Part 23 - Playground and Redesign

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You wake up the next morning with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) snuggled up together on your bed, you aww causing them to wake up, you then pet (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and start your morning routine, when you got to the kitchen you see sniper and medic as usual, you say hi to them and they say hi back, you then let (y/d/n) outside and feed (y/c/n), after you le
(y/d/n) back in, you feed (him/her) then you make your breakfast, after you make your breakfast you sit down and eat it
"hey sweetheart" sniper says and it grabs your attention "when is your birthday?"
"it's (your birthday date)" you reply still eating
"that means it's tomorrow" sniper says
"really, i didn't realise" you say
"yeah just look" sniper says and shows you the date on his newspaper
"wow, its my birthday tomorrow" you say and sqeal
"sure is liebste" medic says "and we are going the best birthday that you will never forget"
"really?! i never had a birthday that i remember so well before" you say since your ex-mother only just gave you a present and a card and you wouldn't allowed birthday parties
"well now you are" sniper says then he get up and gives you a kiss on the cheek "see you later sweetheart" and he leaves to go to his camper van
"what's a birthday?" (y/d/n) asks from under the table
"it's where you old you are" you say trying to think what's a birthday is
"oh" (y/d/n) says "when is my birthday then"
"umm...i don't know" you say "don't you remember?"
"uhh...i think it's (your dog's birthday)" (y/d/n) says thinking
"so you do remember" you say happy
"yeah i guess so, it was at the back of my mind but i remembered" (y/d/n) says then barks
"what about mine?" (y/c/n) says jumping on the chair next to you
"do you remember your?" you say curious
"yep, mine is on (your cats birthday)" (y/c/n) says then licks (his/her) paw
"how do you remember yours?" you ask
"cats have a better memories then offence" (y/c/n) says
"none taken" (y/d/n) replies
"so what do you guys wanna do today?" you ask
"oh liebest" medic says "i need to do a check up on (y/c/n) so when your finished, we need to go into the check up room"
"ok mom" you say then smile "i'm done"
"well after the check up, you and (y/d/n) can tell me your stories" (y/c/n) says "i love listening to stories"
"ok then (y/c/n)" you say then you, medic, (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) head to the infirmary to do (y/c/n) check up
as medic was doing the check up (y/c/n) was playing with archimedes by trying to firgure it out, medic did try and shoo archimedes away from (y/c/n) but you told medic that archimedes liked it which he did, medic shrugs it off and carry on the check up, after the check up, medic finds out that (y/c/n) is a healthy (male/female) kitten and he was happy about the check up, you give medic a hug goodbye and you set off with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) following you, you head in your room and you decide to draw, (y/d/n) plays with a toy and (y/c/n) goes to sleep on your bed, you were in your room for a while when there was a knock on the door, it opens and it was soldier
"hello cupcake" he says and goes over to you
"hi grandad" you say and hug him "what's up"
"i want to show you something" soldier says and picks you up
"ok" you say and both of you with (y/d/n) following head to where soldier takes you
when soldier leaves the room, engie, scout and spy go in your room and get to work, when soldier, you and (y/d/n) get outside he tell you to close your eyes, you do and he takes you to a open land, when he says open you open your eyes and you saw a little playground
"me and engie built it" soldier says putting you down
"oh thank you" you say and hug soldier "you are the best grandparents ever"
those words make soldier blush a smile, he then hugs you back and then lets you go so you can play in the playground, soldier watches you play when (y/d/n) comes up, (he/she) barks and soldier notices, he then picks (y/d/n) up and the both of you watch you play on the equipment, back in your room engie, spy and scout was still doing what they were doing
"do you think she'll like this" scout asks not keeping his eyes on the thing he was doing
"she'll love it" engie replies
"alright i think i'm done" scout says
"good i'm done too" engie says
"me too" spy say
they look on what they done and they painted your room pink, tidied up, wrote your name with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) on the door and made the room to match your personality, they smile and leave the room, (y/c/n) watched the whole time and then decided to go back to sleep again, back with you and it was getting dark so soldier calls you in and as you got in, everyone was getting ready for dinner so you head upstairs and get (y/c/n), when you get to your room, you notice the change and you loved it
"what happened to my room?" you say "i love it"
"grandma, scout and uncle spy came in and did it" (y/c/n) says
"i'll thank them later" you say walking over to (y/c/n) "come, its dinner time" you pick up (y/c/n) and both of you head to the dining room to have dinner, for dinner it was a burger and chips (or fries if you live outside the UK), you loved it and ate it all up, you watch (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) eat and they were enjoying their beef chunks, you smile and after dinner you give thank you kisses to spy, scout and engie, you get a goodnight kiss from sniper and medic and then you head to bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), when you get to bed, you settle down and fall asleep ready for your birthday tommorow

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