Part 20 - Miss Pauling's Visit

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you wake up the next morning with the usaul morning routine, you get up and go to the kitchen to put (y/d/n) outside, when you get there you see scout having his breakfast, you found it odd to see scout awake first since he gets up later but you didn't question it and you walk over to the back door to let (y/d/n) outside, scout sees you
"oh hey tuts" scout says looking at you
"hey scout" you say waving at him
"if your wondering why i'm up early, it because today miss pauling is coming over and i want to be there when she gets here" scout says
"auntie pauling is coming?" you ask "why?"
"she coming to check how your doing, she hasn't seen you since we've first met and she misses you" scout explained
"oh cool" you say letting (y/d/n) back in "but why do you want to meet her at the door, she can come in herself?"
scout tells you to come close to him and whisper in your ear
"cause i...have a crush on her" scout whispered
you look at scout who was blushing a little on what he said
"does that mean you love her?" you ask
" it does" scout saying still blushing
you giggle and cover your face with your hands
"scoot and pauling sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g" you start to sing, this make scout blush even more
"shush tuts, your going to wake the others up" scout says trying to stop you from singing, you giggle then go about feeding (y/d/n)
after having your breakfast you go to your room to do a bit of drawing to pass the time, an hour later miss pauling arrives and scout let's her in
"hi miss p, have you come to check out my mussels again?" scout says "they are quite a sight"
"not now scout, where is (y/n)" miss pauling says pushing scout aside
"she's in her room" scout says "but there is a story to tell you before you see her"
miss pauling opens your door and you look at her
"auntie pauling" you say and give her a hug
"auntie?" miss pauling says
"yeah that the story i wanna talk to you about"scout says rubbing the back of his head
"hey auntie, did you know that scout has a-" you say but you get cut off by scout covering your mouth
"come let's go to my room so we can talk" scout says and he drags miss pauling to his room, you tilt your head in confusion but then went back to colouring
after scout explained the story to miss pauling, miss pauling was calm and seem to understand
"so i'm her auntie now huh?" miss pauling says after a little silence
"yeah and i'm her big brother" scout says proudly
"lucky you since you are the youngest merc" miss pauling says "so who are the others to her?"
"well...medic is her mom, sniper is her dad, hardhat is her grandma, soldier is her grandad, pyro is her other sibling and demo, heavy and spy are her uncles" scout explained
"that's cute" miss pauling says
"do you think so?" scout said confused
"yeah, i wouldn't ask her though who the administrator is to her" miss pauling says
"probably her great grandma" scout said making miss pauling laugh then slap softly at scouts face, scout looks at miss pauling and blushes
"come on, let's check on how (y/n) is doing" miss pauling says and opens scouts bedroom door
miss pauling goes back to see you and she spend the day with you, you and her talk about different things like how you found (y/d/n), the time when you got kidnapped and how sniper, medic and (y/d/n) saved you and lots of other things, after your stories you look at miss pauling
"hey did you know scout has a crush on you, i was going to say it before but he covered my mouth" you say
"does he now...hmmm" miss pauling says
miss pauling had a plan, she talked to you for a while till scout came in the room to check on you and miss pauling, miss pauling stands up
"hey miss p, how you do-" scout says as he was cut off by miss pauling kissing him, this made you and scout blush
after the kiss scout grabbed his hat and covered his face with it to hide the blush, you giggle and then spy comes in
"what's happening here?" spy says, scout darts passed spy and he was still blushing
"hey uncle spy, you never guess what happened" you say, spy sits by you on the couch
"what happened my little lapin" spy says
"well i told auntie pauling that scout had a crush on her and when he entered, she gave him a...kiss" you say and you snicker with your hands on your face after you say kiss
spy looks at miss pauling who was blushing a little after what she did and left the room, spy looks back at you
"this means they are fully in love now my little lapin" spy says
"what happens when they are in love?" you ask looking at spy
"well...they start doing a lot of thing together and go out on dates" spy explained
"what are dates?" you ask
"it where they spend time together alone so they get to know each other better" spy says
"i wonder if mom and dad kiss and go on dates" you though to yourself "or even grandma and grandad"
"well i'm off to check on scout and miss pauling" spy says "see you a dinner lapin" and spy leaves
you get lost in though and head to your room, when you got there you see (y/d/n) looking at you
"what happened (y/n)?" (y/d/n) says
you explain to (y/d/n) what happened to scout and miss pauling, then you explained what spy said to you
"and i was wondering if mom and dad kiss and go on dates" you say
"well i always see them together and they share the same room so maybe but i haven't seen them kiss" (y/d/n) says
"they probably do it secretly when nobody looking so they don't get all red like scout did" you say
"maybe" (y/d/n) says and goes back to sleep
you then decide to carry on drawing till it was dinner time, after dinner you head to bed, you got into bed after getting dressed into your nightie and you fall asleep, later medic checks on you, he kisses you goodnight on the forehead and stroked (y/d/n) on the head, as he was walking away he notice a drawing you drew on the floor, he picks it up, looks at you and blushes, he then walk to his and sniper's room, when he get there, he saw sniper was about to get into bed when he notice the paper in medic's hand
"what ya got there doc?" sniper asks walking over to medic
medic looks at the drawing again and then shows sniper, sniper looks at the picture and smiles, the picture was of sniper and medic kissing and on the top it said 'mom and dad in love'
"i'm guessing after spy told her what love and dating is, she thinks now we're going out" sniper says looking at medic
medic looks at the picture again, puts the picture down on the bedside table and goes back to sniper, he look at sniper eyes and sniper gives a little smile, medic blushes and sniper pulls him close
"i'm guessing...she might be right" medic says still looking at sniper's eye before kissing
after kissing they looked at each other one more before heading to bed and falling asleep

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