Chapter 17: "Won't she like blow my fucking head off?!"

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Mallory and I loudly sang along to Taylor Swift's Fearless album as we drove back through town. Sarah seemed to be a lot more comfortable with the radio at this point and looked like she was enjoying the little show we were putting on up front. Mallory laughed and joked without a care, until we turned onto Forest Road, the road to the Sanderson house. It was then that she fell completely silent.
I looked at her and could clearly see her body tense up as she drove the car further and further.
"Hey" I said gently touching her arm "what's wrong?"
She looked at me, her eyes slightly frantic.
"Just starting to freak out a little. I've heard Winnifred Sanderson isn't the nicest person."
I sighed and nodded.
"Yeah but she won't hurt you. You're helping her."

"But what if I accidentally piss her off? Won't she like blow my fucking head off?"
She asked. By this point she had pulled over and stopped the car.

"We both accidentally piss her off everyday we're still here." I retorted, motioning to myself and Sarah.
Sarah, who hadn't been paying attention turned her head to us and paused.

"Right!" She said enthusiastically, not knowing what she was agreeing with.
I laughed and looked back to Mallory.

"It's gonna be fine Mal. I promise." I said, squeezing her forearm.

Mallory took a deep breath and nodded.

"If you say so". She replied and put the car back in drive. She pulled back onto the road and continued driving.
Quickly after we pulled through the gates, Winnie and Mary rushed out the front door and stood on the front steps. They watched in awe as Mallory's Honda rolled in and parked in front of them. As the car stopped, Mallory took her hands off the wheel and stared at two other Sanderson Sisters with wide eyes. As her breathing grew heavier, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She looked at me and I gave her a reassuring smile. Sarah quickly opened her door and jumped out. She giddily jumped around, telling her sisters about the adventure she just had with us.
Winnie looked horrified at Sarah's new outfit and began yelling about it. I couldn't totally hear her but I knew she was not happy.

"Ope there I go already accidentally pissing her off and I haven't even met her yet."Mallory said.
I laughed nervously, before squeezing her hand one more time and getting out of the car myself.

"What on earth are you two wearing!?" Winnie growled looking me up and down.

"Uh well" I stammered "We decided if we're going to be living in a modern neighborhood, we need to look the part so we don't stand out."
Sarah began jumping around again.

"We got thou new clothes as well!" She cheered. By this time, Winnie had come down the stairs and moved closer to the car.

"Absolutely not" she bellowed, jabbing her sister in the stomach.
  I decided that the best course of action would be to change the subject.

"Winnie!" I said excitedly "I would like to introduce my cousin to thee".
  Winnie looked at me and then turned to Mallory who was still sitting in the driver's seat of the car. I smiled and beckoned for her to get out.
She hesitated before slowly opening her car door and getting out. I quickly moved next to her.

"Winnie, Mary, meet Mallory." I introduced.
"Mallory, meet Winnie and Mary."

Mallory gave a nervous smile and raised her hand to give a small wave.
"Hey" she greeted, her voice wavering.

Mary, who was stood a little bit behind Winnie perked up

"Why hello!" she greeted.
She opened her mouth to speak some more but Winnie put her hand up to silence her.
Winnie took a step towards Mallory and put her fingers to her chin. She looked her up and down, analyzing her like she had with me several times before. Mallory kept an uncomfortable smile on her face and side eyed me in panic.
After what must have felt like an eternity to poor Mal, Winnie finally spoke.

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