Chapter 6: Shhhh

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Later that evening, just before dusk, I was busy scrubbing a spot in the floor where Sarah spilled potion. Winifred left the potion she had me read aloud to in the cauldron, and when Sarah tried to empty it, she accidently spilled it. I wasn't mad, mistakes happened. So, I just scrubbed it. Sarah and Mary disappeared upstairs, leaving me alone with my racing thoughts. I was still worried Winnifred was going to kill me when she got back from wherever she was.
My mind wandered and I started to think about Mallory. I couldn't believe it, but I had sort of forgotten about her with everything that's happened in the past week. I wondered if she thought I was dead or if I'd just run from my parents. She'd totally lose it if she knew I'd resurrected the Sanderson sisters. Maybe, if Winnifred didn't kill me, I'd be able to get out of here for a little while to see her. I trusted she'd keep my whereabouts a secret from her parents and mine.
Just then, Winifred walked past me. I hadn't even heard the door open. She had her hood up, it's point protruding outward. She had her broom in her hand, her head down at the floor. At first I thought she was angry, but truthfully, she looked sad. I wondered what that was about.
   Winifred crossed the room and unbuttoned her cloak. She tossed both cloak and broom into the closet, not caring where they landed in there. She then walked up to my backside. I didn't look at her, but I could feel her eyes on me. She stood for a few moments, her breathing intensifying with every exhale. Forget her being sad because she was indeed angry. I could practically hear her blood boil. I couldn't be afraid though. I had spent almost ten days with the wickedest witches that ever lived, I couldn't be afraid of her now.
Suddenly, before having time to react, she grabbed a fist full of my hair. She yanked my head back painfully. I cried out.

"Art thou a witch?" she asked me, her voice low and cold.

I held still. "Wha-what?" I asked softly.

Her voice lowered deeply, and she sounded like something straight out of hell.
"Art thou a witch?" she asked again, very slowly. She tightened her grip on my hair.

"I- I don't think so," I stuttered.

She bore her teeth. Her small red lips tightened into an evil smile of some sort.
"We shall see!"

Oh god! Not another relapse of earlier.

Just then, Mary and Sarah ran down the stairs.

"Winnie!" they both shouted in unison.

"Shut up! I'm trying to work!" Winifred shouted.
She pulled my hair tighter. Was she trying to pull my hair out!? I cried out again. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sarah jump into Mary's arms.

"Don't hurt her, Winnie!" She shouted.

Winifred ignored her and proceeded to run a fingernail down my jawline, and trace my features. I didn't know what she was doing, but it hurt like hell! She then began to whisper what sounded like a hex in gibberish.
Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw Winifred's book slam to the floor with a loud smack. It burst open, the pages whipping all around. Winifred released her grip on me, and jolted backward. She put her hands up as if they had claws, and tilted her head.

"What the fuck is happening?" I whispered to myself

"What!" exclaimed Winifred.
"Book," she hissed, stomping a heel. "I did not call thee!"

The book continued to swirl it's pages. Front to back, back to front. I slowly began to stand up. The next thing I knew, the book closed, and slid toward me. It slid past Winifred and skitted to a halt at my feet. I paused, and dug my fingers in my hair. What was going on here?

Winifred threw her hands back and hissed loudly. "Purloin! Curses!"

I didn't dare move. I was afraid that Winifred would strike me, either with her hand or lightning. I had seen her do both to her sisters before that past week. I was afraid that because I wasn't a witch, the lightning would wound me horridly.

Winifred then turned to me. She was enraged. Her face said it all.
"GO. TO. BED. NOWWWWWW!" she screamed, her voice raising.

I began to tremble, and I quickly made my way over to my bed of sheets in the back corner. I couldn't believe that she spoke to me as if she was my mother. I pushed the thought away as I curled up and laid on my side, bringing my knees to my chest. From where I was laying, I could see Winifred bent over a table, breathing heavily. Her hands were fists and by the way she was breathing, it made me wonder if she was in pain. She had her forehead pressed to the tabletop. Mary went to her side, and stroked the back of her arms. Sarah made her way over to me, and peered down into my corner. I nodded to let her know that I was alright. When Sarah saw my nod, she scooted away to Mary's side.

"What be thy problem, Winnie?" Mary asked sweetly, though I could hear nervousness in her voice.

Winifred hissed, and took a few deep breaths. She then made a growling noise.
"Tis true, Kaytrina is a witch," she said finally.

I swear my heart stopped. I stared, wide eyed at nothing in particular, trying to process what I heard Winnifred just say.

Mary and Sarah gasped.

"" Mary asked.

Winifred shook her big hair. "I have not a clue. But that ungodly book of mine went against me when I tried to stun the girl," she explained in a hushed tone.

Sarah then perked up. "Do you think she's...?" she trailed.

"I do not know!" hissed Winifred.

Mary and Sarah took this as cue to be quiet. They both nodded.

"All I know is that the potion responded to her, and my book defended her."

Mary licked her lips. "Well, what shalt we do with her, Winnie?"

I began to tremble and I could feel tears of fear and frustration spring to my eyes.

Winifred shook her head again.
"We can't let her go. She must stay with us, until we make her understand," she said.

I didn't hear anything else Winifred said. I was too busy crying into my sheets.
I peeked up minutes later, and peered through my tears. I tried my best to keep my crying silent. However, I must have made some sort of noise because all three witches looked over at me. Winnie quickly averted her eyes back to the cauldron. Sarah however got up and moved towards me.
"Dammit" I thought to myself. "Dammit, Dammit, Dammit".
I quickly shut my eyes and tried to pretend to sleep, but it was all too much and the sobs kept pushing their way out.
I could hear Sarah's footsteps approaching. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see her standing over me. She crouched down next to me and gently pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear before running her hand down my cheek.
"Shhh go to sleep child" She whispered.
She kept stroking my hair and cheek. It felt oddly soothing, given that a supposed wicked witch was comforting me to sleep like a mother would. Well some mothers, certainly not mine. I kept crying, not even attempting to hide it at this point. I locked my eyes on a spot on the floor, so that I didn't have to lock eyes with Sarah.

"Mary." I heard Sarah say.

I looked up at Sarah who was looking over at her sister pleadingly. Mary stood up and walked over to the corner where Sarah and I were. When she approached us, she crouched down and looked me in the face. Her face was sympathetic. A look she had never given me before.
She reached down and covered my eyes with her hand.

"Shhhh" she whispered.
Within an instant, everything was black and I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

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