When you give him the silent treatment and he cries | Sunghoon

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"Do you even know how late it is?" You throw your hands in the air out of frustration when Sunghoon, your boyfriend, comes back at 3 a.m., stumbling slightly as he enters the living room. He's clearly had a few too many drinks, and you can smell the alcohol on his breath.

He blinks at you, his eyes unfocused for a moment before he attempts a sheepish grin. His hair is disheveled, and he looks disoriented, which only frustrates you further.

"Darling, I missed you," He mumbles, his words slurring slightly. He takes a few steps closer to you, trying to wrap his arms around you but you pull away, not in the mood for his intoxicated affection right now.

"Look at you, Sunghoon. You're a mess." You sigh and shake your head. It's hard to stay angry when you see him in this state, but you're really annoyed by his behavior the last few days.

You know very well that they have a comeback soon and that he's too stressed sometimes he needs to unwind, but now it's getting out of hand.

Sunghoon pouts, his brow furrowing as he struggles to maintain his balance. "I'm fine, darling. Just had a few drinks with the guys, that's all."

"A few? Sunghoon, you're practically swaying on your feet." You raise your voice when you can't stop your anger anymore.

He runs a hand through his disheveled hair, looking away while he sighs. "You're being annoying right now."

"What?" You scoff and take a step closer, your frustration mounting. "I'm annoying because I'm worried about you? Because I care about your well-being?"

"I didn't ask you to worry about me!" Sunghoon's response stings like a slap in the face and it doesn't seem like he's going to stop. "Every day... you're just so self-righteous, always trying to control everything I do."

Your eyes widen in disbelief. His words hurt more than you expected. "Well, if you weren't so reckless, I wouldn't have to worry so much!"

Sunghoon's face contorts with frustration, and he takes a step back, his balance still wobbly. "I can handle myself, okay? I don't need you breathing down my neck all the time."

"It's not like I just want to be breathing down your neck, Sunghoon, but when you come home like this, it's hard for me not to be worried and frustrated."

He rubs his temples as if trying to soothe a headache that's crept up on him. "I just needed a break, okay? But now you're making me regret even coming home."

You watch as he sits down heavily on the couch, burying his face in his hands. You didn't want to argue like this, especially not in the middle of the night, but it seems like he's not in the right state of mind to have a rational conversation.

"Okay, I won't bother you." You walk away and into your room, before you swing the door shut and cry for the whole night while trying to make sense of the situation and your feelings. The night feels long and heavy with worry, but eventually, exhaustion takes over, and you drift off to sleep.

The next morning, you wake up to the sound of Sunghoon in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. You silently make your way to the bathroom and take a shower, trying not to think too much about him.

"Good morning," When you walk to the kitchen, Sunghoon looks up from the stove, a faint smile on his face.

Without saying a word, you start making coffee while he frowns and waits for you to say something. Instead, when you're done making your coffee, you head to the living room and silently make yourself comfortable.

"Y/N," He follows you and when you don't look at him, he crouches down in front of you. "I'm sorry about last night. I can't remember everything but I-"

"It's okay. You don't have to remember everything, I did." You mutter, still avoiding his eyes. And when he reaches out to gently lift your chin so that you meet his eyes, you pull away.

"Y/N," He whispers, your name like a plea in his voice. "Darling, I'm so sorry. I was just frustrated and drunk. I would never intentionally hurt you or say those things if I was in my right mind. Please, can we talk about this? Don't leave me hanging like this."

"I really don't want to talk to you, Sunghoon. What you said still stings," you admit, your voice heavy with hurt and disappointment. "So please leave me alone."

You can hear him sigh deeply and when you look at him, it looks like he's struggling to hold back tears. He slowly puts his forehead against your lap and all you can hear is his deep, ragged breaths.

"I messed up, Y/N," Sunghoon is crying. Your boyfriend, usually so composed and strong, is now breaking down in front of you. "I know I did. I hurt you, and I hate myself for it. I wish I could take back everything I said. But I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world."

You sigh deeply, your heart aching for him despite your own pain. Gently, you run your fingers through his hair and he almost melts into your touch.

"I'm not trying to guilt trip you," He wipes his tears and puts his hands over his face so you don't have to see him cry.

"I've always wanted you to see me shine on stage, and I've been working so hard to make you proud, but I lost sight of what really matters. I lost sight of you, and that's my biggest regret."

While the pain is still fresh, you also understand the pressure and stress he's been under, especially with his career.

You know he works hard for his fans and for you, and sometimes the stress is too much and he might end up making poor choices.

You reach out and gently cup his face in your hands, lifting his tear-stained eyes to meet yours. "Sunghoon, I do see you shine on stage, and I'm incredibly proud of everything you've achieved. But I also need you to see me, to see us, and to remember that our relationship is just as important. I don't mind waiting for you until 3 a.m., I would even wait forever if it means you're safe and happy. But when you come back home drunk and unreachable, it scares me and hurts me."

"I'm sorry, darling... I'm so sorry." His eyes search yours while he reaches to hold your hand and intertwine your fingers. "I understand if you're angry and disappointed in me. I never wanted to hurt you like this. You mean everything to me."

You smile a little and lean forward, softly kissing his lips. They taste of salty tears, blending with his remorse and the love he holds for you.

"You mean the world to me, Sunghoon, that's why I got so upset." You wipe his tears and he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer in a warm embrace.

He kisses your shoulder and it's enough to make the hurt vanish like it was never there.

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