Chapter 20: "This could be fun."

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A little before 4 we were in the living room with the TV on, when we heard loud brakes squeak and compressed air being released outside. We all peered out the window above the couch and saw a school bus stopping a little bit past the end of Mallory's driveway, at the corner of another street. Seconds later, the doors swung open and a line of kids bounced off and dispersed in different directions towards their respective houses.
A young girl no older than six came skipping down the sidewalk in our direction. She had her light blonde hair in braids and was wearing different shades of pink from head to toe, including her backpack. The sisters stared hungrily at her as she passed by the house.

"It would be so easy to just run down there and snatch her." Mary almost growled.
I side eyed her as if to say "don't you dare".
Winnie narrowed her eyes and glared down as the little girl happily skipped by, blissfully unaware that she was literally being stalked like prey at that moment. Sarah's head turned from sister to sister to see what they would do.
    Just then Mallory drove by slowly as she prepared to turn into her driveway. The little girl waved when she saw her car and I could see the silhouette of Mallory waving back.

"Hm she must be in her class or something". I said quietly.
The girl continued on her way to her house and Mallory continued pulling in the drive.
   No more than a minute later we heard the car park and Mallory shut the door. I heard the chirp of the clicker locking the car before the side door opened. In walked Mallory, though I couldn't see her very well from where I was. I heard her throw her bag down and hang up her keys. She then walked into the living room where we were and smiled.

"Hey guys" she said.
By how casually she greeted us, you'd think she had been coming home to me and three resurrected witches for years. She looked tired after what was probably a long day of trying to keep order in a classroom of wild kids. I smiled back.

"Hey" I replied "How was work?"
The Sanderson's watched her intently and waited for her reply.
Mallory, ignoring their stares, sighed and plopped down in the armchair in the far corner of the living room near the couch.

"It was fine. Just way too eventful for my liking."

"Why? What happened?" I asked, amused. I could see the sisters exchange looks out of the corner of my eye.
"Well not even an hour into the day, one boy decided that it would be a great idea to use his scissors to cut his fucking shirt completely open. Like literally right down the middle". She answered, using her fingers to imitate cutting with scissors down the middle of her sweater.

"What the hell?!" I asked, laughing.
Mallory let out an exasperated chuckle and shook her head.

"I have no fucking clue. His mom was PISSED when I called her to bring him a new one. Anyway, after that, another one of my boys got in trouble in the computer lab for pulling keys off a keyboard. And then, to top it all off, one of my girls projectile vomited in the hallway after recess".

"I have no idea how you do it". I said.
   I didn't mind kids but I sure as hell wasn't going to dedicate my life to them like Mallory had.

"It's called June, July and August." Mallory replied, referring to summer break
"oh and tequila".
I laughed.
Winnie cleared her throat and began to speak.
"If those little ones are causing thou too much trouble, we'd be happy to take some off you". She offered deviously.
I just knew she was gonna say something like that.
Mallory chuckled nervously before saying:
"That's alright. They aren't that bad."
She sighed again and leaned back in the chair.

"They're all just hopped up because they're off for Thanksgiving starting Wednesday".

I had been off the grid for so long that I'd forgotten that Thanksgiving was coming up.

"Oh shit I didn't even realize it was that far into November". I stated.
Mallory nodded.

"Time must fly when you go MIA for almost a month". She said, sounding like total smart ass.
I rolled my eyes.

"What are you guys doing? Grandma Ellie's?" I asked.
Grandma Ellie was the grandmother we shared through our fathers. Mallory got to see her a lot more than I ever did because she only lived like an hour from Salem. I did nonetheless have a good relationship with her, even though I only saw her maybe once a year. I was sad I wouldn't get to go. When I found out we were moving to Salem, I was excited that it not only meant I was near Mallory but also Grandma Ellie. I hadn't got the chance to see her before I ran away and ended up with the Sandersons.
Mallory nodded.

"I wish you could come". She said somewhat quietly. I could hear sadness in her voice.
I sighed and tilted my head slightly.

"Me too".

"Are you gonna be ok? I can fake sick or something and stay here?" She offered
I shook my head.

"No you go be with the family. I'll be good here with them." I said, looking back over at the sisters.
  They had stopped paying attention to us at this point.
This thanksgiving would be a nice change from years past. Sure l'd be missing Grandma Ellie and other extended family members on my dad's side, but I wouldn't miss my parents getting way too drunk and causing a massive scene, or worse a fight with my uncle and their cousins. I decided that I was happy staying here with the Sandersons and having a nice quiet day. Plus I trusted that Mal would bring us back leftovers.
  Our attention turned to the episode of Ridiculousness playing on the TV. All three sisters let out hysterical laughs when they showed a guy flipping out of a hammock and landing square on his face. Both Mallory and I laughed too.

"Jesus" Mallory chuckled under breath before standing up.

"Alright I was gonna go to the store on my way home from work but I left my wallet here". She said.

"Yeah you left your jacket too when you ran out like that. How was that at recess today?" I deadpanned, following her back to the hallway.
Mal smirked.
"I actually had another one in my car so I was fine". She teased, grabbing her keys off the wall hook.
"Do you wanna come with me?" she asked.
I shook my head.
"I can't be going out in public, remember?"

"Well I'm going to Target and that's in Peabody, so I don't think there's any danger in seeing your parents or anything".
I thought for a minute.
"What about them?" I asked, flicking my head towards the Sanderson Sisters who were still intently watching the television.

Mallory grinned.
"This could be fun."

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