Chapter 15: Halloween of 93'

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   She reluctantly let us both inside and we explained the situation at hand the best we could; starting with me running from home and ending up at the Old Sanderson house, and ending with them taking me in so to speak. I hadn't yet mentioned the part of me discovering I was also a witch with powers.

"Ok so let me get the timeline straight" Mallory said after listening to us babble on about everything that's happened the past several weeks.
"You ran away after your mom beat the shit out of you when she was high..."
"Correct" I confirmed.
"You ended up at the Sanderson house..."
I nodded.
"And you read a spell that brought them back again?"
Sarah and I both nodded this time.
"And they kept you as a slave?"
I nodded again.
"Yes but now I wouldn't really call myself a slave anymore. More like an apprentice"
   I looked to Sarah and she nodded in agreement.
"And you aren't on drugs?" She asked again, clearly having trouble processing it all.
I laughed
"No, I'm completely sober Mal ".
"Ok but how are you their apprentice? Are you a witch now too?" She asked, I could tell she was joking but I wasn't.
My face must have really changed because her eyes went wide and she shook her head dramatically.

"Ok this is crazy. What the hell are shooting up Kayti?!"

"Mallory I'm serious" I protested, raising my voice slightly.

"Can I just show you?"
Mallory stared at me "show me?"

"Yes! Show you my powers!" I asked pleadingly.

"Yes!" Sarah exclaimed clapping her hands excitedly

"Show her Kaytrina!"

"Uh ok" Mallory hesitantly agreed. I'm sure she really was not expecting for what I claimed to be real.

"Ok" I said before standing.

"I'd scoot back. I really don't know what's gonna happen." I warned.
   Mallory obliged and scooted her chair up against the kitchen counter.
I faced forward and set my gaze on a bowl sitting next to the sink. I focused hard and raised my hand up towards it slightly. About 5 seconds later, the bowl began to rattle. I squinted and focused harder. Just then, the bowl shot up and levitated above the counter.

"Holy crap!" Mallory cried out
I kept focusing, trying my best to gently set the bowl down.

"Sarah I really don't know how to put this down without breaking it" I admitted through gritted teeth.
Sarah promptly stood up and moved next to me. She lifted up her hand, took control of the bowl and gently set it back down.
    She took a deep satisfied breath and sat back down at the kitchen table.
Mallory stared at us wide eyed in disbelief.
  I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head toward her.

"Do you believe us now?" I asked.
She continued staring a moment before answering.

"Yeah" she sighed "That's not the only reason why I believe you though".
   I furrowed my brow and then looked at Sarah who also looked puzzled.

"What's the other reason?" I asked her.
She sighed again

"Have I ever told you what happened to me on Halloween when I was 5?"
I shook my head.

"If she's 24 now and 24-5 is 19 then the year was...Oh shit. 1993!" I thought to myself.
I remembered Mary telling me they were resurrected on Halloween that year.

"I spent the evening with my 15 year old babysitter Jackie, while my parents went to the Halloween party at town hall". She began.
"She took me trick or treating before taking me home and getting me ready for bed. All I remember is going to sleep and then waking up to some strange singing. After that, I can't remember anything until I apparently came to and found Jackie, myself and a bunch of other kids from around here standing in front of the Sanderson house. Luckily Jackie was able to get us safely back to my house before my parents got back."
   She sat and thought a moment before saying:
"And that's another weird thing! They didn't get home until like 7:30 in the morning. They never party like that! Them and all their friends that were there that night, still talk about how there's never been a Halloween party quite like the town hall party of 93'".

I stared at her before looking at Sarah who was looking at her lap.

"Twas I" she sighed as she lifted her head to look at Mallory.
"I went out and sang my song to lure children to our home so we could use their lives to keep us alive past dawn". She confessed.

"So it is true!" Mallory exclaimed! "You guys were brought back on Halloween of 93!"
Sarah nodded
"Yes. A virgin teenaged boy lit a black flame candle and triggered Winnie's curse."

"The one she made before you all were hanged?" Mallory asked
Sarah nodded again.

Mallory nodded.
"I knew it" she said it in an almost whisper.
"I think all the kids of my generation know it, just nobody wants to say it."

We all sat quietly for a moment.

"So what is it you need me to help with?" Mallory asked, crossing her leg over the other.

"There's someone after us." I replied

Mallory raised her eyebrows.
"Why do you think someone is after you?"

"Well for starters, someone tried to set fire to the cottage. I also found a mysterious black cloak and we've all seen multiple black figures running through the woods."

"And just this morning..." Sarah chimed in "We found a threatening note and a cross at our door!"

"We feel like if we got out of there for a while we'd either, A: make them think we're gone or B: Be able to spy on the house and catch whoever it is". I explained.

"So you want to stay here. Like you two and your two sisters?" She asked, motioning towards Sarah.

Sarah and I looked at each other and then both nodded.
"Just for maybe like a few weeks or something." I said

Mallory just stared deep in thought for what seemed like forever. She then looked up and nodded.
"Ok" she agreed

Both Sarah and I started gushing out our thanks.

"But!" She interjected over us.
"There will be NO sucking the lives out of children while you are here! Got it? Make sure to tell your sisters that too".
She warned.

We both nodded enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much Mal! I mean it!" I said getting up from my chair and rushing over to hug her.

"You should probably come back with us then and meet Winnie and Mary". I suggested as I pulled away.

Mallory nodded but I could tell she was still deep in thought.
"You know if you guys are going to be here hanging out in a modern day neighborhood..." she finally said "Then you should probably wear modern day clothing."
"Mmm you've got a point" I said before turning to Sarah.
"Want to play dress up?"

Sarah grinned wide.

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