Chapter 7: Prove it

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     I woke up in what I thought to be the early hours of the morning. Winifred, Mary and Sarah were in bed but I sat awake, just thinking about what Winifred had said. If I was a witch, where the hell had I gotten it from? As far as my family was concerned, witches weren't real. But they had to be! Winifred was surely real, and so was Mary and Sarah! My head began whirling with thoughts. As I lay down, I examined my finger tips. What if I was a witch? Would Winifred lie about something she seemed so certain of?
       After what seemed like hours, I slowly rose from my sheets. Winifred had made the mistake of leaving her book out where I could explore it. I made my way towards it. When I approached where it was sat, I gently caressed the front cover. When my fingers touched it, the eye slowly opened, and looked at me.
The eye studied me closely as I decided whether to open it or not. I looked toward the staircase. It was so quiet that I could hear Mary snoring. That told me I was safe. I focused my attention on the book. I gently began stroking it the way I'd seen Winnifred do. It seemed soothed by this. I was surprised this thing couldn't talk. Next, I slowly slid my finger under the front cover. Before I could open it, the eye flew open. A hand pushed the cover back down. I recognized Winifred's nails and jumped back.

"What art thou doing?" she growled.

"I'm sorry, Winifred," I lowered my head. I pressed my tongue to the inside of my cheek. "I was just looking."

"Well," she scoffed in a high pitch.
"Didn't thy mother ever teach thou to leave others things be?" there was a touch of anger in her voice.
I wanted to laugh and respond with "My mother barely even taught me to fucking talk."
I thought better of it. Being a smart ass was not going to win me any points here.

I backed away from the book slowly.
"I'm sorry, Winifred, for fondling your book. I'll go back to bed now."

She quickly thrashed out and grabbed my arm.
"No. There's something we need to discuss."

I turned to look her in the face. A nearby candle illuminated only half of her. What could she want with me? She wanted to tell me that I was a witch, right? But I already knew her game. She couldn't convince me. I wasn't a witch!

"I'm not a witch!" I said in a low voice.

Winifred gritted her teeth. "But thou art," she said.

I pulled away from her. No! I didn't believe her!

"Dost thou realize how powerful thou truly are?" Winifred asked.
"'Twas thy first time casting a spell and even my book responded. I haven't seen such power in such a young being before." She seemed to be getting evilly excited.

"I was not casting magic," I argued. Truthfully, I think my anger could bite as hard as hers could, but I would avoid that at all costs. Although I thought she was crazy, she was still an ally and I still owed her respect. I took a breath.
"Winifred, I'm not a witch, I'm sorry."

Winifred looked disappointed.
"Someday thee shall see," was all she replied.

The next thing I knew, my name was said.


   Winifred and I turned. Sarah stood in the doorway, wearing a white nightgown like I'd seen in period dramas and in history books. She looked strangely pretty.

"Winnie wouldn't lie, Kaytrina," Sarah explained softly. "Not about something like this."

    Winifred pressed her large teeth to her bottom lip and narrowed her eyes. She gave me a "I told you so" look. Dear god I hope they wouldn't get Mary involved, too. I stopped and thought. Sarah had been so nice to me. And she was defending Winifred's theory. Perhaps I would just have to believe them. Although, I couldn't believe it fully without solid proof. Winifred would have to prove it to me...somehow.
    I sighed, and stepped away from Winifred. I approached the nearest window and stared out. It was rather dark and the treetops swayed in the wind. I suddenly had an urge to step out into the cool air. I could picture myself flying someday.

"Alright," I said deeply. "If I'm a witch..."

"Yes?" asked Winifred.

I turned to face them. "Then thou must prove it."

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