Chapter 16: Welcome to the Modern World

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   Soon after, we were up in Mallory's bedroom finding something to wear that was from this day and age.

"Here Kayti" she said, passing me a pair of sweatpants, a Jacob Bailey High School class of 2007 sweatshirt and a pair of underwear from her dresser.
  Sarah sat on her bed staring in awe at the twinkle lights hanging above Mallory's bed.

"Alright" Mallory said, turning to her.

"I know women wearing pants wasn't exactly a thing in the 1600s but today it's totally normal."
   She turned back to the dresser and grabbed a pair of black leggings out of the top drawer and a long sleeved New England Patriot's T-shirt out the drawer below that.

"Here" she said with a friendly smile, setting the clothes in Sarah's lap
"Try these on"
Sarah picked up the shirt and analyzed it curiously.

"I know it's super different, but believe me clothes like these are so comfortable." I said coming back in the room after changing.
I loved the dress that the sisters gave me but damn did I miss sweatpants.
   Sarah smiled at me before standing up and leaving the room to try Mallory's clothes on.
She came back in minutes later, with one of her huge grins spread across her face.
    Mallory and I looked at each other and then back at Sarah. Wow! It's amazing how much clothing can change the way someone looks. She went from being a 17th century witch to looking like she was home on break from Umass.

"What do thou think?" I asked her
Her grin got even wider.

"Comfortable!" She gushed, clapping her hands together and leaning forward.

"I'm sorry" Mallory interrupted "Did you just say thou?"

I laughed as I turned my head to face her
"Yeah they talk like that so started too".

"Gotcha" she replied before looking back at Sarah.
"Ok so what about the other two?"

"Well" I replied "Sarah what do thou think?"

Sarah walked back into Mallory's room and turned toward her closet.

"Hmmm" she said with fingers to her chin.
   She did this for a long moment before turning back to us.
"I am afraid I can't see them wearing any of these."
She said glumly.

"So where can we find clothes for them?" I questioned looking back at Mallory

She thought for a second.
"Oh!" She exclaimed "My parents are in Boston for the weekend! We can get some of my mom's old stuff, she'll never miss it."

"Oh ok perfect." I said.

   Just then, an orange ball of fur darted from under Mallory's bed and into her bathroom. Sarah screamed and jumped back.

"It's ok it's ok" I soothed moving to her.
"It's just her cat".

Mallory went into the bathroom after him and came out with him in her arms.

"He's really friendly, just kind of a spazz."
She explained, walking up in front of us.

   Sarah stared at the furry orange feline in Mallory's arms. He stared back at her curiously. She cautiously stuck her finger out and slowly moved it to touch him. As her finger moved to his face, he began sniffing it. I thought that he may hiss or try to bite it at first, however, he just simply rubbed his nose on it and put his attention elsewhere.
Sarah smiled and giggled. Mallory smiled too.

"His name is Charlie". Mallory said before he wriggled out of her arms and ran out of the bedroom.

"Goodbye Charlie!" Sarah called as the cat scampered off.

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