Chapter 32: "Our Ticket out of Here"

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"Kaytrina? Kaytrina?"
A soft voice called, pulling me into consciousness.
   I woke up to see Winnie, Mary and Sarah standing around me with looks of concern in their eyes. I groggily looked around and noticed that I was back in Sarah's bed. The afternoon daylight shining through the windows told me I must've been out for quite some time.
   I attempted to sit up but the instense ache throughout my body made it almost impossible.
Mary sat down at the side of me and gently pressed my shoulders down.
"No no don't get up". She instructed.
   I settled back down against the straw mattress and peered up at the sisters.

"What happened?" I asked in an almost groan.

"Thou exerted all thy power and energy" Winnie answered.

"Oh" I muttered, putting a hand to my aching forehead.

"What came over you?!" Sarah asked, clearly referring to when I freaked out and suddenly had enough power within me to smash Bartholomew's head against a wall.

"We hath never seen something like that, especially not from one so young". Winnie added.

"I don't know. I just felt so much anger to begin with, so when I saw he was about to kill you I think I just panicked." I answered.
"I guess I've had so much pent up rage because of my mother and then from losing Mallory, I just kind of exploded."
   As I said all that, I began to understand what must have happened. Perhaps all the emotion I had stuck inside me just burst out when I saw Bartholomew about to take someone else's life. Someone else I had grown close to over these past months. The sisters had become my only family and I wasn't about to lose even one of them.
"Emotion has a way of bringing magic to the surface."
Winnie replied, sitting down on the side of the bed opposite of Mary.
"And emotion that is not released, has a way of stifling our power" she continued.
   That made sense. Maybe I was having such a hard time learning how to control my powers because of all the baggage I carried and how much anger I felt toward my mother. But maybe that was all released when I killed Bartholomew.

"I do know Kaytrina, that if it weren't for you, things would have ended very differently for all of us."
   I looked back up at Winnie who had the same look of fondness in her eye that she did that night before Mallory died.
   I felt a small smile form on my lips as my eyes moved from her to Mary and Sarah who were also looking down at me with small smiles on their faces.
I sighed and moved my eyes back down onto the quilt covering me and thought for another moment.

"I remember Mallory telling me the story of you guys for the first time the summer I was seven and being really scared."
I started to laugh a little.

"I sure wish seven year old me could see me now."

   We laughed together before I spoke again.
"I grew up wanting so badly to move here just so I could be near Mallory and my aunt and uncle. I knew life would so much better if I was near people that cared about me."
I sighed.
"I knew I would gain some freedom when we did eventually move here, but it definitely wasn't in the way I expected it to happen. Life's funny that way I guess".

"I could never imagine someone wanting to move to Salem". Mary said with distaste as she turned her head toward the window.
I shrugged.
"Salem only appealed to me because of Mallory. Truthfully now that's she's gone, being here is hard."
   There was a brief moment of silence before Sarah spoke.
"I always dreamed we could escape somewhere else in this world".

"And where would we go?" Winnie asked her sister critically.

    Sarah shrugged as she stared longingly at a window.

    I thought for a moment. Maybe we could get out of Salem. Go somewhere new and far away from everything that hurt us in the past. It's not like we had anything really tying us down here. Though it would be hard to bring everything we'd need with just brooms for transportation. That's when it hit me. I tried again to get up.
"No Kaytrina thou need rest!" Winnie chided pushing me back down.
   I stifled a groan before pointing to where my bag of Mallory momentos hung on the wall.
"Can I just have that bag please?"

   Sarah walked to the wall and brought it to me. I immediately dug through it until I found Mallory's spare car key tucked into the photo album. I held it up and smiled.

"What's that?" Mary asked staring at it curiously.

"Our ticket out of her." I replied.

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