Part 69 - First day with your Brother

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(Before we start, i just want to know, what is your brother's name in this, let me know in the comments and if you have any idea on what should happen next in the story, also tell me in the comments as your comments help me give me ideas for future stories, anyways enjoy)

It was the next morning at about 8am and as you woke up, you remember that your brother was in the room at the other end of the hall and you get excited, you jump out of bed slightly disturbing (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) as they lift their heads up and then lying them back down again and you leave the room full of excitment, you run to the other end of the hall to your brother's bedroom and you knock on the door with excitment to the knock, (y/b/n) then opens the door with a towel around his waist and you stand there wiggling excitability
"hi (y/b/n), i came to show you around your new home!" you says happily and (y/b/n) smirks
"in a mintue (y/n), i got to get dressed" (y/b/n) says and he shuts the door so he can get dressed
you wait outside his room for what felt like forever as you were starting to get inpatient but then your brother opens the door dressed in a standed black t-shirt, dark blue trousers, white socks and black shoes
"yay! come on!" you says happily as you grab (y/b/n)'s hsbc's and you drag him with you downstairs
you take your brother to the living room where all the adults are and you burst into the room still holding your brother by the arm
"ok, firstly, i like to meet everyone" you says happily as you and (y/b/n) stand next to the tv "first, their is our big brother, scout" you says as you point to scout
"yo, hi (y/b/n)!" scout says happily with a simple wave and then you get confused
"umm, scout, aren't you suppose to be at your house with auntie pauling and my cousins?" you ask and scout smirks at you
"oh! she's coming here later to check on you and see your brotha" scout says and you get happy
"yay! i like to see auntie pauling again!" you says happily and scout smiles "anyway, this one next to scout is uncle demoman" you says and point to demoman
"aye, lad, what's up?" demo says and he holds up his bottle and (y/b/n) waves at him
"next is uncle spy" you says and point to spy who smiles at you
"hello (y/b/n)" spy says and (y/b/n) waves back at him
"next is uncle heavy" you says and point to heavy who had his arms crossed as he was lying back on the sofa
"hello , brother of (y/n), you better be a good brother to (y/n) like i am with my sisters" heavy says and your brother nods
"d-don't worry, i will" (y/b/n) in a worried and slightly scared tone
"next is our sibling pyro, don't ask what they are as i have no idea" you says pointing to pyro and pyro give you and (y/b/n) a wave
you and (y/b/n) wave back at pyro and pyro claps before going back to the drawing they were doing
"next we have our grandparents, granddad soldier and grandma engineer" you say and point to engineer and soldier who were sitting together on the sofa
"hello!" "hi!" soldier and engineer says with a wave (y/b/n) waves back
"and lastly we have mom and dad, mom medic and dad sniper, they're our new parents" you says and smile happily
"g'day (y/b/n)" sniper says happily with a wave
"hallo (y/n)'s bruder" medic says in german
(y/b/n) waves at then and then you grab his hand and start pulling him away
"come on, i need to show you around the house!" you say happily and keep pulling (y/b/n) with you
you show (y/b/n) everywhere from the playground in the garden to everyone's bedroom and the last place you show (y/b/n) is your bedroom, you open the door and both (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) go over to you
"and lastly, we have my bedroom" you says happily and thrn you see (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) come over to you "oh! and this is (y/d/n) and this is (y/c/n)...and (y/d/n) is sorry (he/she) attacked you the other day, (he/she) was only trying to protect me" you adds and (y/b/n) waves his hand
"oh, it's okay, i know (he/she) has to protect you" (y/b/n) says as he bends down to pet (y/d/n) to pet (him/(y/b/n) pets (y/d/n) on the head making (him/her) wag (his/her) tail happily, (y/c/n) goes over to (y/b/n) and starts rubbing (his/her) body ageist (y/b/n)'s crouched body, you smile softly seeing how much (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) likes (y/b/n) and you knew at this point that (y/b/n) is going to fit in the family just fine, for the rest of the day, you and (y/b/n) we're looking though the photo album that you got from your ex-mother a while ago and (y/b/n) was pointing out all the people that you didn't know and talking about things that happened in some pictures from when you were a baby and (y/b/n) was 3, it was soon dinner time and everyone was sitting around the table eating mac and cheese that engineer made, after dinner, the door goes off and scour answers it to see it was miss.pauling with the twins, jessie and james
"auntie pauling!" you say happily as you go over to her
"hi (y/n)!" miss pauling says happily as she hands the twins to scout and heavy "how you been?" she asks after giving you a hug
"happy!" you says happily and you point to your brother "this is (y/b/n), my brother!" you say happily as you look over at (y/b/n) then miss.pauling
"why, hello (y/b/n), i'm miss.pauling" miss.pauling says and she and (y/b/n) shake hands
"hello, umm..." (y/b/n) says shyly then tells miss.pauling to bring her face over to him "can you thank the men for looking after my sister, i would of hated it if she went to a orphanage" he whispers to miss.pauling who nods after he pulls away
"i will, don't worry" miss.pauling says with a smile then looks over at you to see you finish yawning "can you take (y/n) to bed for me?" she asks (y/b/n) who nods
(y/b/n) and you then head to your room while the men and miss.pauling stay in the living room talking about what happened yesterday with your evil uncle and you family history, (y/b/n) puts you to bed after you get washed, brush your teeth and changed into your pyjamas and both (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) snuggle up next to you as you get into bed
"see you tomorrow, (y/n)" (y/b/n) says calmly as he heads to the door
"ok, night, (y/b/n), love you" you says before going to sleep
(y/b/n) shuts the door and when he does, he stands at the door with a smile on his face, he then head to his room, gets washed, brush his teeth and get changed into his pyjamas, he then gets into bed and falls asleep happily knowing that he was safe now with his sister (y/n).

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