Chapter 9: Proven

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    I allowed Sarah to drag me outside. Mary followed, carrying a small glass figurine of Satan. She set it on the stump I had stood on the day before. She giggled and pressed her tongue to her chin. Sarah stood beside her, clapping her hands and jumping happily.

"Now," said Mary, rolling up her sleeves.
"Like this."
    She squinted her eyes, crunched her nose up, and stuck her hands out. She began swirling her fingers. She didn't even have to recite a spell or anything. The figurine began to float. I stared, amazed. She made the figurine twist and turn in every direction as it floated. She even made it fly. It flew through the tree tops and everything, and it returned to her.

"Master loves to fly," Mary teased.

    I had a feeling that I would have a hard time with the magic, I didn't know why. I had to see if it even worked first. If it did, I would be very surprised. I watched happily as Mary and Sarah joked with one another. I found joy in these two, and in Winifred a little as well. I enjoyed watching Sarah and Mary laugh with one another. Mary placed the figurine back on the stump.

"Now, you try," she said happily.

Sarah took me by the shoulders and inched me up to the stump. She tapped my cuffs, signaling me to roll up my sleeves.

I copied Mary as she held her hands up, fingers extended. I then curled mine downward just as she did. She nodded. I felt awkward, attempting magic was something I had never done before. Something that I never thought existed. Sarah came to my side, and made me separate my legs a little. It felt like they were teaching me to golf or something.

"Now. Think: float," Mary instructed.

     I focused my eyes on the figurine. With my imagination, I pierced it's eyes, although it was simply made of glass. I took it that thought was behind all magic, so, with my mind, I tried to picture the figurine rising. But whenever I blinked, it was still on the stump. With all my might, I tried to surge my energy- and whatever magic I could find deep within- into my hands. It seemed as if I could feel the energy surge into my fingers and begin to build up. My eyes began to get sore, and my fingers began to tingle. I stared the figurine down.
"Come on, you piece of glass junk" I thought. "Float!"

    Suddenly, the figurine began to shake. I focused harder. From the corner of my eye, I could see Mary make two fists of hope, and I saw Sarah's eyes start to get big. They were expecting something amazing. I didn't really get them.
    The figurine began to tremble violently. For a moment there, I thought it would burst. But as I kept focusing, the base slowly began to ascend upward.
When I made it ascend about an inch, my wrists became become agonizingly painful. I cried out and snapped back. I hit the ground on my knees. I heard glass figurine fall onto the stump. My hands felt like they were on fire and my forehead began to burn.      When I closed my eyes, I could see two different color energies begin to swirl around one another, creating what looked like a DNA spiral. The two energies were blue and white. Although they were only in my mind, they were quite beautiful to look at. I curled my fingers painfully.

I felt Sarah grab my shoulders.
"Kaytrina? Art thou alright?"

"Yeah," I replied, panting.

"What did thou see?" Mary asked.

I panted. "I saw two colors...intertwining."

Mary gasped.
"Sarah! Her third eye hath been opened!" she said excitedly.

I slowly got to my feet. "My what?" I asked, still clutching my forehead.

"Thy third eye. It means that thou hath discovered thy powers within," Mary stated. She shook her fists excitedly.
"Can thou try again?" she asked.

    Truthfully, I didn't know if I could. It seemed that it had drained what little energy I had left. But I couldn't let Sarah and Mary down. They seemed to believe in me a little too much, and their excitement seemed to light a spark in me that I had never had before. So, I readied myself. I stuck my hand outward and curled my fingers, and the most phenomenal thing happened! My fingertips began to glow a pinkish color. As I focused, and brought the thoughts to me, the figurine ascended with ease. It lifted quickly, and when I held still, it hovered. I felt utterly amazing. I suddenly felt a surge of energy fill me, and I felt as if I could do anything. As Mary had done, I made the figurine dance across the air. When I got the hang of it I made it fly between branches and once I made it fly towards Sarah. She squealed and jumped back. When I figured out how to set it down without dropping it, I did, and I turned to Mary.
     Before I could speak, the sound of someone slowly clapping could be heard. At first, I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Finally, I looked up and saw Winifred hovering on her broom above us. Slowly, she began to descend.

"Well done, child!" she half-cheered.
"How dost thou feel? Now that I hath been proved right?"

Truthfully, I felt pretty good.

I was a witch.

Hocus Pocus: Rising of a Little WitchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin