When your boss asks you out on a date | Jay

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"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The marketing manager, Ujin, throws all the papers at you while he yells at you and you just stand there, head down low while you try not to kick him right there.

You really need the job, and being an intern, you can't even stand up for yourself.

"How could you mistake their names?" Knowing that he was the one who gave you the wrong names, you can't help but feel a lump form in your throat.

"It wasn't me."

It's not fair. Just because he has power over you doesn't mean he can bitch about you for a mistake he made.

"What?" He scoffs, his eyes looking you up and down. "Who else would make a mistake if it's not you?"

"You gave me the names and I just followed your instructions-" You've had enough of his shit, but his fist lands on the desk and makes you flinch.

"What?" The way he glares at you makes a shiver run down your spine. "If you fucking say any other word I'll-"

"You'll what?" However, when you see your boss stepping inside the place, you forget how to breathe.

"Mr. Park..." Ujin's voice is barely audible and he's trembling like a leaf when he bows politely at your boss, although he's not any polite.

"Say it." The way Park slowly approaches him, his eyes emotionless and cold while he stuffs his hands into his pockets is so hot and powerful.

His presence screams I have a big dick and I know how to use it and you can't even deny your attraction to him since the first day you stepped into his company.

But most of all, you're grateful to him for letting you have the opportunity of being an intern since his business is so well-known.

"I'm just letting her know about her mistake-" Park scoffs at his words, his eyebrow raising. You gulp.

"Her mistake? Weren't you the one who gave her the wrong names? I check everything you do, Ujin, you don't fool me."

"Fuck it, can't I make a mistake once-"

Park Jay grabs him by the collar and makes Ujin look at him. "What gives you the right to yell at her like that? You. don't. yell. at. her. Actually, you're fired."

You've been praying for this since you came to the company, but actually seeing Ujin get fired makes you feel guilty. Although he's a real dickhead.

Eyes are wide open around you and you look down, fidgeting with your fingers while listening to Park speak to Ujin.

"Y/N," Then you hear him call, making you look up at him with wide eyes. "Meet me at my office."

Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit.

For a moment, you forget how to breathe. Why does he want you to meet him at his office?

The thought of you getting fired before even being hired haunts you all the way to his office when you hesitantly knock on his door, taking a deep breath and telling yourself you'll just beg him to let you finish your internship.

"Come in," His voice penetrates your ears and goes deep inside your stomach while you open the door and step inside.

"You asked for me, sir." You stand in front of him, feeling like an open book under his gaze. Okay, you're not ready for whatever he's going to say but you'll just try and-

"Why did you let him talk to you that way?" That's certainly not something you were expecting him to say, and you don't even have an accurate answer for it.

Why, he asks? Well.

"He's the manager, I'm just an intern-" You say when you hear him sigh.

"Do you think an intern is any less worthy than an employee?" You just stare at him for a moment without saying anything, and he does the same.

His eyes hold some kind of worry and concern that makes you think he actually cares about you.

Somehow, it warms your heart.

"I was scared of being kicked out." You lower your head while you speak when you hear him stand up and make his way toward you.

Your heart is beating so fast that it could burst out of your chest when he holds your chin and gently makes you look at him.

"I wouldn't hesitate in firing Ujin, but you? I would never kick you out." Oh.

The way he chuckles a little makes you feel at ease but his touch makes you feel all warm and you can't utter a word.

"Don't let anyone talk to you that way again, okay? You're worth more than you think." O-okay?

Park smiles at you and goes back to his desk while you bow and thank him, quickly walking out of the office with red cheeks.

You didn't expect him to be this... nice? The way he talks to you and looks at you makes you feel special, however, he must care for all his employees so it doesn't mean anything.

Thoughts of him are all over your mind while you spend the day working. And before you know it, it's time to go home.

"Thank you for your hard work." One of the employees says and pats your back before you bow at them.

Everyone heads out and you stop at the entrance, trying to look for a taxi to call. But when you hear his voice from behind, you stop in your tracks.

"Do you mind if I drive you home?" When you turn around, he's leaning on the wall with his arms folded over his chest.

"It's okay, I'll just take a taxi-"

"No, your safety is my priority. Let me take you home." He smiles and you hesitantly nod, following after him while trying to calm yourself down.

Park opens the door of a black Mercedes and waits for you until you get in before closing it and walking to the other side.

You look down at your fidgeting fingers when he sits next to you, starting the car. He smells expensive, and his perfume is almost intoxicating.

You can feel him stealing glances at you but you don't look at him, slightly smiling while looking at the road.

"You know what? There's this new restaurant I wanted to try." He speaks, making you turn to him. "Let's have dinner together."

"Hm?" Your eyes widen a little and he chuckles.

"You deserve it, after all your hard work and efforts." You can't tell if it's just a simple dinner or date-

"And if you'd like, we can think of it as a date."

You feel your cheeks heat up as you blink in confusion. Butterflies are dancing inside your stomach and you feel your heart beat faster.

When you glance at him, he's smiling softly while looking at the road and driving with one hand, and it's so hot for some reason.

"Mr. Park..." You start, looking down at your fingers. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I like you." To say you screamed inside would be an understatement.

"I know I'm not supposed to have romantic feelings for my employees, but I can't help but want to know you more. You're just so kind and friendly with everyone and your smile is so beautiful I can't stop myself from liking you."

Your eyes meet and the eye contact makes you gulp. Not knowing what to say, you just smile a little and nod, but deep inside, you're screaming out of joy.

"And please, call me Jay."

"Sure." You chuckle, making his eyes widen a little. He loves it when you smile, and he looks forward to seeing your smile in every meeting and in every corner of the company.

The two of you have dinner and walk down the streets, chatting and laughing and speaking from your hearts. 

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