Chapter 33: Grand Theft Auto

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After extensive contemplation and discussion, we decided finding and taking Mallory's car was worth a shot. Though I didn't get to use it much, I had gotten my driver's license in Virginia that past August. I didn't have my own car of course, but my parents were eager for me to learn to drive so I could pick them up from bars and parties and what not.
At first, the thought of stealing a car made me nervous. However, after thinking about it, I figured I had already been a teen runaway and technically an accessory to murder, twice, so what was a little car theft gonna hurt.
The thought of the four of us taking off in Mallory's CRV able to go literally anywhere was really exciting to me and it seemed the idea was growing on the sisters as well, even Winnie.
I did feel bad about stealing from my aunt and uncle, but it really wasn't really their car anyway. Mallory had saved up money from babysitting and working as a waitress in college to buy it. I know that it didn't justify me taking it, but it made me feel a little bit better . I liked to think Mallory  was supportive of this idea from wherever she was now.
Finally, we decided that in a few days, once I had gained some strength back, Sarah and I would go out and look for it.
So on the following Tuesday night, that's exactly what we did.
I figured that if it hadn't already been sold, it had to be in one of two places. Either my aunt and uncle moved it to their house or it was still sitting at Mallory's house. If it wasn't in either of those places, then we'd officially be shit out of luck.
We decided we would check Mallory's house first.
As Sarah and I started out the door, Winnie stopped us.

"Kaytrina" she started to say "I don't suppose thou would want to try flying?"

My eyes widened and I looked at Sarah whose expression had turned into a wide grin. I looked back at Winnie.

"Am I ready?" I asked her incredulously.

Winnie chuckled.
"After the other night, I believe thou is ready for anything".

I looked around at Mary and Sarah excitedly. Mary smiled back and grabbed her broom from the corner and handed it to me.

"Take care and listen to everything Sarah tells thou." Winnie warned as we continued to the door.
Those were words I never expected her to say.
Sarah eagerly pulled me out the door and we both dashed down the front steps. We stood side by side with our brooms in hand.

"Alright, remember. Hold up the broom and think "fly"." Sarah said.
With that, she held up her own broom and almost instantly levitated off the ground. She got a little ways into the air before bringing the broom between her legs and hovering above me.

"Do as I just did" she called down.

I nervously stared up at her. I was truthfully terrified that it would turn out like the last time and I wouldn't be able to do it. I really didn't need to feel that defeat again.
I turned my head back and saw Winnie and Mary watching intently from the doorway. I took a deep breath and decided I needed to at least try, even if it wouldn't work out. I held the up broom next to me and closed my eyes.

"Fly...Fly fly fly goddamit fly". I thought frustratedly.

Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and looked up at Sarah who peered down at me anxiously. I closed my eyes again and took another long and deep breath, taking care to clear my mind fully this time.
And just like that, I could feel my feet lift off the ground. I opened my eyes and could see I was in fact levitating in the air. My eyes widened and I looked back at Sarah.
"I'm doing it!" I cried.
Sarah smiled wide and clapped hands.
I didn't dare look down behind me in fear of falling, but I could hear Winnie and Mary cheering and clapping from the doorway of the cottage.

"Now place the broom betwixt your legs" Sarah instructed once I was high enough off the ground.
I shakily did as I was told and drove the broom in between my thighs. I continued to ascend until I was level with Sarah. She continued grinning at me as she turned her broom in the direction we were headed.

Hocus Pocus: Rising of a Little Witchजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें