When your bodyguard gets hurt because of you | Sunghoon

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The moon casts a soft glow over the palace as you slip out of your chamber, your heart pounding in your chest.

Dressed in an elegant gown that shimmered like the night sky, You're determined to attend the extravagant party being held in honor of your upcoming birthday.

"I said you're not going!" Sunghoon, your bodyguard, says as he follows after you.

"You do not tell me what to do." You turn to him, tightening your fists until your knuckles turn white. "I am going to this party, Sunghoon."

There is this tension between the two of you as he looks into your eyes, clenching his jaw. He had guarded you since you were a child, and your bond forged through all those hours you spent together.

But your hearts yearned for more, trapped within the boundaries of duty and societal expectations.

"You don't know what you're doing. You're soon to be the queen of-"

"Yes, I'm soon to be your queen!" You snap at him, breathless. "You don't have a say in what I decide to do."

"I'm not trying to control you, I just want you safe! Your father won't tolerate this!" His eyes darken. "I fear for your life, and I fear for mine."

Your heart drops. The weight of the crown feels heavier than ever, threatening to suffocate you both.

"I will be fine." You sigh. The life your father wants for you is devoid of choice and happiness and you? You can't bear that. "Don't follow me, Sunghoon. This is an order."

It's all you mutter before you step away, leaving him battling his own thoughts. Disobeying your orders would be treason, but he would never forgive himself if something were to happen to you.

You, on the other hand, feel bad for the way you spoke to him. You know he cares deeply for you and only wants to protect you.

"Y/N, this is your party. You should be happy." Your friends hold your hands and smile at you while you ride in the car. "I'm so happy Sunghoon isn't here. We can finally have fun."

You can't shake off the guilt that clings to your heart for the way you had spoken to Sunghoon. The realization of the pain you had caused him weighs heavily on you but you still fake your best smile at them.

The car pulls up to the grand venue where the celebration is being held, and you take a deep breath, trying to stop thinking of Sunghoon. Stepping out of the vehicle, you're greeted by the excited chatter and joyful laughter of your friends in masks.

You smile at them, taking out your own mask before you wear it. You've been wearing one all along without anyone around you realizing it.

At the party, you dance with masked strangers, a secret smile playing on your lips. The music swirls around you, the intoxicating atmosphere pulling you deeper into the night's enchantment.

Little did you know, Sunghon had successfully infiltrated the whole place, his eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of danger.

He could let you hate him, but he couldn't let anything happen to you.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" The sound of screaming and glass shattering makes you freeze as you turn to see what's happening. "You're fucked!"

Two strangers are fighting and in a split second, time seems to stand still as chaos erupts around you. The sound of the gunshot reverberates through the air, mingling with gasps of fear and cries for help.

You're frozen, but when the gun points your way, the world seems to fade into the background as your focus narrows down to the figure shielding you with his own body.

You could recognize his smell from a distance, and his touch is something you can never forget. It takes a moment for your mind to process the situation, and when it finally registers, panic surges through your veins.

"Sunghoon." You breathe, a wave of adrenaline washing over you as you push him off you, urging him to get up and take cover.

A wave of adrenaline washes over you, and you push against Sunghoon, urging him to get up and take cover.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, you find temporary refuge, hidden from the immediate danger. Sunghoon's breathing is labored, his hand pressed against his side where the bullet had found its mark. "They will stop him, don't worry-"

"Why did you do this?" Your eyes well up with tears as you stand in front of him, your body trembling. "You could have been hurt even more!"

"It's nothing. I would take a thousand bullets if it meant keeping you safe." His words make tears stream down your face as the sound of sirens grows louder, signaling the approaching help.

Before you know it, you're in the palace with Sunghoon by your side while you try to help him walk. You reach your room and let him sit on your bed before you look for first aid supplies. Your hands tremble as you gather the necessary items, your mind racing with worry and the weight of the night's events.

"Your father is coming tomorrow... he's going to kill me." He says and you stop, gulping.

"If anything he should be thankful. I was the one who risked my life, you were the one who saved me." You quickly sit next to him, putting down the items on your bed.

"I'll do it again if I have to." His voice makes you feel things you shouldn't be feeling, and before you're too distracted, you take a deep breath and then sigh.

"Take off your shirt." You say, realizing that it sounds a bit wrong. "I need to treat your wound."

He gives you a faint smile before he carefully takes off his shirt, his chiseled abs making you aware of your racing heart. The sight of his bare torso, strong and vulnerable, evokes desire within you.

You gulp, slowly and carefully dressing his injury all the while fighting the surge of feelings that threaten to consume you.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. I shouldn't have said-"

"No," He mutters, his voice barely audible above the whispering night breeze. "You were right...you've always been my queen. Every moment you're out there, my heart aches with worry. All I ever am is worried about you."

You slowly reach out and gently place your hand on his cheek, your touch tender and full of emotion. "Sunghoon," You whisper, your voice a breath. "I know you care for me. But can't you see that this longing in my heart, it includes you too?"

The realization hits him like a tidal wave, crashing against the walls he had erected around his emotions. His gaze bears into yours, searching for confirmation for a sign that his feelings are reciprocated.

And in that moment, as your eyes lock, the tension between the two of you reaches its breaking point.

Without uttering another word, you lean forward, your lips brushing against Sunghoon's. He freezes and you think that maybe he doesn't want this.

But when you're about to pull away, he grabs your waist and pulls you closer, his lips melding with yours in a passionate embrace.

The floodgates of pent-up desire and unspoken longing are finally unleashed, igniting a fire that burns with an intensity neither of you can deny.

"I'll protect you with my life, Y/N because I love you," He whispers against your lips. "I always have, always will."

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