When he draws you and hangs your portrait in his room | Niki

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"What are you looking at?" You snap at Niki and he scoffs, raising his head to look at you.

"I was blank staring, you idiot. You look like a wall."

"Well, sorry for looking like a wall. Not all of us can be as handsome as you, Mr. Charmer." You roll your eyes and he sighs, turning his head to look at the other side of the library.

"Why are you even here? Don't you study in the backyard or something?" You can hear him say and your eyes slightly widen.

"How do you know that?" You ask but he doesn't answer, all you can hear is his soft breathing, indicating that he's fast asleep.

Slowly and silently getting up, you make your way towards him before you couch next to him, silently watching as he sleeps.

He definitely looks more peaceful when he doesn't open his mouth and when his dark eyes don't glare at you.

Lost in your thoughts, you absentmindedly reach out to brush a stray lock of hair away from his forehead. Your touch is light, almost imperceptible, yet it elicits a subtle change in his expression.

As your fingers graze Niki's forehead, his eyelids flutter open, revealing his dark, captivating eyes. You freeze, momentarily caught off guard by the sudden interaction. His hand swiftly reaches out, catching hold of your wrist as you attempt to withdraw.

His grip is firm yet gentle, and he holds your gaze with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.

His voice, uncharacteristically soft, breaks the silence. "Why are you watching me sleep?"

Caught off guard by his question, you stumble for words, your mind racing to find an answer. Niki's eyes search yours, awaiting a response that you're not entirely sure of yourself.

The truth lingers on the tip of your tongue, and with a hesitant breath, you finally manage to speak. "I... I was just... curious, I suppose."

Niki releases your wrist, his hand falling back to his side. "Curiosity can be a dangerous thing. Come on, you don't want to be late for Art class." He mutters before he stands up and leaves.

And you just stay there, confused and dumbfounded. Why did he sound so... sad and melancholic? You shrug it off and follow him to class where the teacher waits for you with the white canvas placed in a circle with one chair in the middle.

"We'll choose one person who'll sit there, and every one of you should draw them from your point of view." The teacher looks at you and smiles. "Would you like to sit there, Y/N?"

Your eyes widen for a moment as you look at your classmates, but when they smile and nod at you, you make your way to the center.

"Teacher, can I sit here-" One of your classmates points at the chair right in front of you when Niki pushes him away.

"It's my place." He looks at you, folding his arms over his chest.

The teacher nods, acknowledging Niki's insistence, and gestures for the class to begin. As your classmates settle into their positions, you find yourself in the center of the circle, feeling nervous yet excited all at once.

You're staring at him while he carefully chooses his art supplies. Then his eyes are on you, and you hold your breath. His eyes lock onto yours, his gaze filled with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.

There's something different about the way he looks at you now. You become acutely aware of being the subject of Niki's artistic vision, his interpretation of you.

The thought both excites and unsettles you, as you wonder what he sees when he looks at you, beyond the surface level.

And before you knew it, the class comes to an end and every one shows you their paintings of you before they leave. Except for Niki.

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