Chapter 24: November Snow

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   The next couple of days consisted of training, and a lot of it.
  Ever since we had come to the conclusion that it was Bartholomew I had accidentally resurrected along with Winnie, Mary and Sarah, all three sisters were incredibly anxious and wanted to ensure I was prepared should I come in contact with him. Though I appreciated their concern for my safety, I was exhausted. So by the time Mallory had returned back from Grandma Ellie's Thanksgiving night, I was fast asleep on the couch downstairs.
On Friday morning, Mallory left to go shopping with her best friend Lindsey. I was sure, however, that she wouldn't be out very long due to a heavy snow that was supposed to hit Salem midday. The sisters of course insisted on getting some training in the woods behind the house, despite it being a frigid 16 degrees out.    Though I wanted so badly to stay in, I put on the extra winter coat of Mallory's and made the trek outside with them.
   By noon, just like the weather reports had said, snow began to fall quickly and heavily. Before long the forest floor was covered in a blanket of white. I tried to enjoy its beauty but I was too cold to enjoy anything.

"Come now Kaytrina. Try one more time." Mary coaxed.
I had spent the entire morning trying to master different self defense skills such as smashing things and or levitating and throwing things through the air. I was able to do a little bit, but I was shivering so much, it was hard for me to control anything.
I lifted my shaky hand once more and focused on a rock poking up through the snow covered leaves. I held out my arm and focused hard. I felt like I might actually be able to smash the damn thing this time. That was until, a gust of freezing wind came barreling through the trees.
"Shit." I cried and attempted to shield my face from the blowing snow. I threw my arms back around myself and stood shivering once again.
Mary looked at me disappointedly.

"I'm sorry I'll try again." I said quickly, and tried to ready myself once more.
Winnie threw up her hand.
"Enough! One of us is bound to fall ill if we stay out much longer."
I was honestly shocked by this, but grateful.
"We shall continue this on a warmer day".
Mary sighed in defeat but nodded her head.
"Yes Winnie."
Sarah however, looked relieved.
    As we made our way from the woods and back up the hill to Mallory's house, we could see some of the neighborhood children running through the snow several houses away. Luckily, it was too cold for the sisters to care.
When we got back to the house, Mallory was still out. I put on a pot of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table with the sisters. By now, enough snow had fallen to where the hill behind the house was nothing but white.
Winnie and Mary watched the growing group of children play  from the kitchen window.

"Oooh better run home little ones before thou catches a cold." Mary mocked in a high pitched tone.

    Her sisters sniggered as they gazed outside. I smirked down at my lap and shook my head. I was glad Mallory wasn't there to hear that.
Just then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move just outside the other window. My heart dropped to my stomach and I whipped my head around to get a better look. Quickly though, I saw a blonde ponytail and realized it was just Mallory. Why was she entering through the back of the house?
That's when I noticed another head moving by the windows.
"Oh my god does she have a kid with her?"
I thought to myself.
When I got a better look, I saw that she was in fact carrying a little girl on her hip. Winnie noticed this too and watched as the pair made their way to the back door. The look on her face reminded me a lot of when Charlie the cat saw a squirrel or bird out the window.
The door opened and Mallory walked in with the young girl. After looking at her for a moment, I realized it was the same little girl we saw get off the school bus the other day. The red puffiness around her eyes told me she'd been crying.
   When Mallory saw us sitting at the table, her eyes widened and I could physically see her grip on the child tighten.

"H-hey guys!" she greeted with surprise and nervousness dripping from her voice.
"I thought you'd still be out doing your uh thing".

I shook my head.
"It's way too cold". I replied. I stared at her with wide eyes as if to silently say "What the fuck are you doing?".

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