Chapter 31: Electricity

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    At first, I couldn't see a thing. All I knew, was that I was laying with my cheek pressed to a cold stone floor.  As I gained more and more of my consciousness back, I could tell that my wrists and feet were tied behind my back. I could smell smoke and could hear someone moving around. When I was eventually able to open my eyes, I could see Bartholomew standing with his back to me. He wasn't alone however, I could vaguely make out two other shadows projected on the stone wall. They were both significantly shorter than him. I looked around some more the best I could. Were we in the same cave? Where are the sisters? Did they see him take me? Maybe they followed?
As I was slowly able to crane my neck up, I could see the ceiling of the cave was much too high to have been that same one. Where had he taken me?
    It was then I heard someone speak. The voice was female and creepy. Like a stereotypical old lady witch from the movies. I saw two women join Bartholomew on either side. Both were old with heads of long gray hair and pretty scary looking faces to say the least. Who the hell were they? Had I brought them back too? I must have, because they definitely looked like they crawled out of a grave.
    I quietly struggled in my bounds as if it was going to do something. I scanned the area around me for anything I could levitate and use to break free without alerting my captors. I spotted something that looked like a dagger or a sharp rock laying on the floor not too far from me. I squinted and focused hard to get it to move to me. I managed to lift it a few inches. I had no idea how I was going to use it to cut the ties however. I focus harder and make it float to where I was.    Unfortunately, it instead fell and hit the stone floor with a loud clang.
Bartholomew and his two side bitches quickly swung around to face me.
Their faces lit up with menacing grins when they saw I was awake.
"Ohhhh now that the girl has awoken, we can begin our ritual and get on with the sacrifice." One of the creepy old ladies stated excitedly.
"In due time Martha". Bartholomew replied, holding a hand up to calm her.
    I trembled as he walked toward me. Once he reached me, he crouched down and roughly grabbed my hair in his hand, forcing me to look at him.
"Thou will be even more perfect than Sarah for this". He whispered.
I glared back at him, wishing I could use my magic to set the son of a bitch of fire the way he tried to us...TWICE!
He let my hair go and stood up.
"Get her up!" He demanded coldly.
With that, the two hags made their way to me. They roughly yanked me up and held onto me from either arm. My feet were tied so they just dragged on the ground behind me as they moved me to a chair against the wall.
    They threw me down and my head knocked back against the stone wall. I winced and groaned, before opening my eyes to watch what they were doing. I hadn't noticed it before, but in the center of this cave was a cauldron a lot like the one at the cottage. Inside was a bubbling green potion.

"If that's the potion I think it is, it won't work on me. I'm too old." I snapped.

Bartholomew turned to me and laughed.
"Stupid girl. Don't thou think that I already know that?"
I glared back.
"Tis not the life potion child. Tis power not youth we are after."
    The two women chortled together over the cauldron while Bartholomew silently worked at a table next to it, with his back turned to me.
I continued to quietly try and wriggle my wrists free, hoping that a miracle would happen and the sisters would come busting in before these three had time to do to me whatever it was they had planned.
    Before long, Bartholomew moved to the cauldron and beckoned for the women to join him. He chanted something in tongues or Latin or witch language or something , I don't know. I had heard the sisters do it before but never had the nerve to ask. My heart started to race, because I knew that they were starting the ritual, and it would only be a matter of time before they slit my throat the way he had tried to Sarah back in sixteen seventy whatever. Maybe it would have been better if my mom killed me that day. That way if I died, it wouldn't have given this disgusting creature more power.
    Once he was done chanting, he used a dagger to cut his hand and let the blood drip into the cauldron. He then, passed it to the witch next to him for her to do the same.
   When they all finished putting their blood in the potion, they chanted together.
   I tried once again to levitate a pan I saw on a table behind them, thinking I could knock them in the head with it, but my view of it was blocked when one of the females moved.
   Once they were done chanting, all three turned to me, evil grins once again plastered on their faces.
Bartholomew turned and looked at the two women on either side of him and motioned for them to grab me.
"Oh shit this is it. Where the fuck are they?" I thought frantically.
  The women pulled me up from the chair and dragged me to the cauldron. They held me up on either side in front of Bartholomew. They chanted one last time, before Bartholomew held out the dagger once again.
This was really it. Who knew that if my "barbaric" mother didn't kill me, some 300 plus year old freak, I unknowingly resurrected would.
   One of the witches holding me grabbed my chin and forced it up to give Bartholomew open access to my throat. I closed my eyes and waited for the deed to be done.
Just as I felt the cool blade touch my skin, I heard electricity and Bartholomew screaming in agony. I opened my eyes and saw him falling forward, dropping the dagger with a clang. Behind him stood Winnie, her hand raised above her head. She had thing for timing, and for someone who originally wanted to kill me, she'd saved my life twice now.
The two older witches gasped, before Mary came up behind the one on my right and hit her in the head with a pan, knocking her out instantly. Sarah also came from out of sight and attempted to pull me away from the other witch, who tightened her grip and dug her sharp nails into my arm.
"Get off!" I cried out as I yanked my arm free with all my might. Though I managed to free myself from her grasp, her nails left deep scratches in my skin.
    Sarah pulled me back against the wall, away from where Winnie stood over Bartholomew and undid the rope around my wrists and ankles.
Winnie zapped the female witch who was still standing , before turning around and zapping Bartholomew again as he attempted to get up.

"Thou art forgetting my dear sister's ability to smell children, my friend." Winnie crooned
" And our Kaytrina has just enough youth left in her to be sniffed out".
   She delivered a hard blow to his stomach with her foot.
He let out an angonized groan and lay limp on the ground. She zapped him one last time with what looked like a pretty hefty surge of electricity before looking at us.
"It really was that easy wasn't it."
She cackled, her sisters joining her. Hell, I even joined her.
She stepped over him and toward where Mary, Sarah and I were against the wall.
Her hand was reaching out for me, when suddenly, I see another intense flash of light shoot across the room, knocking Winnie over immediately.
Mary, Sarah and I gasped and I felt Sarah's arms wrap around me even tighter.
   Mary started to move to her, but Bartholomew struck lightning at her feet as a warning to stay back.
"Oh but it really is not that easy, is it Winnifred my darling?" Bartholomew cooed mockingly.
Winnie writhed on the stone ground. She flailed helplessly as he struck her again and again. Bartholomew laughed mercilessly over her as she attempted but failed to get herself up.
"Come on Winnie you can do it" I thought to myself.
I looked at Mary and Sarah. I could see on their faces they were really scared. I don't think any of us had ever seen her this helpless before. Just then, I saw Bartholomew generated a huge glowing orb in his hand. The biggest one is ever seen. It was going to be the fatal blow.
    Rage and urgency seemed to explode through me like a storm that hit out of nowhere. He had already taken Mallory from me, he wasn't going to take anyone else. I broke away from Sarah and started to run to where he stood over Winnie.

"KAYTRINA NO!" Sarah screamed but I ignored her.

   I stopped when I was a few feet away and threw both my hands out in front of me. I don't know if it was all the anger and adrenaline I felt or what, that triggered what happened next. All I know is that something took over in that moment, and all my power seemed to explode out of me at once. I screamed as purple glowing energy shot out of my hands. It was a stream of electricity much stronger than I had ever seen out of Winnie or Bartholomew. Bartholomew looked up in shock before the energy hit him and shot him across the cave. He hit the far wall with a loud thud before falling to the floor. I couldn't clearly see what he looked like from where I stood, but I felt confident that I had finished the job by the smeared blood on the wall where his head must of busted open on impact.
I stood there panting and let my arms fall to my side. I had no idea what just happened but it definitely took a lot out of me.
   One of the old lady witches must have woken up, because just then she came charging at me with the dagger.
   I let out another scream and shot out another blast of electricity, sending her up against another wall. After watching her for a moment to ensure she wouldn't get back up, I turned to face the sisters. Mary and Sarah were crouched around Winnie, who they had managed to bring back against the wall with them. They looked at me with faces of utter amazement. I cracked a smile as I attempted to walk toward them. However, when I took a step, my exhaustion hit me all at once and I collapsed on the ground. The last thing I remember before I fell completely unconscious, was hearing gasps and seeing Sarah start to move toward me.

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