When you meet your ex-boyfriend at a wedding | Heeseung

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Weddings are beautiful. I've always wanted to have one myself, someday. The thought of walking down the aisle, wearing a beautiful white dress, and exchanging vows with the love of my life fills me with joy and excitement.

But because of Heeseung, all these dreams are shattered.

It feels as though my heart has been carved out, leaving behind a hollow ache that echoes through my every breath.

Heeseung, with his captivating smile and gentle touch, swept me off my feet and into a world where love knew no bounds. We were supposed to be each other's forever, the promise of eternity etched into our souls.

Yet, fate had different plans, cruel and unrelenting. Heeseung slipped through my fingers like sand, leaving me grasping at the fragments of what once was. Our love story dissolved into a bittersweet memory, the pages torn and scattered by the winds of change.

I find myself standing on the precipice of what could have been, staring into an abyss of shattered dreams.

The vision of that white dress fades, replaced by the harsh reality of unfulfilled promises and broken hearts. The pain, raw and unforgiving, threatens to consume me whole.

But I let out a heavy sigh and walk out of the house when I hear Jake's car pull up in front of the place. We're both invited to a friend's wedding, so he promised to pick me up.

"Hey," He says as I slide into the passenger seat. "How have you been?"

"Good." Lies. I force a smile but he doesn't seem to believe it. It just seems that he's concerned.

"You don't have to pretend, you know." He says softly, his voice a gentle caress against the jagged edges of my heart. "I'm here for you, no matter what."

I genuinely smile at that, even though it's a bitter smile, but we're getting there. "Thank you."

He starts the car and we drive in silence while I watch the sun cast its golden glow upon the world outside. But my world is a desolate landscape, devoid of color and life. The sunsets lose their brilliance, painting the sky in muted shades of gray, mirroring the emptiness within.

When we arrive at the wedding venue, I step out of the car, only to be met by the sight of couples embracing, their laughter dancing in the air, and it stirs a bittersweet ache within me.

But then he holds my hand and smiles at me. "Let's celebrate love today, hm?"

Jake has been my friend for so long, and I love how he knows nothing could heal my wounded heart, but at least he knows his words can provide some comfort. So I nod and let him lead me into the wedding venue.

Inside, the room is filled with the sweet scent of flowers, and the soft glow of candles sets the mood for romance. The bride, our friend, and the groom are standing at the altar, gazing into each other's eyes with love and adoration. And it's hard not to feel jealous.

But this is not about me, so I smile at them and cheer for the love that I couldn't protect.

Jake is standing by my side as I look around, but when my gaze falls on him, I freeze. He's standing a few feet from us, and he doesn't seem to notice me. But the moment he turns his head, our eyes meet.

In that split second, time seems to stand still. The world around us fades into the background, and it's as if we're the only two people in the room.

His eyes, usually warm and inviting, now hold a glimmer of surprise and recognition.

So many emotions swirl within me — uncertainty, longing, and a hint of fear. I wonder if he still remembers, if the memories of our past linger in his heart as they do in mine.

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