Chapter 21: Target

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   I don't know how she did it, but Sarah managed to convince her sisters to wear Aunt Lisa's clothes so we could all go to Target. We once again piled into Mallory's CRV and took off out of her neighborhood.
Winnie had on a black pullover sweater and jeans. She was actually wearing jeans!
Mary had basically the same thing on except her sweater was red.
As we turned onto the main road, "The Spins" by Mac Miller came on through the aux which Mallory knew all the words to. I laughed at her as she bounced in her seat.
   About a mile down the main road, another car came on and cut us off really close. Mallory slammed on the breaks and blew the horn. I quickly looked behind me to see the Sanderson's looking alarmed at the car's sudden stop and the loud noise.
"What the fuck dumbass?!" She yelled before turning to us.
"Did you fucking see that guy?!"
I threw my head back and laughed. She sounded just like her father when she had road rage.
Mallory switched lanes and sped up to pass him.
He looked over and glared.
"Oh shit that was my principal!" She said, and laughed.
"Whatever, he's a dick".

"I see things aren't any less hostile on the streets of Salem." Winnie remarked.
"There's nothing not hostile about driving during rush hour." Mallory replied.
"Especially, when they give idiots like Mr. Conrad over there a driver's license!". She raised her voice on Mr. Conrad.
I kept laughing. Her and Winnie weren't all that different. I mean obviously they had different opinions of children, given that Mallory had created a career out of shaping and nurturing the youth, and Winnie was dead set on devouring them. But they both had no problem speaking their mind and were hot heads when put in the right situation.
After a few minutes of just listening to the radio, We pulled into the Target parking lot. We all got out and the sisters stood side by side and stared in awe at the large building and the glowing red letters above the doors.
"What is this place?" Sarah asked in amazement.
"A place where my paycheck disappears."
Mallory deadpanned before she started towards the entrance.
I rolled my eyes.
"It's called Target. It's just a big place to buy stuff."
All three continued to stare with big eyes as we  followed Mallory in.
When we got inside, Mallory pulled a random pen out of her pocket and grabbed my hand.
"Ok I'm gonna go to the food section. Kayti I need you to grab laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels and toilet paper". She instructed as she wrote those items out on my hand.
"Let's meet at the self checkout in 20 minutes."
I nodded and looked at the sisters who were looking around like they didn't know what to do.
"She's going to get food and I'm going that way to get other stuff."
All three looked at me, before Mary took off after Mallory who was already pushing a cart toward the grocery section.
I laughed to myself and looked at Winnie and Sarah.
"Looks like it's us three then."
I too grabbed a cart and began walking toward the cleaning supplies section with them following closely behind. Despite having changed into more inconspicuous clothing, I felt like they still stuck out because of how lost they acted. I ignored the handful people giving us looks and continued to the laundry aisle. As I made my way down the list Mallory had written on my hand, Winnie and Sarah analyzed different products and asked me what each one was for.
Just then my phone buzzed with a text from Mallory.
"SOS! My coworker, Dani from yesterday, is here and is headed your way!"

"Who?" I replied.

"The girl that Sarah said they met in 93'."

My heart dropped into my stomach. From what I could tell about what Sarah said the day prior, we did NOT need Winnie running into her, especially not in a public place. That would likely mean cops and lots of them. I looked up from my phone, and there she was pushing her cart, nonchalantly looking at the items on the shelf. I looked behind me and luckily Winnie and Sarah were distracted by the colorful packaging of the products on the shelves.

"Shit! Did Mary see her?!" I messaged back.

"No, she's totally obsessed with the freezer section."
I looked back up and saw Dani moving closer to where we were. I needed to act fast.
"Ok, what we need next is actually this way". I said, turning the cart around. Winnie and Sarah glance at each other before following me back to where we came from. I grabbed a random bottle of body lotion to make my lie credible and headed back to the checkout. I trusted Mallory would be headed that way too.
Her and Mary had already secured a self checkout register by the time we got there. I pushed the cart up behind them and Mallory turned toward me and shot me an amused smile before flicking her eyes toward Mary who was completely entranced by the screen in front of her.
I laughed absentmindedly before looking over my shoulder to see if Dani was anywhere in sight. She wasn't. I then handed Mallory some items to scan, while all three sisters watched in amazement. A handful of moments later, I looked back over my shoulder and there she was walking into one of the checkout lanes. By this time, Winnie and Mary were beginning to look around again. I subtly hit Mallory's arm and flicked my eyes back in that direction. Mallory slightly looked over her shoulder.
"Look you guys! Do you wanna try scanning some of the items?!" She asked enthusiastically, channeling her inner teacher and drawing their attention back to the scanner. She handed Mary a bag of Doritos and she showed her how to scan the barcode before handing Winnie the random bottle of lotion I grabbed. It was when she handed Sarah the dish soap to scan, I looked back and saw Dani finish grabbing her bags head towards the exit. Mallory saw this too and we exchanged relieved looks.
Once we got everything scanned and bagged, we made our way back to the car.
We began loading the trunk with the groceries feeling much more relaxed, thinking we were in the clear. We were wrong...because there she was in the red Camry next to us. To make matter worse, she was looking out her window in utter shock. Just as she shifted her car into reverse, all three sisters looked over and watched as she backed out of the parking spot.
"Son of a bitch" Mallory muttered quietly under her breath.
   I nervously looked at Winnie who was narrowing her eyes as if she was deep in thought. I could hear my heart speed up. Maybe she couldn't recognize her? My eyes moved to Sarah who was looking at me and Mallory with a knowing look on her face. I widened my eyes and gave a subtle shake of my head. She looked at me a second longer and then quickly back at Dani's car, now completely out of the parking space. She then turned her gaze downward.
    Dani shifted into drive and took off through the parking lot. As she drove by, Mallory smiled and waved. Dani just lifted a quick hand but didn't so much as slow down. Winnie watched the car drive off before turning to us.
"That woman looked very familiar but I haven't a clue where I have seen her". She said.
Mallory loaded the last bag.
"Maybe she's a descendant of someone you knew way back when." She suggested as she pulled the trunk door shut.
Winnie thought for a moment before shrugging.
Now we were actually in the clear.
    Mal and I moved to the front of the car with the sisters following suit. Once we were all in our seats, Mallory quickly backed out and got us enroute back to her house. The sun was beginning to set now and I could see on the car thermometer, that the temperature outside was beginning to plummet. An indie pop song I didn't know was playing through speakers. I rested my head on the window and watched the passing traffic.
Just then, Mallory's phone buzzed. We both glanced down at it and saw that it was a text from Dani.
Mallory and I looked at each other nervously.
"Open it." Mallory said quietly.
I quickly grabbed her phone and opened the message.
"Who we're all those people with you at Target?" It read.
When we reached a red light, I showed it to Mallory.
"Just make something up". She instructed after glancing down at it.
The light turned green and we continued down the road.
"Just some relatives here for Thanksgiving. Why?" I typed.

"Just wondering. Have a great night!" She messaged back.
When we reached the next light, I showed Mallory what I had said. She smiled and nodded.
Her and I gave each other relieved looks.
That could've been bad.

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