...coming" miss pauling says in pain
scout was surprised and he zoomed of after he tells miss pauling he was coming.

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